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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. My son downloaded Pizza! From the App Store a few nights ago and it has been a big hit.




    I thought I would share it on here since so many are always looking for recommendations. The game starts out very basic but gets more difficult fairly quickly. It would be good for 7 to 11 year olds I would think, although I will admit that I have enjoyed playing it too.

  2. My kids and I were so disappointed. It was a terrible episode and came up short emotionally. I felt like all of the energy was put into the 50th anniversary and this episode was just an afterthought which was too bad. Matt Smith deserved a better ending after portraying the Doctor for so many years. 

  3. When my son was that age he attempted LoF physics. He had already used LoF from fractions through algebra and wanted to work through the physics book. He stopped using it after a few weeks, and it became the only LoF book that he did not like. I never did understand what exactly was the problem because he was working through it independently, but he insisted that he did not want to do it any longer. At the time I heard of other students having the same problem, so I figured that it wasn't him but the book.


    Maybe you should find another physics book for your son? Or maybe put it away for a while and try again later when he is older at which time he may be able to understand it better.

  4. My mom always had bubble lights on our tree when I was little, and I do the same. This year because we are going to be out of town for most of the holiday I just put up an artificial tree with pre-lit white lights. It is pretty but not as magical as a real tree with bubble lights.


    Our ornaments are a hodge-podge of ones we have collected over the years. We do not use garland.

  5. I am in the minority here, but I would let your oldest daughter pick out the name with your approval.  When we got a family dog I let my oldest son name it. He had wanted a dog for so long, and he was willing to help me care for the dog more than the other two. I felt he deserved to have a stronger say in the name to reflect his responsibility to the dog. I told him to come up with a few names and together he and I decided on one we both liked. In his case he wanted a name from Harry Potter, and in the end we both decided that we liked Kingsley. 

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