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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. I have also done some crazy driving for my teens and would again if it helps them with their future. I had to drive my son to an internship 2 and a half hours away from our home this summer. I really thought the drive might kill me but he worked hard and made so many connections that I was happy to do it. Yours is an insane schedule but being that it is only six weeks I think it can be done.Good luck!

    • Like 4
  2. Good luck with the test results! 


    We had a bat in the house this summer and had to have animal control come out and catch it as we couldn't find it after the initial sighting. They told us several bats in the area had tested positive with rabies and if this one did we would all need shots as we had all slept in the house with it. Luckily it tested negative but we were prepared to get the shots as it can bite people while they are sleeping without leaving a mark.

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  3. I had the opportunity to read through the first half of the American history course from Pandia because I was helping to edit it. It is a very solid, well-developed American history course. It uses an online textbook as it's main spine. It is probably one of the best homeschool high school history courses out there right now. I was very impressed with it.


    Is it at the AP level? Honestly I am not sure, but it would be a good jumping off point. You could always add a few resources to it to make it an AP course. Or maybe just use it and add an AP study guide to it.  It is definitely a better developed course than the other History Odyssey courses in my opinion, and I will be using it with my youngest when he gets to the high school level. 

    • Like 4
  4. So you had to take all of those?


    Do you know in advance what is going to be offered? What about foreign language. Do you get to chose which one you want?


    Yes the students have to take all the courses but they did let my son do an internship for credit instead of AP Art History. For foreign language you are given a choice. My daughter is studying Italian and my son is studying French. I think the other choice was German but I am not 100% sure on that. 


    The school sends out a schedule before the quarter starts but not always far in advance. The AP classes will be taught for the whole year. They will change the electives around each quarter. Some electives that my kids have taken are Religious Studies, German Culture, Introduction to Social Science, Global Studies, and Latin America Studies. 

    • Like 1
  5. How is it full time without sciences?


    By full time I mean you have to take the full course load that they offer each quarter. You supplement the classes with your own homeschool courses to create a full load. This quarter they offered AP Art History, AP Literature, Independent Writing Project, AP Statistics, and a foreign language. Independently of the school my twins are also doing a few other classes. 

  6. For anyone who wants more information on Harari - My twins are in Harari and have been for over two years. There are many things I love about the school but there is also some drawbacks. It is free and most of the courses are taught at a high level. My daughter has taken 5 AP classes with them so far and has been learning Italian through one of their teachers. She just tested in level C1 for Italian and is prepping for the AP Italian this year with the teacher. Her AP scores have all been 5s with the exception of one 4. And the school is free including all the textbooks which are delivered as ebooks. My son is also enrolled and he is provided with accommodations for his work at the school which is very helpful and needed for him. In addition they are working with the College Board to get approvals for him so he can take the APs. I am glad they are working on this for me. 


    Drawbacks are that sometimes things they have planned do not work out. For instance last year they were going to have all the kids learn German and that never panned out. Also they were going to introduce math and science courses. This year they do have AP Statistics but they still do not offer any science. For being free though the positives far outweigh the negatives. 


    You have to go full time and if you enroll your kids make sure they are very academic. It is fast paced and intense at times. We do like their calendar system because it allows for a nice break three times a year that my twins really need. In addition they will grant credit for internships (my son is doing one right now) and they help you get into strong summer programs (my daughter went to the Yale Young Global Scholars this summer). 


    Hope this helps anyone who may be interested. 


    • Like 8
  7. I might consider using something like Starline Press and then just hand him the books everyday and let him work. It might be a little boring and dry but that might be what he needs. You can buys the workbooks individually to keep the cost down. 


    I don't think I would do Time4Learning. My perfectionist daughter did this for a while and it was terrible for her anxiety. She always got upset when she got the questions on the quizzes wrong.  

    • Like 4
  8. :grouphug: I completely understand, and it is hard some days. One of my twins got his ACT scores yesterday and had a fairly good score. His twin sister, who hasn't taken the test yet, immediately started worrying about whether she would get a good score or not. I had to gently remind her to be proud of her brother for now and not worry about herself. They usually are not competitive but these tests seem to bring it out in them. 

  9. I just figured out how to get the $20 a month price.


    I was also seeing $50 a month which irked me a little since we've been customers for 15 years. I was prepared to buy Photography 1&2 from the regular site and on the detail page I noticed an option to sign up for a free trial month with $20/month thereafter.


    We went ahead and enrolled and omg...we are already using the heck out of it! 10yo son is doing robotics and mental math...I never would have sprung for those. One daughter is doing the cooking and baking courses and another is working her way through all the photography. College daughter is using Shakespeare to round out the class she's taking. I don't think I would have purchased any of them to keep on hand. So in my opinion it's totally worth it.


    Thanks for this tip. It finally worked for me! 

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