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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. We have a Scion XB that all of us enjoy riding in and driving more than my parent's Ford Escape. My ds is almost 6'4" and prefers the leg room in the Scion. You may want to look at one as even the price new is reasonable. It has a Camry engine, feels like a small SUV inside, but drives like a zippy car. We love it!

    We have a Scion too, and my tall son loves all the leg room. It's a great car.
    • Like 1
  2. Agreeing with others that getting her to a doctor would be best. I had shingles last summer and got a prescription within a day of getting a rash. I didn't want to go to the doctors as I thought it was nothing, but my mom persuaded me. I am glad she did as I had no idea it was shingles.

  3. Obviously many people successfully homeschool for high school and you could too. The question, as I see it, is whether homeschooling high school is right for your son and for you. If you are going to be stressed for the whole four years then I would advise not to do it. There is nothing wrong with sending your son to high school, and he may end up enjoying it. I guess if I was you I would tour some schools and get a feel for them and see what your son thinks. If it feels right then I would enroll him. You can always pull him if it turns out not to be the right decision for your family.

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  4. I love those clothes because they serve a purpose and they are stylish. It is great that someone started that.  :001_smile:


    My son and I were excited by the new shoe offered by Nike, the Flyease. For anyone who cannot tie their shoes due to a disability this is a great new choice. You can see the story behind the shoe here (just a warning, you may cry). 

  5. I didn't mean to step on the congratulations and great scores.  I am happy for everyone.  I just know there has to be someone out there who also is disappointed.  I tend to pop in on these threads so others know they are not alone.  So many superstars on this board (which is fantastic!!) that I like to post and remind people not all our kids are testing stars :)


    Thanks for posting this. I think it is important for people to know that not everyone was happy about their test scores. 


    My twins got their scores yesterday. My daughter got a 5 in European History, and she was ecstatic. My son got a 2 in Computer Science. He was somewhat shocked by his results. I am not as surprised as he decided to test without accommodations because they were not approved in time. He does qualify for accommodations due to physical disabilities, so it hindered him a great deal not to have them. He knew this going into it, but he really wanted to try anyway. I am proud that he even took the test, but he is somewhat disappointed by the score. 


    Congratulations to everyone on their wonderful scores and hugs to anyone dealing with disappointments. 

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  6. I'm  :lurk5: . (This is dd would skip everything, especially math, in order to draw, write, and listen to audiobooks all day - except in summer when she swims, too.)


    This is my son only I would add to the list animating/game making. He writes, reads, listens to audiobooks, and makes computer games and animations all day long. He is very creative, and he needs the time for these pursuits. He willingly does some school every day in order to get his free time, and I appreciate that. It is hard for these creative types to spend time on other subjects when they are so driven in one area, but I do think it is good for him to put in a little time for formal academics.  

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