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Posts posted by Jilly

  1. I don't know about the rest of it, but the option to take the test on a computer would greatly help my older son. His handwriting is slow and difficult to read. He can produce a good essay but not on paper. This has the possibility of allowing him to show that.


    I am excited about this change too. My son can produce a decent essay when he uses a computer. When he has to hand write an essay the process is slow and painful for him. I am sure he could get accommodations due to physical limits, but he would rather not have accommodations. He is quite happy about this change. 

  2. The application process seems to vary. For AP English Language last year, ds filled out an application and included a sample of his writing. He received an acceptance email from the teacher and I paid for the class. This year, he had a shortened application for the AP English Literature class because he was returning to the same teacher. We filled that out, and then paid for both that class and Dr. Richman's AP Macroeconomics course. Dr. Richman takes all juniors and seniors until the class is full, so there is no communication from him. Classes like the AP US and European history classes usually require the approval of the application by the teacher.


    I agree.  For the AP Computer Science class my son had to submit an application and wait to hear back from the teacher before he was accepted and could enroll. For Human Geography it seems to be the opposite. The application is filled out after acceptance and is more of a fact-gathering document and a way to introduce yourself to the teacher. 

  3. Some of you mentioned that you have registered for PAH AP Human Geography.  My daughter applied last Thursday and received a "Thank You" reply that night, but when will we find out if she was accepted into the class?


    I emailed the teacher before submitting the applications and she said they could take the class and all that was needed to enroll was to submit the applications.  The twins submitted the applications, but we never received a reply to the application. It was just assumed they were accepted. Have you contacted the teacher? 

  4. FWIW, I seemed to have had better luck with large public schools than with private or charter schools.  In fact, the most aggravating phone conversation in my search for a school in San Diego was with a charter serving homeschoolers.


    Hmm...if that is true University High in Irvine might be a better option. It is a larger, public school and  I seem to remember a friend tell me a few years back that Uni allowed homeschoolers to take the APs. 

  5. My twins called me mama for a very long time. Now they call me mom. 


    My youngest called me mama when he was young. Then he stopped talking due to selective mutism and didn't call me anything for years. It was a very sad time for him and me. Now he calls me mutti which I have grown to love. I have shared his story before, but if anyone would like to read about his journey you can read about it here

  6. I am also a single homeschool parent. When I first started homeschooling (almost ten years ago) I felt like I was the only one, but I have noticed more single parents taking this route over the years. It is not always easy, but for my family it has been worth it. There is a good deal of juggling involved for you as the parent and in the early years it is hard. There was a few years where I felt like we were achieving very little academically as I was so busy with my schooling that it made it almost impossible. We struggled through though (audiobooks and videos helped) and now years later we are at a wonderful place. The kids are fairly independent which makes everything easier, and we are all very close which is the benefit I love most. 


    My biggest advice would be not to worry too much about the academics in the early years. Instead focus on establishing routines for yourself and the children. This is far more important than academics in my opinion. In addition I would recommend that you use all resources available to you and to use your resources wisely. If the kids are with their grandma have her teach them something she is interested in. When my mom had to homeschool my kids she would hit the basics and then teach them art because she is an artist. This was so much fun for her and the kids, and today she is still working with them on this. If you have other adults in your life that can help, use them. I have four brothers and I have called on them all to help me in various ways over the years. My good friends have also helped the kids and I over the years. For me this support has been so wonderful. 


    Also allow yourself to use alternative resources for curriculum. We would all love to spend hours a day teaching our children with wonderful curriculum but as a single parent this is not always possible. In the early years we used Time4Learning (which my kids loved for math and language arts), BrainPop, audiobooks (listening while building with Legos or drawing), and movies. Today I would add to this list apps which are educational. It is amazing how much the kids can pick up and learn from these resources and it frees up your time as they are much more independent. 


    Finally make a little time for yourself everyday. When my kids were younger my favorite part of my day was when they all finally feel asleep. It was my quiet time to do whatever I wanted. Now that they are older I take time during the day to go out by myself or with friends for coffee or lunch. It is so important to take some time for yourself and to not feel guilty about it.


    Good luck on your journey!

  7. My kids are really into a CBBC show called The Sparticle Mystery.  First season is on Netflix...  They have yet to hook their friends on it though.


    Most of the other things they like - Mythbusters, Avatar, Phineas and Ferb, Project Runway...  they have peers who are into them as well.


    My 10 year old son loves The Sparticle Mystery too. It is his favorite show. 


    My 14-year-olds love all the British mystery shows especially Midsommer Murders, Poirot, and Rosemary and Thyme. None of their friends seem interested in watching any of these shows but they don't care.  :)

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