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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. I was just reading this article on homeschooling from the LA Daily News (which is a fairly positive article on homeschooling) when I was reminded that it is almost time to file a private affidavit. It is recommend to file it from October 1st through the 15th. I know this yet I almost always forget to file it until the last day. Hopefully this year I will remember sooner.  :)

  2. I would also recommend taking it easy this year. I mostly did audiobooks, read-alouds, and a little math when my kids were that age. The rest of the time they played. :)


    As far as your husband goes, maybe you could sign your daughter up for Time4Learning to make him happy. That way she would be working on academics everyday, but it would be independent which would help you. 

  3.  DS 10 schools in a very relaxed way. This week he has been writing for hours a day working on fanfiction and other books. He has been working through Life of Fred one to three chapters a day, and he is reading A Wrinkle in Time. He has a new obsession right now, hybrid fruit. I have no idea where this came from, but he is obsessed, so we have been researching and trying different hybrids. He records his reactions to all of them, and he is brainstorming what fruits he thinks would go good together. He has also been composing on the piano and working on Latin. He loves Latin.

  4. Thank you for starting this thread. There is so much great information here. :)  



    In my skimming, what I'm taking away is what Nan addresses above. "I think some classroom experience before college is a good idea." How to make that happen can depend upon the student and your opportunities. 


    I think this is true. Although the twins do not have classroom experience yet, they are enrolled in online classes and I have noticed those are the classes they care about most. They always do their homework for these classes and are generally on top of things in a way that they aren't with their other work. Also my son has learned to ask his Algebra 2 teacher for help when he needs it. This is a boy who hardly used his email prior to this year, but now he is writing an email almost daily to his teacher without any prompting from me. 


    They will also be starting their first community college course in fall. We decided to start out with a college study skills course, and I am hoping that will provide them with some skills that they will need for high school and college.

  5. If she wants to finish quickly I would stay away from Connections Academy. Instead I would look at what credits she needs to graduate and then research for free and low cost resources online. She should be able to direct her learning at this stage especially if she is motivated. I also agree with others who suggest checking out the community college. You may be able to have her start there sooner with dual enrollment. 

  6. They me be missing out on a few benefits of school, but they are also missing out on several negative aspects of school. Besides not everyone who goes to high school participates in those activities. I know I didn't.


    Maybe you could start a group even if there are only a few kids in your area who homeschool. Or it might be worth it to drive that hour to have the kids with another group. I do think it is important to have kids in a homeschool group if they are asking for some social activities. We have several families in our homeschool group who drive from far away just so their kids can be part of the group. 

  7. I live in an area with one of the best high schools in the country. The kids who go there are always accepted into the top colleges, but they are busy from morning to night. I see them go to school, I see them come home, but I never see them the rest of the day or night. They are all doing homework, hours and hours of homework. It makes me so sad, and it reinforces my belief that homeschool is the best choice for us. 

  8. My point is that what was once a very viable path (2 years at a CC followed by 2 years at a State University or UC) here in California, has become much less attractive due to the problems most students have in getting the classes they need (both at CCs and (later) at the State Universities). Some students may be lucky at registration, but they can't count on it.


    At least in this area many (most) young people who would hope to be full-time students can't get the classes they need to get in and out in 2 years. So they become "part-time" students by default. The process can add many years to the BA/BS path. 


    There was talk here recently (and I'm not sure the current state of things) of basically kicking all the students who were doing enrichment, self-growth, art, professional advancement, and things of that nature, and to focus on students who were on the 2 year path to University. It caused the predictable fire-storm.





    This is the biggest problem right now at the community colleges in California. I was prepared for my kids to not get the class they needed this semester, but we had no problem nor did any of their friends. I am wondering if perhaps after years of over-crowding it is starting to change a little. Either that or we just got lucky.  :)

  9. I posted this local link (Mercury News) in a thread in the college board.  Below is just for community colleges in Santa Clara County.  I'm not happy with the graduation rate.  I'm assuming dual enrollment is not counted into the graduation rate.  I am considering dual enrolment though as the unit fees are waived if my kids go to the one walkable from our home. 


    Name                                    Grad Rate Default Rate Students on Loans Avg. Net Price

    San Jose City College *          19%             20.0%            3%            $11,324

    West Valley College *             26%            10.8%             2%                 $10,246

    Evergreen Valley College *     23%            14.4%            2%                $9,395

    Mission College *                    22%             19.7%           1%                $8,811

    Gavilan College *                    19%             36.0%           4%                $7,313

    Foothill College *                    53%            15.6%              4%               $6,994

    De Anza College *                  60%            17.0%             4%                $5,237



    Many students at a community college do not graduate, they transfer. Although you can receive an AA, many don't when they transfer. If you are on the UC path to transfer you are not getting an AA. I wonder then if these numbers reflect the actual rate of students successfully passing through a community college on their way to a four year. 

  10. Exactly!  And it's a lot of pressure!  Not only do you then have to have good SAT scores but also study and take a whole bunch of SAT subject tests.  I'm not saying I dont want to push my kids and challenge them but really that is just beyond necessary.


    I agree. And I want to say that I was considering the testing route. I have two SAT subject test study guides sitting right here next to me on my desk because we were going to take that path. Then I realized that studying for the tests was taking away from the joy of learning the material. It was stressing all of us out. I know my kids could take the tests and do fine, but I decided I don't want them too. I want high school to be a joyful time for them without all the stress associated with trying to get into a UC school. 

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