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Posts posted by bodiesmom

  1. I grew up in a neighborhood and since I've been married we've lived in the country where we can just barely see a neighbor's house. Kids can make friends elsewhere. I love the fact that we can chose my kid's friends instead of them having to play with whatever kids live in our neighborhood. We don't have to deal with annoying kids who knock on your door every ten minutes or mean neighbor kids. I just can't imagine living in a neighborhood.

    LOVE this! Thank you for this insight! We have found a couple of absolutely gorgeous homes that would qualify as a "dream home" but my mind always goes back to the kids. You are sooooo right! Hmmmmmm.....going to go take another look at those homes through different lenses. THANK YOU!

  2. No neighborhood. ;)

    I had to chuckle at this one because my DH wants to live out in the middle of nowhere. I want a neighborhood so that my kiddos can make some friends. ;-) Once they are out on their own...we can talk about the boonies. ;-)


    I do have an embarrassingly dumb question....how do you figure out a neighborhood's diversity (both age and culturally)? As a pp mentioned, I, too, would love to have a variety of ages....young families, older couples, etc.. How do you figure that out? The realtor? Looking for telltale signs such as bikes, scooters, basketball hoops, kids running around? I know this sounds ridiculous....forgive my lack of foresight here.

  3. It could be converted to a shed, though it would be small (4x6ish) and about 2 feet off the ground....which I guess could be a plus for those of us with back problems. Hmmmmm lots to think about- thank you!


    Oh and definitely would NOT leave the chickens here, unless the buyer specifically asked for them. Hey, no need to wait for baby chicks to grow! Instant fresh eggs the day you move in. :-)

  4. If you were interested in a home that had a chicken coop, yet had NO desire to own any kind of fowl, would it be a deal breaker for you? Our coop is a rather nice one, yet nonetheless it is still a chicken coop.

  5. I had my first one at 37 due to a painful lump that came on suddenly. I have small,very dense and lumpy breasts (awesome combination....let me tell ya) so I have continued to have mammograms annually. In fact I'm due next month (I'm now 41) for my annual mammogram and have debated even getting one with all the "new" research being given. I've decided, at this point at least, to continue with the annual tests. I am also considering paying out of pocket to have the ultrasound test done. My grandmother passed away from breast cancer, but I've been told that it doesn't really count as a risk factor since she was diagnosed in her 80s. I'm not sure I fully believe that though....

  6. Wow! Thanks for the offer Dolphin!
    Well, lets see here....

    Dh would prefer a commute of 30 min. or less (I think he may have to up this figure, but then again I'm not the one doing the commuting. I do think he would consider increasing his desired commute time if it were public transit)

    I intend to homeschool all throughout, though you never know what life throws at ya. I have 3 kiddos, 8,10,12

    We would like to have enough land to have a hobby farm. Dogs, chickens, garden...... 1/2 -1 acre or so???
    3-400 grand for price range
    Conservative Christian family
    Suburbs with tree lined streets with older homes oozing with character. :-)
    Dh is in the tech field
    So, yeah....I want it all. :-)
    I need a steep dose of reality....

    Oh! Trees. I need trees. Yes, I know it's Oregon. But I am drawn to all of the homes online that are surrounded by trees on or nearby the property. Some good thrift shops nearby would be awesome too......

  7. [quote name="Alicia64" post="5562826" timestamp="1396225596"]

    I don't have the personality who can tour an area w/ a plan to move there. When I tried it once I kept thinking, "nope, nope and nope." And where we were looking was perfectly nice. But I couldn't "picture" myself there. I had to move sight unseen and it worked. That's just me. Your way is much better.

    See....this is how I fear I'm going to be when looking at the areas through these relocation lenses. :-). Ironically the one area we didn't stop at on our last trip is the one hubby and I want to potentially focus on (Salem) for job search.

    Thank you to all for these suggestions! Though I want to skip the renting step, I know it isn't feasible nor wise. Doing some research prior to renting is a great idea like pp suggested. Renting near party central...no thanks. Those years are long gone. :-)

    CityData is my new time-sucking friend. ;-)

    Driving the potential commute would be helpful for us as well. Being on "vacation", we would have purposely avoided it. However I think both hubby and I need to at least get a feel for what is meant by "traffic" and "long commute". :-) We experienced a taste of it in Portland on the last trip and...well...dh wants nothing of it to say the least. But that is where public transportation comes in says I....but that's another thread. Ha!

    Good tip for checking out the stores as well. You're right- they do sometimes tend to reflect the surrounding area.

  8. My dh and I are planning on taking a trip to Oregon to look at several different areas in the state for potential relocation (we are from northern Nevada). We are hoping to take a good two weeks to tour some areas, but the projected cost is....wow. We might need to trim it down to 10 days (the majority of jobs in his field are in the Portland area, a few in Salem, and some in Eugene). With that, can anyone share with me some helpful tips for taking such a trip, (such as how long to stay in each city to get an adequate feel, well, as good as you can get from a single trip, what to do other than drive around and enjoy local eateries, etc.)?

    We "toured" the state a few years ago, and are hoping to a more focused trip this time around.

    TIA for any help anyone can offer. :-)

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