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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. THe only feedback I really have is a concern that you mention. Just because a 10 year old CAN read more complicated books doesn't mean that their brain/emotions are ready for the themes that come with it. I would be very careful about the choices so that they can feed the younger child's giftedness, but not traumatize them either. LOL



    That's my concern too. I am thinking maybe it should be for kids 12 and up, but I am not sure yet.

  2. I have been recruited to start a book club for gifted tweens/teens, and I am starting to plan it out, but I need a few suggestions. First off I have to designate an age for the book club. We have several teens in the group (including my twins who are 13), so I want to include teens, but others have suggested we allow kids as young as 10 in the group. My concern is that the teens may feel that the group is too young for them if there are younger kids, and I also worry that some of the books may have subject matter that the younger kids aren't ready for. At the same time though it is a gifted group, so many of these kids are reading higher level books which perhaps deal with more mature subject matter. If you were me what ages would you have for this group?


    Question 2 deals with the booklist. I was thinking of choosing the first book, and then getting feedback from the students on the other books we read? Do you think that would work? I wonder if it would be more of a headache for me trying to get everyone agreeing on a book each month? On the other hand I want the kids to feel that they have a say in what we do, so I might give it a try.


    As far as the first book goes does anyone have any suggestions for a book? I want something that will grab the kid's attention, but I want it to be relatively unknown so it is not a repeat read for anyone.


    Thanks for any feedback. :001_smile:

  3. Do you happen to know -- if you have an Apple TV, can you get videos that you have purchased from it via the cloud? I am thinking that, if I stored a lot? a few? videos on the Macbook, it could run out of disk space pretty fast, wouldn't it?



    With an Apple TV device you have access to all the movies/music/TV shows that you have purchased.

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