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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. My son is going to UCI in the fall. In the Facebook group he's in for admitted students a few kids started posting about being rescinded, and then a few more, and then suddenly it felt like hundreds of kids were posting. It was quite traumatic for these students. Although some of the students did not meet the academic requirements, many of them did but their transcripts weren't received on time or they were lost. UCI was also overwhelmed by the number of students in this freshman class and they dropped the ball in regards to communicating about whether transcripts had been received or not. I will say that the students banded together really quickly and took action. It seems that many of these kids have been re-admitted already which is great. But it was very distressing for everyone involved and not a great way to start the year. 

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  2. I think it is worth it to apply to some private schools as their aid packages can sometimes end up being quite affordable. As far as out-of-state public schools we found out last year that these schools are almost always out of reach financially if you are on a tight budget. I would definitely run the net price calculators to see what the numbers are but for us the out-of-state publics schools were not financially doable. 

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  3. My son sounds very similar to your daughter. We have tried many of the programs mentioned here and most did not work for him. What we ended up using towards the end of this year was the Key to series. We are working through the books slowly and I have to be there teaching the material to him as we go through it. He seems to be grasping the concepts and is starting to make some progress. 

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  4. My daughter was accepted to IU for music this year. She and I both spent time at the campus. My thoughts were that it was huge and would be a better choice for a masters program. I was very impressed with the music program but felt it had a competitive feel to it. My daughter loved it and it was her top choice. Unfortunately the out of state tuition price was too much for us even with the three scholarships she received. She is going to a smaller LAC school close to home (which I feel is a better fit for her) and she is hoping to get her graduate degree at IU. 

  5. My 9th grader will be doing a pre-algebra/beginning algebra mix in the fall. He worked through half of pre-algebra teaching textbooks this year and then burned out. Right now we are working through the Key to Algebra books which he really likes. He is almost done with book 1 and we will keep working through them over the summer. I am not sure what we will move on to after that but I don't see any major algebra work happening until 10th grade. 

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  6. DS has decided to attend UC Irvine where he will be majoring in film and media studies and minoring in digital arts. He had trouble making the decision but feels confident about it now. He chose UCI because he can live at home and commute. Tuition is free for him so he will not need to take out any loans (that was important to him) and he feels that as a student with a disability he will find the support he needs at UCI.

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  7. My son cannot decide at all. He has narrowed down the list to two schools, UC Irvine and Earlham. They are two very different schools (one small LAC and one big state school) which I thought would help him choose. Instead he feels they are both good in different ways and can't decide which is better for him. It is weighing on him heavily and I hope he is able to make a decision soon. 

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  8. For us the key was getting academics done first thing in the day and then spending the afternoon hours on creative pursuits. We also used weekends and the summer for creative interests. It is definitely a balancing act but it can work. My daughter pursued music all through her high school years and will be majoring in music in college. My son worked on film including many outside classes and summer internships in his high school years and has been accepted to numerous film programs. The key is to balance the academics with the creative pursuits. Both are important when applying to college. 

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  9. DD has decided to go to The University of Redlands and will be pursuing a bachelors of music in performance. Although IU Jacobs School of Music was her first choice she didn't receive enough scholarship money to offset out-of-state tuition. She is actually very happy with her second choice. We have visited the campus numerous times and she has fallen in love with it. She likes the intimate feel of the campus and the music school. I think it will be a great match for her and I imagine she will really grow over the next four years. 


    Her twin brother still cannot make a decision about where to go. Hopefully I will be updating the thread with his decision soon.  :)

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  10. He wants a concentration in editing.  Most schools seem to have a more broad Cinematography or Film school and not a focus on editing.


    However, both LM and Chapman may be beyond our budget.  I will bring them up though as he is putting some schools on the list he knows we can't afford if he doesn't get assistance.



    And now my oldest is interested in UCI.  


    Lots to think about.  We will have 2 in college at the same time.


    DS was accepted into LMU and UCI this year. At LMU he got in for film production and at UCI he is in for film and media studies. LMU is very hands-on and the students are allowed to get involved in productions from day 1. They also have a nice editing lab for those interested in editing and being in LA there are great internships available. My son was very impressed. Unfortunately cost is an issue as LMU is not known for giving the best aid. 

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  11. My twins are both struggling. My daughter is full of anxiety waiting for scholarship news. 


    My son is struggling with making a decision about where to go next year. It is down to a huge state school or a very small LAC. He has no idea what to do.


    Both are burned out with academics and all the essays they have had to write this year. I had no idea how hard this whole process would be. I will be happy when it is over. 

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