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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. My twins applied to a few private schools in CA this year. I love the University of Redlands much more than I thought I would. Chapman also left a good impression on me. Saint Mary's is worth a look at and is a Colleges That Change Lives school. Loyola Marymount is another solid choice although I will admit that I didn't like the feel of the school when I visited. My son was impressed with it though (for film) and is considering going there. 



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  2. Jilly & Luckymama - I already have your DDs listed as being accepted to IU. Is Jacobs a unique acceptance requiring an additional entry on the List view? Do I correct the IU acceptance to read IU - Jacob's School of Music?

    Yes my daughter got into Jacobs which was a separate process from the main school because it is their music school. Thanks for asking.

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  3. Congratulations to your dd, Jilly! Jacobs is an amazing school. I hope more money comes her way.


    My D is also an SGIS direct admit. If she attends IU, she'll be an International Studies major (diplomacy, security, and governance concentration) and will attempt both the Arabic and Chinese Language Flagship programs.


    It's great that both our Ds are direct admits. I was very impressed with the program when we visited IU, and my daughter was too. The wonderful thing about IU for her is that they allow a student to pursue music and another passion which is exactly what my daughter wants. 

    • Like 5
  4. My daughter found out today that she was admitted to IU's Jacobs School of Music. She applied for a Bachelors of Science in Music and an Outside Field. Her outside field is global studies, and she found out yesterday that she was admitted as a direct admit scholar to global studies. This came with a small scholarship which we were both happy about. Now we just have to wait until the end of March to see if she receives a scholarship from Jacobs. She will need one to attend.  

    • Like 32
  5. My district was very strict about visitors reporting to the general office and being escorted by staff everywhere else. They had lockdowns before due to armed robbery. Parent volunteers had to wear their volunteer badges when on volunteering duty. Someone stopping your daughter would be normal here but the person was rude. The person should had just walked your daughter back to the general office to wait.


    Actually my daughter checked in with the security guard and was told to walk to the person's office that she was going to see. She was stopped in the hall on the way. I imagine the person who stopped her was just having a bad day, at least that is what I told my daughter. 


    I think this could have been avoided if the security guard had given her a visitor's pass. He did call the person she was going to see and verified the appointment. 

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  6. This will be our third year using the same school. It is a smaller public school near my parent's house. The staff is wonderful, and they love my daughter. They look forward to seeing her every year and hearing about her education plans. 


    An update - Yesterday my daughter went to the school to pick up the paperwork for the APs and she was stopped in the hall by someone who did not know her. This person demanded to see her student ID and when my daughter told her she didn't go to the school but was coming to register for the APs, this person got very angry at her. She said she couldn't be at the school and that she should never have been allowed to take the APs there. My daughter came back out to the parking lot with tears in her eyes, and as she was explaining to me what happened, the lady that always helps my daughter came out and gave her a big hug and brought her back in the school to get her paperwork. 


    My daughter is still a bit shocked that someone at a school would treat her like that but in the end it all worked out and she is signed up for her 3 AP tests. 

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  7. My son is thinking about attending a CTCL, but he is still deciding. This thread has been full of great information. Thanks to the OP for starting it as we didn't have much feedback on smaller schools like these until now. 


    Also, for anyone who is interested, the CTCL organization has scholarships for students who are going to attend one of the CTCL schools. You can find more informations here

    • Like 4
  8. DS was accepted to UC Berkeley (early announcement) and invited to apply for the Regents scholarship.


    I wanted very much for this announcement to be a prime number post (and reason for post 310).


    Thank you all SO much for your encouragement. We are beyond happy. Lots of tears were shed (by me).


    I'm so happy for you both! 

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  9. DS has been accepted to the University of Denver (Chancellor Scholarship) and Earlham College (Presidential Honors Scholarship). He has also been accepted to the honors college at both Valparaiso University and the University of Oklahoma. 


    DD has been accepted to the University of Redlands which is a small university here in California known for having a good music program. And she had her audition this weekend at IU's Jacobs School of Music. We are hoping to hear from them by April 1st on whether she got in or not. 

    • Like 30
  10. I would definitely call the schools and ask what happens if the state scales back their financial aid & your children don't receive a Cal Grant. Will the school be able to step in and replace the lost funding with institutional aid?


    I will make sure to ask this. I wouldn't want to be in a position where we can't afford school next year if they lose their grant. 

  11. Are you aware that the UC and CSU financial aid is totally up in the air right now due to the state's looming budget deficit? It's been all over the news.


    ETA: I would definitely call the Financial Aid office but unfortunately the reason it may not be listed could be that it won't exist next year :(


    My kids are most likely heading to private schools here in California. One of the schools we spoke to mentioned Cal Grants and how we should make sure we have it in order. I heard from someone else who went through the process and it turns out it is a nightmare for homeschoolers. Right now on my son's account it states that he has been awarded a Cal Grant but it has it going to a school we don't even have a decision from yet. For my daughter it hasn't even been awarded, it just says it is being processed. 


    I am trying to not get too stressed about it especially if it might not even be in the budget next year. Still I think I will call the school my son really wants to attend and see if I can get some more information. 

  12. Does anyone here have any experience with the Cal Grant as a homeschooler? The twins should qualify and we have submitted the GPA verification but their aid packages that we have received so far do not have it listed. I am wondering if there is something else we need to do or if it is too early in the process to have it listed yet. Any help would be appreciated. 

  13. I have just begun planning. Here is what I have so far. 


    English - Honors English 1 at Blue Tent. 


    Math - Algebra 1 at WTM Academy


    Science - Biology possibly at WTM Academy although I am still researching this. 


    History - AP Human Geography, I am going to teach this and am working on a syllabus right now. Hopefully it will be approved by the College Board. 


    Foreign Language - He will continue with his private online Italian lessons. 


    Electives - He has become very interested in music composing so I want to have him begin a music theory class and have him take piano and guitar. Also he will be participating in either golf, swimming, or fencing. 


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  14. DD found out today that she passed her pre-screening for IU Jacob's School of Music and will be auditioning at the school in February. This is the first music school that has gotten back to her and she is so excited. 


    DS found out this week that he has been accepted to the University of Oklahoma for Meteorology and to Loyola Marymount University for Film Production. He now has 2 acceptances for meteorology and is waiting to hear on one more. He is also waiting on some schools he applied to for film. Then he will have to decide which major he wants to go into. He is very undecided at this point. 



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  15. It sounds like he is in desperate need of some time off school in order to process everything. Learning you have disabilities that need accommodating can be hard to deal with at that late age and adding anxiety and migraines on top of all that is most likely overwhelming him. Some therapy would probably help him and he may need some medication for a while too. 


    Also I would spend some time researching 2E and encourage him to do the same. There are so many wonderful resources out there that may help. A blog I love and would recommend is Your Rainforest Mind

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  16. I have skipped heartbeats. I have had it since my late teens. The only time it got very difficult to deal with was when I was pregnant. In my 30s it practically went away, but now that I am in my 40s it seems to have come back with a vengeance. I think it must be partially related to my hormones.


    It is really not fun to deal with but it is usually not a serious condition. I had my heart completely checked out during my twin pregnancy because my doctor was concerned. They never found anything wrong but I did feel better after they ran all the tests. I always recommend to others that they do the same so as not to worry needlessly about it. 


    I would also second the magnesium recommendation. I notice when I take it consistently I have less episodes. 

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