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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. I am a single mom. I have been on my own since my twins were three, and I was pregnant with my youngest. I have an ex who is not involved at all, and he hardly gives me support. I am very lucky though because I have a wonderful family support system. My parents have been helping me financially over the years because they thought it was important for me to be home with the kids, and because they had the means to help me. I also have four brothers, and they are very involved with my kids. They all spend time with them, and because of them my sons have several positive male role models.


    A few years ago I started a small internet business with one of my brothers. I work from home a few hours a week and am able to make a small income. Last year I decided to go back to school for my masters and teaching credential. I am hoping to get a job with one of the many charter schools for homeschoolers that are here in California. That way I will be working full time, but I will be able to work from home and keep homeschooling my kids.


    I find it very hard to be a single parent, even with all the support I have. I feel most overwhelmed at night. Trying to get everyone in bed is a real chore for me. When the kids were younger I was just always tired. Now that they are getting a little older (10 and 6) I find it is getting easier. :001_smile:


    Does he have the ability to see words/letters in his mind? I personally am a horrible speller and I am convinced it is because I don't easily see letters and words in my mind. My oldest spells well and can not only see words in her mind but has that, "it just doesn't look right" ability.




    I don't think he sees the words/letters in his mind. I think he either knows how to spell a word or he doesn't. If he can't spell it from memory then he is lost as how he should go about figuring it out. When he was younger he struggled with reading and with phonics. Honestly I never thought he would be a great reader, but he surprised me when at eight he started reading all the time. Something must have clicked for him, but I am not sure what. Anyway I think this is probably related to his spelling problems, but I have never been sure how to address this issue. I haven't heard of Seeing Stars or LiPS, but I will look into them both. Thanks for mentioning them.

  3. My six-year-old son has been taking lessons for about three months now. He practices for fifteen minutes a day and usually works on four to six songs (depending on how challenging they are) a week. In addition he does one workbook page a week. Of course he is a beginner so the songs are very short. I am sure as he progresses that will change.

  4. I am going to look at espindle.com and MegaWords.Thanks for mentioning them. I have never heard of either, so I will check them out.


    As far as All About Spelling does anyone know exactly what I would need to order if I was to use that program. I would probably use it for him and his younger brother. I am just trying to figure out if I could afford it.


    Thanks :)

  5. I usually am just a lurker here, but I am in need of some advice, and I thought this would be the place to ask. My son struggles with spelling, and I have not found a program that seems to work with him. We have tried sequential spelling and excellence in spelling, and both these programs left him frustrated. His spelling is terrible, and although he is a good reader, he struggles with simple three letter words when he writes. I am not sure what is going on, he excels in school in almost all areas but spelling. I am looking for a program that he could use that would really help him in this area. I was hoping there was something for older kids who need to start at the very beginning. I also need a program that is not too time intensive. He is really starting to become self-conscious about this because his younger brother is quickly becoming a better speller than him. Any suggestions?

  6. I usually only lurk on these boards, but I just wanted to say that it sounds sensory to me. My oldest son has sensory issues, and your son sounds like he has some of these tendencies. Being picky about his clothes, needing to be held often, and being inflexible could be related to sensory issues. My son shares these same characteristics, and he becomes angry very quickly and needs to be reminded often to be respectful to others. I would read up on sensory disorders, and if it sounds like your son could be struggling with this I would make an appointment with an OT.

  7. that mine received their ipods for Christmas from my dad and did not know they were getting them or even what they were. I was able to set them up and disable the internet without them even knowing. They do not even know that there is internet capability on it. If your son has saved up his own money to get one and knows everything about them, I would make sure he knows he can't use it for the internet. The ipod touch even had an application to get on you tube, which I think is terrible.

  8. and last year after trying numerous math programs we switched to Math-U-See. It has worked great for us. The kids like the lessons on DVD, and my son loves the blocks (although he doesn't always use them). We have been plugging away, and they are finally getting all the facts down. We are now half way through Gamma. They are still loving it, and I am seeing more improvement everyday.

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