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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I pulled up my history file and saw that with shipping it only cost $91 http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item=168938 Wal-mart owns Sam's Club, as for the online store I am sure they own that as well. I might not have understood your question...sorry if this isn't what you were asking.
  2. He is still considered homeschool. The private school has a homeschool program,(Lighthouse Academy Homeschool Program) we would pick up the PACE's from the school, which was just electives and English IV, brought them home did the work, took the test, then took everything back to them. We had the answer key, just not the test key..they wanted to grade that. He was pretty much done with what I wanted him to do with me, other than English, so when this door opened we jumped for it. He will have a graduation banquet(next month), a ceremony(in May) and receive an accredited diploma. He knows a lot of the kids at this school, since they allow homeschoolers on their sports program. He would have been done with his lessons in February(since he finished all the electives in Dec.), but he wanted to take it slow and only do 1 English book a week. I am not sure what he is going to do, his girlfriend lives across the street from us and comes over during the day..she is going through a similar program and he helps her when she needs it. But usually they hang out here and they are involved with the homeschool bowling league..unfortunately only has 3 wks left He can ask for more hours at work...but that's up to him.
  3. I forgot to thank everyone for their prayers, so I hit the stop button. I guess I wasn't quick enough!
  4. He was SO nervous! He said he did better than he thought he would. We don't know what grade he was given. The teacher knows that this counts as 30% of his grade, so I don't think he would have let him walk out if he failed. The only thing the teacher told him was wrong that his outline was not done properly, so he probably got counted off on that. The teacher told him no one has ever brought food as an illustration or for him to eat.:thumbup: If we don't hear from them in the next week or so, he passed. We are keeping our fingers crossed. I think ds is going to be so bored come next week. He has completed ALL of his school work and is just waiting on his diploma..which he will get the end of May! He is going to drive ME crazy:willy_nilly: looking for a :auto:, so he can get out and do something.
  5. http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/search.do?searchtype=simple&catg=1&simplesearchfor=microscope&x=0&y=0&simpleitemtype=1 I compared ours to my neighbor who got hers from Sonlight and it looks the same...to me! We really like it.
  6. given that I don't know much about computers. So we might be thinking about 2 different things here. When you clear history, it is cleared and wont be there any longer. I ours save for a week and then it isn't there..on our Safari history it gives the date that site was viewed.
  7. He goes tomorrow to turn in his final papers at the Private school we are going threw to get his diploma. He also has to do a speech from memory that he wrote(he hates speaking in public), which will be 30% of his final grade!! :D He is doing the report on his love of cooking and what his plans are for the future. He plans on taking a few recipes that he has perfected for an illustration and then let the teacher eat them.:drool: The teacher is really, really nice. I am sure he will appreciate it.
  8. When I called our insurance company they said it wouldn't save him but $100 a year...that's ridiculous!!!
  9. Ds(18) is looking for a car. He wants to pay cash for it, so he won't need full coverage. He said he looked online last night and did a quick quote on a 1990 Honda and it said his insurance would be $1050 every six months!:svengo: With that quote he could drive my 98 Expedition..which he isn 't. I know that is a quick quote and it would be a little cheaper if he goes under our insurance. But if it is that price, he would be paying $178 a month! I thought if you purchased an older car, the insurance would be cheaper. What is the deal with that????? What have you found that is reliable(has seat belts and airbags:tongue_smilie:) that is cheap(er) on insurance for your kids??? How do people afford for their kids to drive????? Ds works and will be paying for his insurance and what ever else the car needs. There is absolutely NO way we could afford him on our insurance.
  10. They were the kind that had the table attached to the desk and under the set storage. I purchased them last year from another homeschooler. My kids used them for about a month and they got to the point they rather sit at the kitchen table.
  11. Classical Conversation uses Veritas Press. Why would I want to spend so much money for CC and not just purchase VP with their cd's?
  12. HITS: R&S Grammar 4th and 5th grade Time Traveler American Revolution God's Design Animal Kingdom and Universe Abeka 4th grade..dd doesn't really like it much, but she doesn't like math! MISSES: R&S History, Science and Spelling Lial's BMC Latin for Children A..dc enjoyed it but we just don't have the time Wordly Wise
  13. I have never had a package NOT arrive(in the 9yrs of purchasing used books) the only problem I have ever had was last year and the person did not package it very well and half of it was lost. The lady has a delivery confirmation and it says it is at the city P.O. and has been there since the 11th. I e-mailed her today, thinking she could call and ask them what's up with it. She got really snappy with me, saying that she gave me the DC# which shows proof that she sent it. That's fine but still I would have offered to call them Monday morning to ask what's up and what to do.
