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Posts posted by bodiesmom

  1. ****More info added to Original post


    Redsquirrel, I actually don't know if the HD gives shots to those with insurance. I just found a list of prices and the notation that there is financial aid avaialbe to those who qualify. I have to respectfully disagree with the "you are lucky" comment. I don't think I am lucky that the HD gives vaccinations to those with insurance, though I AM grateful if that is the case. My personal feelings on this is if the health care system truly believed that these vaccinations are important, and truly believe that everyone should be vaccinated (except those who have a documented medical reason), then why do we have to jump through hoops just to get one?


    I honestly do understand all of this, I just don't wholehartedly agree with it all. I mean, why do we have to pay for vaccines in the first place? If it is mandated, then it better darn well be free, or at least affordable, if it is THAT important.


    I'm sure I'll get flamed for sharing my heart, but it's what I feel. If I am misguided, I'll own it.


    Oh and Redsquirrel, this isn't directed at you personally, honest. These are just some frustrations I have with the system. Thank you again for contributing to the thread. :-)

  2. No, this particular child hasn't been to the ped in that time (technically 20 months 😉). I do understand the reasoning now for needing to have a check up since that amount of time has passed.

    Yeah, I agree with finding a new ped, though not because of their check up policy, but rather that it just seems to be growing so much that it does take awhile to get in.

    No idea how I managed to quote myself....sorry.

  3. Has your child not been to this dr at all in 2 years? If so, it's basicly a new patient wait time?


    But my pediatrician can get us in for anything same day as long as we stay current patients. I can't rememebr the last well check appointment I did. I think 3 years ago when the last baby was born. Oh and I take my teens in at about age 15 for either first vax or booster pending the vax.


    I'd find another pediatrician/family dr if I ever had more than a week wait.

    No, this particular child hasn't been to the ped in that time (technically 20 months 😉). I do understand the reasoning now for needing to have a check up since that amount of time has passed.

    Yeah, I agree with finding a new ped, though not because of their check up policy, but rather that it just seems to be growing so much that it doesn't take awhile to get in.

  4. Did you ask for a specific doctor (that one pediatrician) or anyone available? Because I have called and tried to schedule visits twice with the pediatrician my OBGYN recommended and she was never available. One time the wait was a couple of months for sure. I gave up and let them schedule us with different doctors at the same place.

    Great question. There are several doctors in this particular practice and in the past, even as recent as last October when I took my daughter in, they gave you the soonest appoinment available unless you specifically asked for a particular doctor. I did not ask for a specific doctor.

  5. Thank you, Artichoke.


    I looked into going to the health department, but the prices of the vaccines are high! I had no idea they cost so much. For the MMR shot alone it'll be $75. Yikes!


    I have already made an appointment with my doctor to have him vaccinated next week. The copay will be much cheaper than going through the HD.

  6. That's really common here. They want a chance to sit and see if any health things have arisen that'd contraindicate vaccines since a shot only appt here is just the nurse, not a doctor.

    This makes sense of course, but the well visit they offered in April was with the nurse, not the doctor. Shouldn't well visits be with the actual doctor? Another thread I suppose.



    I know you said JAWM, but I really can't. No one is trying to stick it to you. This is what it looks like when you need a well care visit.

    I appreciate your honesty. I've had "issues" with this particular practice in the past and I believe, unfortunately, that that is what was influencing that particular comment. I do see now that this isn't the case. :-)


    Two years does seem like a long time, true, but he just hasn't been sick! 😊

  8. Were you trying to schedule a vaccination or a well child visit?


    If you were trying to schedule just a vaccination did the receptionist understand that?


    My pediatrician gives vaccines at well-child visits, but the office also schedules separate vaccine appointments with a nurse (no visit with the doctor, just a shot). Sometimes you miss a well child visit or can't get a vaccine at a well child visit. They still want you to get in and get the shots.


    I called to make a vaccination appointment. I spoke to the nurse and she said a well visit was required since he hadn't been seen in two years (He's almost 9). I even clarified asking if I could schedule the well visit, but in the meantime get in for the shots. Nope. S....m....h.

  9. Farrar,

    That has been my experience as well in terms of scheduling a well visit far out in advanced to get them done on time. However, I guess I just don't understand why, with current outbreak conditions, they are giving me a two month wait time.


    I'm definitely NOT saying they need to drop everything and get me scheduled ASAP because I chose to delay vax, I'm just smh at them not getting me in for a quick shot sooner than two months when they (meaning healthcare officials) are inundating us with warnings to get VAXED for the Measles ASAP. It's just...odd....

  10. We have followed a delayed vax schedule. I phoned my pediatrician today to make an appointment to update my youngest on his vaccinations, specifically the MMR. I was told that in order for him to get his shots, he needs to be current on his well visits. The last visit he had was two years ago.


    So I say, okay, fair enough- when is your next available time? The nurse (receptionist must have been away from the phones when I called) said they could get me in mid April.

    ????? Two months?


    We are being inundated by both local and national news to get those vaccinations current. I made an attempt to do so. And I'm given a two month wait time?


