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Everything posted by atozmom

  1. You are very welcome. :) I like to create my own, but if I ever need something in a hurry, I have this page bookmarked for back up.
  2. Have you taken a look at the sample of the American Authors book? Here it is. Look at that and see if the programs your DC have used diagram and parse things the same as AG. If not, then you might have a bit of an issue.
  3. Can you post the name of the book that you are referring too? Did it have other history projects as well? This project really sounds like something my son would love and we are doing volume 2 next year. Thanks :)
  4. We have been using volume 1 all year. We are really enjoying it and will continue with the next volume (which I already have) next year. We do add other books to it when we come across a subject that really interests DS. I actually use the book lists out of out TQ AHYS guides. I have also added in a few topics that ALH did not cover that I new DS would enjoy. We have several books that I use for craft/project ideas to go along with several of the chapters. We do not use the journal, but do our own timeline. I plan to continue like this all the way through volume 3. After that we will cover World History using MOH.
  5. While I really like WWW, I don't think we'll stick with it for the long haul. It has been a great, gentle introduction and we will continue with it next year. I will also continue to combine it with WWE as I too plan on using WWS with DS later on down the road.
  6. DS is doing very well with WWW and does not complain either. However, I am about to add in WWE a couple of days a week as well. Narration with history and science just isn't getting done. We end up going down too many different rabbit trails.
  7. I do it all the time. With our busy schedule, I don't always have time to go hunt down all the books myself. Actually, in the beginning, I apologized for having quite a few on hold during one check out. The librarian said "please do not apologize, that's one of the things we get paid to do." However, I do not request a book and then let it sit there on hold for several days. Once I receive a notice that the books are in, I go pick them up.
  8. :lol: I have been thinking the same thing. I will take lots of notes while I have it. Then if I think I need it again I will make a trip to the library. I just don't have room for this on my shelves either.
  9. Thanks Misty! I have actually been looking into this more and don't think we will continue the 3-6-9. Just the Omega 3.
  10. Oh my goodness. I was able to pick up Nutrional Healing today from the library (the other one is being transfered from another library in our county). It is the size of a phone book! I did ask for a book with a lot of information. :lol:
  11. We started DS off in level 2 with no problems this year. I think it will be fine.
  12. He actually does eat quite a variety. A lot more than other kids I know. I just need to start introducing new ones and stay with it until he eats them well. This would definitely explain his love for chocolate! :lol: We do not have a Trader Joes. I so wish we did. We have one health food store here. It has an ok selection, but not the best. I have to rely on that and the Greenwise/GF selection at Publix. Not a lot to choose from unless I start ordering online.
  13. Wow, thank you for taking the time to type all of that out. I will be looking into your suggestions. He just starting taking Primadophilus so I am hoping to see results with that. We would not be able to implement the wheat germ as we are going GF, but I will check into the other foods you mentioned. I bet he would like the pumpkin seeds. He is a little picky about vegetables, but not horribly so. Thanks again. It looks like I have a lot of studying to do. :tongue_smilie:
  14. There are a couple at homeschool classifieds too.
  15. Both of the books that Julie recommended are in my local library system!!! I just requested them. Doing the happy dance. :party:
  16. I just checked online with our local Barnes and Noble and "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", "The Vitamin Bible" and "The Idiot Guide" are all available in the store for me to look through! Now if I can get a chance to get there without DS I'll be set. :lol: Speaking of DS, time to get him in bed. :001_smile:
  17. Edited my post above to add another one in a thread by Julie
  18. Yes, I have that one in my cart too. I also found this, this and a complete idiots guide. :lol: I also just found this one (Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements" by Phyllis A. Balch) when searching the boards. It was another book recommended by Julie. Thanks Julie!
  19. No apologies. :001_smile: He actually is already taking Omega 3-6-9 so what you mentioned would be something that I would like to look into. I have looked at both of those books several times. I would really like to get them and a really good book on supplements and vitamins. My Amazon cart just keeps getting more and more expensive. :lol:
  20. Thank you, I will check into that as well. The sources of food that contain Omega 6 as per the quote above, we do not eat a lot of. Finding baked goods and cereals that are GF and dye and preservative free has been hard, not to mention expensive. As far as meat goes, we tend to eat mostly chicken and pork. We may have red meat once a week. But I will still be looking into it all. Can anyone recommend any other good books that contain all of this information? Searching multiple websites each having varying opinions is making my head spin. :tongue_smilie:
  21. He has already had an eval with the physical therapist. I think someone accidentally tossed my paper with notes so I will pull most of this from memory. (I will be calling on Mon so I can get everything in writing again.) His biggest issue was tight, weak hamstrings. This is causing a misalignment in his lower and upper back, causing tight muscles in those areas. He also has poor posture. We have a set of 6 exercises to be doing everyday to help strengthen his hamstrings. Once his insurance approves the physical therapy, he will go twice a week for 8-12 weeks. I didn't even think to ask her what type of pillow would be best for him. Thank you, I will ask that as well. We are also just starting a GF diet as he does have issues with irregularity and Gluten is a factor for me. We are already dye free and preservative free. I was also going to be adding calcium, magnesium and zinc starting next week. I am headed to the health food store tomorrow. Is there a particular brand that you recommend over others? I was going to get Nature's Way.
  22. My DS is currently taking a kids chewable multi-vitamin, Nordic naturals Omega 3-6-9 Junior and Nature's Way Primadophilus Children. He will be starting physical therapy for some back and neck pain that he has. Someone recommended Nature's Way Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc as it would be good for his muscles. So I will be adding that in as well. I also want to add Nature's Way 5-HTP to help with his focus, attention and mild mood swings. His multi-vitamins say they contain 2mg B6 and the 5-HTP contains 10mg B6. Will this be too much B6? When I do a google search I get a lot of conflicting answers about what is too much B6. Any advice from experienced moms? TIA as I am new to vitamins and supplements. :001_smile:
  23. I never received a discount buying at the convention, just no shipping charges. And actually, I was charged tax at the convention, whereas I would not have been if I had ordered on line. So the price wasn't really any different.
  24. DS used Primer and half of Alpha when we made the switch over to CLE Math 100. It has gone very well. We are in 200 now and still going strong. I will say that the foundation in place value that he got in MUS Primer was great. He has never had a problem with place value and I attribute this to MUS. In the beginning, we still used the MUS blocks when doing addition and subtraction in CLE. We still sometimes pull them out just for fun.
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