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Posts posted by bodiesmom

  1. I'm so sorry. :-(

    I chose to wait it out and it took a good 4 weeks. I ended up having to go in anyways for a partial d&c due to minor but potentially serious complications. I honestly can't say if I'd go that route again or not. On one hand it seemed to prolong the grieving process, but on the other it was helpful (for me, at least) to have that extra time to grieve before it became even more "final".

    Many hugs to you-


  2. Bumping with hopes of you getting more experienced input. I only have one piggie and have just noticed scabs and raw sores on his back. We have an appt. with the vet but from what I'm reading I'm thinking possibly a skin condition like mites, etc?? Could it be possible that your new piggie has an itchy skin problem? I know I'm reaching here but I thought I would give it a shot. :-)

  3. ((Hugs)) to you. We just said goodbye to the two lab puppies we had over the holiday. They were both perfect house guests and got along great with our own two labs. Though I too am looking forward to things getting back to normal around here, I woke up this morning with a tiny ache in my heart. :-(

    I see a new pup joining your family in the near future.... ;-)


  4. My dd10 has a green machine. She loves it, but it's not really designed for regular riding. She rides in the street and gets going fast, then pulls one lever to do donuts. We went for a long walk a few weeks ago and she brought it. She kept crashing into the wall and running in over my feet. The sidewalk is narrow with a stone wall on one side, and she couldn't keep it straight. But, she has a ball with it in wide open spaces where she can spin it. In order to keep it going straight, you have to keep the levers aligned at all times because they're supposed to be off balance to keep the back wheels angled to do donut spins. It takes some arm effort and some practice to keep them straight.


    Aside from that, it's sturdy and takes a beating. I didn't think the big plastic wheels in the back would last long, buts it's held up just fine. If you want it for regular riding, it's not really a good choice.

    Exactly this. :-). It has taken a beating from my 3 kids and their friends over the last year. They love it!

  5. While in the silent midst of enjoying our dinner, we suddenly heard about a 5 second "machine gun" type of sound coming from my 3 year old nephew. As we all erupted into laughter, he quizzically looked around the table, placed both of his hands on the table, leaned forward, and declared (enunciating every.single.syllable) "WHAT? I...just...farted!". (As in like what's the big deal?!!)

  6. I'm so sorry. :-(. Many, many hugs to you for the grief you are experiencing. My heart dog passed four years ago from cancer...I will always miss him dearly. As several pp have mentioned...I still actively mourn him at times. He was my "baby" when I was experiencing infertility before kiddos. Bodie was his name (hence my screen name...Bodiesmom. :-) ).


    Again, I'm so sorry for your heartache. :-(


  7. Thank you OP for the reassurance about the upcoming sleep study. I'm praying they are able to get something (anything!) from it. :-).

    It was her allergist who referred her to the ENT. Despite keeping up on her medications for her allergies and asthma, she is still breathing through her mouth at night, continues to wake frequently through the night, has difficulty focusing, is always tired during the day, etc. The ENT took X-rays of her sinuses and fund that both her tonsils and adenoids were not enlarged at all. It was very clear from the X-rays that her sinuses and nasal passages were clear- no obstruction whatsoever from adenoids/tonsils. Given these results, she then referred dd10 for a sleep study.

    I hope this makes sense as this is all new to me and I'm still trying to process it all. ;-)


  8. Vida Winter, nmoira, and Sun-

    Thank you for your help! I just returned from the thrift stores where I found some affordable rubber boots for everyone but dad. :-). We live in Reno, so not a whole lotta rain to warrant an investment in Bogs. :-(


  9. We are heading to the coast mid November for my husband's 40th birthday. Knowing the weather is going to most likely be rainy and stormy (we love it!), would it be wise to invest in some rain boots for the kiddos for tide pooling, or would the snow boots they have suffice? My concern is that the snow boots are short...



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