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Posts posted by Bree

  1. I love my dd, she just turned 6 but her behavior is really bringing me to the breaking point :(

    I thought as she got older her behavior would get better and we do the time out thing pretty consistent I have 3 other kids and non of them act like her. It's like she has no self control, or most the time doesn't. She will get in people's faces and growl too, kinda like an animal would and she will hit at times and bit her 3 year old sister. I keep up with one on one time with her too. I am taking her to the physician Monday to talk with them. They said they would probably send me somewhere else but they schedule really far out and wondered if anyone could give me advice. We stick to a pretty regular routine because she does better with that, but her behavior is getting harder to handle since she is getting a lot bigger and stronger :( HELP!!!!

  2. I think also CS rates are higher is because they scare you to death that you are going to burst open if you have had a previous c-section!!! I was also reading on one sight that more emergency c-sections are done between the hours of 8am-5pm and drops during the docs off hours :). My 1st baby was c-section because I didn't progress fast enough then my doc told me that my pelvis was very small and I probably wouldn't of been able to push my 6 lb baby out. My 2nd was a VBAC and I had no problem pushing my 8 lb baby out ;) (used the same doc too). We moved states for #3 and she was ok with me doing a VBAC even though she had never done one before. She admitted to me it would be malpractice if she didn't allow it but when time came the ultrasound showed my baby was big so we had to immediately do a c-section (ok she was a whopping 9lb 11 oz baby). Our last one was done with midwife at Vanderbilt Hospital and they let me do a VBA2C. It was an amazing experience. I was given the option of having a c-section as soon as I got there but really didn't want to do that if not totally necessary. Anyway, most people around here who have known that I had a VBAC seem to be totally shocked that I survived the experience and didn't pop open so my thoughts are fear of the unknown and lack of knowing that they are just as many different risks for having more c-sections :)

  3. I have only used HOD out of those 2 and I would say that HOD sounds like it would fit your needs nicely. I think Little Hearts took about 30 minutes total for us to complete and that was with math and reading. The history reading at times can be a little heavier but not that bad. I think the only stretch we had was the bible devotional they used. I have used some LHFHG for my K dd. She isn't into the motions and stuff and doesn't like to be told how to "play". She is a type A personality I guess and wants to be in control of what is going on and make it up herself. That's just her though. Love the science because most of the stuff you will have at home so it wont require you any extra trips. Truthfully, it does really depend on your dc and their attention span. I have used SL for my older ds and so my K dd this year has sat through books like Charlotte's Web at age 4, not that she remembers most of it, but she is use to longer readings. I woldn't feel bad though to wait till 1st grade to start. I used Beyond with my 2nd grader this year and it was a nice program overall. I like the daily layout also more than the weekly grid that way if I don't get to something I don't feel guilty about not doing it the next day and I am not constantly thinking about all that I need to do this week in school and wondering if it will all get done :) HTHAL.

  4. Praying for your family. I lost my best friend suddenly about 5 months ago and she was pregnant with her first baby. My kids were very attached to her too and I think it took about a good month for us to be functioning, all of us. Take your time to grieve. So sorry for your loss :(

  5. So my dd is 6 and has SPD and some attention issues. She can listen better I have noticed when she is by herself. So thinking about school for her next year I was wondering if combining her with her big brother would ever work or I should keep her separate from him. She is strong in math and reading but we tend to have a harder time with the other subjects. She is only going to be in 1st grade next year so I know what is important is her 3R's...guess I am just looking for advice since she is so different from my older ds :) THanks.

  6. I use my bathroom trash can and my kids have a large bowl they use. If there are multiple kids sick we just break out any large bowl or pot. Dh never gets sick. We try to hit the toilet but my kids pace all over the house when they get sick so they don't always make it :)

  7. Next year dd will be in first and plan on using

    Math: finish Singapore 1 and some horizons 1 since she loves math

    Finish TRL and move into SL readers 2


    FLL or Shurley


    SL core A and Sci A (well unless I combine her with her older bro)

    Ok so I guess I don't know what we are doing exactly but I already have it all :)

  8. So far...

    3rd grade for ds

    Sonlight core C with SOTW 2

    SL Sci C

    Finish SM 2 and move onto 3 with some LOF

    SL LA 4/5 with readers

    FLL or Shurley for grammar


    HWT 3

    Piano and TKD


    Dd 1st grade she will either do SL core A or might try to combine her with ds using core c

    Math Horizons 1 or Singapore 1b or both :)

    Finish TRL and move onto SL readers 2

    FLL 1 finish and either do 2 or Shurley 1



  9. So I have both of these and was wanting to combine them but which do you think would be easier, filling in SOTW to fit the sonlight schedule or just plugging in the history books from Sonlight into SOTW (I haven't gotten far enough to see if they are all in the AG). Thanks :)

  10. well I will take a little shot...I have 1-3. I was going to skip 2 and go straight into 3 with my ds but he wasn't ready for the workload, mostly dictionary and vocab work so I went ahead and got level 2 and plan on using 3 next year for his third grade year. I don't have any experience with above 3 but I have heard you can skip levels, but I was under the impression that they just didn't use it the next year...hopefully someone can chime in that knows more ;)

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