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Posts posted by Jilly



    I recieved my ebooks this morning with information that the link had been sent prior but that sometimes they get lost in Spam. The previous link was not in Spam as we'd been keeping a close eye on that, but anyway we did get them today. Did you get yours?


    Would anyone be surprised to know that I haven't received anything? I guess I will need to email them.

  2. I think most of us with twins eventually end up using different math/LAs curriculum with them as they get older. With my b/g twins I didn't need to do this until they were around 8 or so, but that might be because when they were younger we were very unschooly. We did not use formal curriculum, so there was no need to worry about their different learning styles or abilities.


    If I was you I would follow their lead. If your daughter is very academic I would feed that with whatever she wants. If your son is less so, I would find out what his interests are and where his strengths lie. Maybe he would love more hands-on items to work on. There are many ways to advance him academically, and it does not need to look the same as his sister. Also it might change over time. My son was on a very different time frame than his sister. Everything academically came so easy to her when they were young. Now though my son is much more academic than his sister. He is the one who reads all the classics for hours a day, while she is off being creative.

  3. What? We are supposed to finish the books....?


    Seriously, if my gauge of how successful we had been in any year was if we 'stuck to the plan' or 'finished the books' we would have had exactly Zero out of 11 successful years. :)


    I have been homeschooling for years, and there are very few books that the kids and I have actually finished. For your first year with a middle school boy it sounds like you have done great! Just finishing algebra is something to be proud of.

  4. I'm sorry, but I read it as blah, blah, blah, we're going to do what we want. Every other company sells downloads without a "digital service fee", even small companies run by homeschooling moms. I've been tempted a few times by Winter Promise, but treating a customer well, like they are getting service with their product is part of running a successful business- this coming from the wife of a formerly self-employed individual. Good customer service is just as vital as the product you are selling.


    I don't know if it has changed, but when I ordered last summer you could opt out of this and have no fee charged at all. Maybe it has changed? I don't know because I ordered a mix of ebooks and regular books.

  5. They charge shipping for e-books? That's just ... odd. ETA: OK, I couldn't believe they'd do that so I added an e-book only package to the shopping cart, set up an account and... yup. $15 shipping. For e-books. That's ridiculous!!!!


    OP, I hope you get your e-books soon!


    I believe once you place your actual order you can waive the shipping fee for ebooks. I think this is what I did last year when I odered from them.


    I still agree they aren't the greatest company. I have been using them for years because my kids like their products, but I go into it knowing that the service isn't going to be great.

  6. DD the older is very picky taste wise - and no, we haven't found any chewables that don't taste fishy to her. She will take Barlean's Omega Swirl ( liquid) though - although pina colada is the only flavor she actually likes.



    I also agree with the recommendation of Barlean's Omega Swirl. My daughter loves the orange cream flavor.

  7. I chose to make a fairly quick run through Getting Started with Latin. I wanted dd to get the basics fairly quickly so she could go ahead and move on to something more difficult.


    http://www.amazon.co...rted with latin


    She likes it. It is small, manageable chunks. I figure it will give her plenty of exposure before throwing her into something more difficult next year (Henle, Wheelocks, etc).


    I agree. My twins have been working through Getting Started with Latin this year, and

    they are enjoying it.

  8. Bravewriter looks good but doesn't have explicit grammar instruction. But I could always throw in a year of intensse grammar in the upper middle school years.


    If you are interested in using The Arrow from Bravewriter, it might interest you to know that they have added more grammar into the lessons this year. From the website:


    A word about grammar: Brave Writer is adding a more conscious grammar component to the Arrow this year! We will give you specific grammar notes that relate to the passage in order to help you guide your children into a better understanding of how grammar supports and fosters beautiful writing.

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