    I guess this is their way to "stick it to me"?


    I'm not angry. I'm just....flabbergasted.


    We have since requested our records and made an appointment with my regular GP. But still.....really?


    ETA- I have now been graciously educated by the WTM boards as to why a current well check is required for vaccinations ( in most places at least). 😉 thank you to everyone for being kind in doing so and not resorting to snarkiness.

    WRT my comment of the "stick it to me" comment, I made that comment due to my past experience with this particular office. I have been with them for 13 years. I changed to a delayed schedule with my youngest (my oldest was 5), which means I had FIVE years of incredible care with my kiddos (those first five years I was vaccinating according to their schedule). The minute I changed to a delayed schedule, the care immediately diminished and the bullying began. I put my big girl panties on, continued to treat them with respect, and carried on. The well visits became a joke. I was in and out within 20 minutes, kid you not. I signed waivers every single time (no biggie except for the attitude that came with it on the part of the nurses), weight/height was checked, and bam, out the door. It was VERY obvious that I wasn't going to be given the time of day, let alone to have some one on one time with doc to address any concerns I may have had. The "last straw" came last October when I took my daughter in for an unexplained high fever and bone pain. Doc came in, ordered X-rays, and left. I literally had to chase her out the door to ask some questions...in the hall!

  11. We have a 14 ft artificial tree in our living room displaying all the ornaments we have collects since we were married (baby's first Christmas, numerous pet ornaments, etc.). That one is a beast. Dh isn't as thrilled to put it up as he was ten years ago when we got it. :-) But....I love it. 😊


    We also have a live tree we cut ourselves in our family room. This one displays all of the handmade ornaments from the kiddos. It's starting to get quite crowded....


    Both have simple white lights...no blinking. We save the colorful lights for outdoors.

  12. There's no way you can create and enforce boundaries and have them be happy about it. Your hubby might not be happy about the new you either. None of that makes you wrong to have boundaries though.

    This!! Oh my gosh THIS!!!

    Especially the "NONE of that makes you WRONG to have boundaries"

    Many hugs to you OP. I, like many others here, am living this whole idea of boundaries out. It is a very difficult road, but so worth it.

  13. Aha! That might be why I purchased the level 4 used at such an amazing price! Lol!


    The gal I purchased it from said it was a complete kit, but didn't mention the spelling ace when specifically listing out each item. Looks like I need to contact her. 😄


    No, we are definitely NOT through level 3 yet. I found B4 for less than half of new and, upon specifically clarifying with the seller that everything was in good shape and complete (except that speller), I took the risk and jumped on it.


    Thank you OneStep!


  14. Hi everyone-

    It is my understanding that B4 requires a Franklin Spelling Ace (it is currently being shipped so I haven't been able to see which one exactly Susan suggests). There are several from which to choose, and I was wondering if any of you would be willing to point me in the right direction based on your experience. Can we get by with the basic, least expensive one? Or is there some advantage to paying a bit more for a more advanced model?









    Thank you!


  15. At the risk of entering into the fray...


    I suppose I would call myself a conservative Christian in that I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, that Jesus came to earth to die as a sacrifice for the sin of mankind, and that the only way to God is through faith in Jesus Christ. I also believe in Christ's teaching on heaven and hell; namely, that without faith in the work of Christ on the cross, an individual faces the punishment for his/her sin, which is eternal separation from God in hell. Conversely, faith in Christ promises eternal life in heaven.


    Having said that, I'm old enough and have walked with Christ long enough to know that there is no way to legislate faith, nor can you force people to align their lives and choices with a faith that is rooted in the spirit. Hence, I don't bristle when people choose to say Happy Holidays (tame example), or when our government no longer works from a decidedly Christian paradigm. Why should they? If they don't believe, then what's the impetus? Faith in Christ is about following a radical, sacrificial, powerful, full of love God, who desires to love each person He created into an earthly relationship with Him, and culminating in a heavenly relationship. If one doesn't believe in this, then why should I expect them to pretend they do?


    I believe life begins at conception, I believe marriage was created by God to be between a man and a woman. I understand that many don't believe this. I'm less inclined to change their opinions, and more inclined to get to know them, love them, and, if possible, share my faith with them. What God does in their hearts is between Him and them.


    I do believe the Bible's teaching on heaven and hell, so, yes, I choose to share my faith when I'm able to, because I believe if one dies without having received the gift of forgiveness of sins, they will suffer in hell. That troubles me deeply, and I believe it firmly. It's what makes me want to share my faith. I'm glad someone believed this enough to share with me those many, many years ago.


    But, sharing my faith with people on an individual basis, in the context of relationship, is not the same thing as protesting outside of abortion clinics.

    This. Exactly this.

    As a "conservative" Christian myself, I will share my faith when invited, with words or without. I will not shove it down your throat, nor will I look down on you for disagreeing with me. I will respect your views and hope you respect mine as well. I will continue to love you, continue to be friends with you, continue to -fill in the blank-. It is possible to be true to your faith AND still love and respect those who don't share it. It really is.

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