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Posts posted by Bree

  1. They have combs that shock the lice. I have one called a robi comb. It kills them quickly and you can use it to make sure there are no living ones when your family comes. I had lice once and with crazy thick hair it's hard sometimes to make sure u have them all. I think I got it at walmart. It was a life saver for me :)

  2. I know.  The thread title was confusing.  But in the MFW thread that Calming Tea started, blessedmom3 posted the following:


    "What about HOD? I don't know much about Calvert, but after trying a traditional approach (Abeka) I went with MFW and my ADD brain wasn't happy...too much planning for me,too much freedom,not to mention that I thought my oldest wasn't challenged enough. HOD works,my kids enjoy it,I'm a happy mommy now  :) I love the boxes and all the planning done for me. My son (a 5th grader) works mostly independently. The history is interesting, using some easy , student directed hands-onprojects, the writing is excellent,especially combined with Rod&staff grammar. We supplement a little the science,only because my son is hungry for more. The way HOD is planned,leaves plenty of room to supplement. 

    Plus, with HOD you don't have to jump in a certain history period,just go from where your child places in skills,according to their placement. Sorry,you didn't ask about HOD and I intrude here  :) but just thought I'd offer another option as it seems it's not a popular curriculum yet."


    (I wish I knew how to post a quote in a new thread....sorry)  The bolded part above really resonated with me.  I find myself loving the idea of planning my own thing, but then I have a hard time staying focused on what I have chosen and sticking with my own plan.  Then I try something like HOD and I get irritated with trying to stick with such detailed lesson plans day in and day out.  So I swing back to doing my own thing, but I can't seem to get a grip on what is a reasonable amount of material/assignments etc. so I look to a pre-planned curriculum for structure ideas and then just think, "Why not just use that since it's all planned out for me?" 


    Then I get irritated by the detailed lesson plans.....wash. rinse. repeat.  You get the idea. The cycle continues.


    Is it an "ADD brain"? or am I just undisciplined?  Is it just a self-confidence issue? seriously asking.


    Basically, I feel hindered by someone else's plan.  I love the creativity of choosing my own materials, but can't seem to reign myself in from planning too much or letting something go that we don't have time for.


    blessedmom3 made me feel like maybe I wasn't the only one. :)




    Wow, this describes me in a nutshell. I would definitely attribute some to the ADD :) I actually have HOD and Sonlight going because after so many weeks I can't handle it anymore and need to switch up stuff or I go a little nuts ;) I have found that I can go longer with HOD than any other program. The only way we get through our SL stuff if because ds is old enough to do it on his own so I just pass him the stuff and he does it.


  3. Have you looked into the ICAN group on facebook for your area. They were able to give me some good options to VBA2C. I did have to drive an hour but it was worth it. I am usually late by over a week with my babies, but I did actually go into labor and deliver my 2nd on her due date, so you never know. VBAC for me has a lot quicker recover than a section and it doesn't hurt so much if the kids jump on you after ;)

  4. My dd has SPD/ADHD and is on meds too. We talk about it with her. She does know about ADHD especially since there is an older boy that goes to our church that has ADHD and he likes to talk about it a lot and he has a harder time controlling himself. We try not to make a big deal out of it because I don't want her to feel "different". Talking about her meds and how they effect her has helped with getting the right dose for her. For her it helps her feel more in control of herself knowing what is going on I would say. 

  5. I would probably lean more to B than B/C but you could do B/C. I say that since we are using C right now and it is good for 3rd grade but I think it would of been somewhat challenging for 2nd grade, but it would really depend on how well you think your youngest would do. It should be no problem for a 4th grade though. Yes they do still sell separate guides for the readers 1- 4/5. here's a link http://www.sonlight.com/search.html?search=readers%20guide

  6. This year I have noticed with my 3rd grader I have had to reorder the subjects that I do school in. I like to do LA and math in the afternoon when the littles are asleep but usually by that time my 3rd grader has more problems focusing and falling out of his chair (he's not ADHD either (maybe ADD though)) I have also used extra copywork  or taking away privileges and that has helped for us. At times I do have to separate my 2 during school because they will play off each others attitude and then I will separate them and have one work on something independently and work with the other and then switch.

  7. I let my 2 littles ones roam the house and play with their things while I do school with the 2 older ones. I don't try to do activities with the littles ones while doing school with the big ones because it causes too much distraction for the older ones learning and makes me overwhelmed. :) When I did Kindergarten and had 2 little ones I did a chunk during quiet time. Ours usually lasted 2 hours so I worked with ds for an hour and left myself an hour for me to have a break :)

  8. for a 6 year old I just have them narrate back to me. You can find notebooking pages to go along with it. I just keep a folder with their coloring pages, mapwork and narration pages. I have 2 doing it together. My 3rd grader does his own writing for narrationsThis first link is some notebooking pages you could do 


    I just like the link to the 2nd and also if you do yahoo there are some nice resources on hannah hs helps



    (hopefully link works :) )

  9. Anyone notice a difference with their child's SPD when going on meds. DD is on Concerta 18 for the last month and it has been wonderful dealing with her ADHD, but I've really noticed some of her SPD issues coming back up, especially her clothing right now. I was just wondering if this is normal (poor dd is wrapped in a blanket right now and wont put on any cloths :( )

  10. So ds has done well with AAS till just recently. I'm not sure if the rules are confusing him or what's going on. All of a sudden he wants to add in all these extra vowels to words, we're not even at words where they are 2 vowels combined yet (about half way through book 2) and then he will throw in some strange consonants that make no sense, he doesn't have any hearing problems either. He has always done pretty well with the program but all of a sudden he is probably spelling correct maybe 2 out 10 words correct He also tends to be very visual so I'm wondering if maybe I should let him study the words prior to doing the dictation exercises? Not sure...any help would be great :)

  11. I would say that is fairly normal for that age at our house. My oldest really was able to get into it at about 2nd grade. We tried Apologia for 1st and finished Astronomy his 2nd grade year and it fit a lot better then. If you are having trouble with SOTW I would also suggest adding in picture books that the AG recommend. Those really help my dd. She will sit in on the SOTW reading but really gets more out of the extras :) We also had a little trouble with WWE and narrations at time. Some of the stories my kids get into but others don't hold their attention that well so they don't remember as much. We actually are going a little slower with WWE so my 1st grader is using WWE 1 but I probably will stretch it over the 1st and 2nd grade year. WWE 2 has been a perfect fit for my 3rd grader this year. I would suggest spending a little extra time reading really easy books and then just have them tell back to you some of the story and you can ask questions so they get use to narration. I did this more with my 2nd dd and those skills have been easier for her to pick up than my 1st had because I never had him do that. 

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