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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. Sorry you are going through this. ((hugs))


    If it was me I would find ways for him to work independently on all subjects except writing and math. That way you would not feel so stressed, and the time you do have for him would go to the two subjects he needs help with. For everything else I would look at your goals and see how they can be met independently by your son. For history I would use videos, online resources (such as hippo campus), and books or audiobooks. For science I would look at MIT open courses or Coursera. Foreign language I would also do online. Then I would make him out a weekly schedule for him and go over it every week, so he understands what his responsibilities are. It sounds like he is willing to do whatever to continue to homeschool which is encouraging. Good luck to you both.

  2. Holy beejeebers! There is some serious cash in that thing. All LEGO sets are expensive and the HP ones are generally on the upper end. I know because we have about 8 of them and they each cost a pretty penny. She's got mad building skillzzzzz.



    I know! I was thinking it must have cost a fortune, and she had to have spent a good deal of time of Ebay bidding on all the old Harry Potter sets.

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