  14. Boy what a STORM!! The tornados were northwest of us, but we did get the hail!! Hope everyone is ok!!!!
  15. The child was horrible and it was the worst experience ever! We told ds and friend it was time for bed(11:30), dh had to go to work at 6am and we had a toddler and an infant at the time. I wasn't about to let them stay up all night with out supervision. The boy would not be quite, he was constantly throwing things at ds and talking as loud as he could. So we decided to let ds go to bed first, the boy would crawl on his hands and knees back into the room and bother ds. We switched the boys out and waiting for the boy to go to sleep, which he finally did when I threatened to take him home. We had one other sleep over about 2 or 3yrs after that one, which turned out to be wonderful. Ds and the boys(yes it was about 6 boys) had such a great time, and they were very well behaved! I will never have boys that young(11) again sleep over. Ds(12) begs for his friend(10) to sleep over or to go over to his house and I will not do it.
  16. http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/crowd-surfing-commercial/6889765/
  17. How does this help the children? Doing Dress-ups..how does this help? Does this help with future writing assignments? How is this going to help someone teach writing when that someone knows nothing about writing? How does it help you grade the papers? Do I need the TWSS? What is it for? Do the SWI cover the same thing as the TWSS? Is there another curriculum out there that teaches about the same way?
  18. He is 18(have since he was 15), yes I would leave my 11ds(12 next Friday) and 10 dd in the car. If oldest ds is not, absolutely NOT, there are some crazy people out there, they don't care if it is a small town, :willy_nilly: are there too!
  19. I need to lose 30 to 35lbs. I just don't know what to eat! I don't want to buy anything different, just want to know how to use what I have and lose weight. I don't eat a lot, but I think it's just to of the wrong stuff and to much starch. I will get cravings and then say forget it, I don't know how to curb the cravings. I know that exercise is definitely something that I need to do(just have to stick with it). I plan on starting tomorrow using the Firm..can't remember the one I want to use. I plan on using it 3x a week and then add in (hopefully) walking 30mins 4x a week. I am not sure how to start this, since I am out of shape. I normally end up really sore and quit after a few days.
  20. I was looking at these and was wondering what the difference was between Veritas Press and Classical Conversation.
  21. We are planning on: Abeka 5th grade Math Trail Guide Geography..we are taking a break from History Sonlight Science 5 Rod and Staff 5 Grammar Writing..IEW B (Still not sure if it will be in our budget) Latin for Children A..since we haven't picked it back up Spelling Work E LLATL for Literature SpongeBob Typing Piano..if our piano teacher doesn't move, if she does we will try to do it here Co-op on Tuesday for fun classes and PE Bowling on Wednesday..if they continue it on that day Thinking about Classical Conversations, but still uncertain Vocabulary Cartoons
  22. Dc were done with their work at 11:30am!!! :party: Dd is still confused on Pronouns and Prepositions...I think she confuses the two "P" words. Ds still dislikes dictionary skills, but did a better job at it today. Now I need motivation to get things done in the house, I am still worn out from yesterday.
  23. When I look at the website I still am totally lost at what to get. What is the difference between Cycle 1,2 and 3 cd's? They say they cover the same thing. Where is the Teacher's guide?
  24. The day our second son was born, I became a SAHM. I have been homeschooling for 9yrs. Hopefully I will be able to homeschool 8 more years then I have NO clue what I will do.
  25. :rant:Today has been one of those days! I know my kids are smart, but they act like they know absolutely nothing! Ds 6th grade has to put words in alphabetical order, he knows how to do them, but says he doesn't. I show him again, he still says he doesn't get it. This is 2nd grade work...come on!:confused: Dd has been doing nouns/pronouns/adverbs/adjective and so on for 2 yrs. Now she is getting confused on pronouns and prepositions!:banghead:!! I feel like I have wasted 7yrs of their lives and mine! I am planning on an extra hour of flashcards with them...here's the thing we have been doing school work since 8am, stopped at 12 for lunch and to head to bowling league, got back at 4 and they are still doing today's work which should not have taken them but 45mins in each subject at the most! :cursing: What flashcards would you get to cover from now on until the beginning of next year...and will probably continue after that???
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