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Posts posted by Bree

  1. We tried SOTW 1 for my 1st dc K year and it was too much. We are going through SOTW 2 now and it has been a lot better. DS is just starting 3rd grade and does great with it. My 6 year old listens to most but she loves the extra books we get from the library most of the time :)

  2. We did WWE1 in first but didn't start WWE2 till 3rd because of the dictation and it has been a lot better fit so second time around I would have no problem waiting till 2nd grade to start WWE1 or doing it slowly over 2 years. I think for us I want to spend time mastering handwriting in first before going into a writing program again.

  3. I guess a better way to rephrase was if we stick with SM for the long haul and use say Discovering Math after finishing 6B is there a certain grade I should start that? or do I need to finish all the SM Primary books before hitting pre-Algebra, Algebra etc.,.

  4. So ds loves Singapore math but I think we are at a point where we need to slow down. We are about half way through 2B at the end of his 2nd grade year. I am just wondering what level should I be able to get through during the next few years, say if we did 2B-3A for third, 3B-4A for fourth? Not quite sure what I need to aim for. Thanks :)

  5. So I've been going over some math with ds and I think it is mostly the word problems he is having trouble with. Should I look more into working with that or would it be better to look at a program with less word problems?

  6. So I've been going over some math with ds and I think it is mostly the word problems he is having trouble with. Should I look more into working with that or would it be better to look at a program with less word problems?

  7. Ds is on Singapore 2b about half way through and he has hit a wall. He is getting about 2 or 3 problems right a page. We go over it afterwards and review concepts before he does his work but I am thinking we might need to move away from SM, any suggestions?

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