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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I am going through things to give to a charity and was wondering how many blankets and sheets do you have? I have 4 beds and we do have company. I have a 2 extra matress' and a blow up matress for company. I went through our walk in attic space this morning and found 2 totes of blankets..which is about 8 more than what I have in my linen closet. My mom would tell me.."You never have enough blankets!" We live in Georgia, so we don't have that much cold weather...maybe a couple of months(if that even).
  2. dc's biography. When he got a job last year at a local restaurant, that is when he wanted to be chef. Before that he wanted to be a vet. I told him,"Well, instead of helping the animals, you are going to eat them!":tongue_smilie:
  3. graduate what would it include? Ds is graduating Sunday!! The school he is graduating from is a very small one and only has 3 kids graduating that night. They called me today asking me for a biography on ds. Date of birth, where he was born, school activities, sports, future plans and anything else I would like to include. Of course, my mind is totally blank! So far this is what I have Ds's name was born in Augusta, Ga on December 16, 1989. He has been home schooled since the 4th grade, he always loved math and science.(?) He participated in 4-H, baseball with the Recreation Dept., and played football for BBCA(the school he is graduating from). Ds has come to love cooking and plans to attend Tech in the fall, to pursue a degree in Culinary Art and a Business degree in hopes to own his own restaurant. Of course they aren't wanting a full page, but this doesn't seem like much!
  4. We went to a field day on friday. Dd started itching on Saturday, I did not see anything, yesterday I did not see anything. Today it is all over her jaw. She says her head is itching too. HOW do I treat her head, I can't put Ivy Rest in her hair!
  5. Dc's bathroom is mauve..it was suppose to look like a manly(?) mauve..not pink girly mauve I painted it flat and then taped it off to create stripes with the same color but in semi-gloss. It is pretty, but the boys don't like it!:D I found a very nice shower curtain with the same color with brown in it. A brown rug near the shower and a beige fluffy rug near the sinks. I found two frogs..one sitting on the others shoulders. The one that is on the shoulders is suppose to hold a candle in both hands, instead I put a rag in each hand.
  6. at some at one store..JCPenny I think it was and they did not black out all the light. The ones I have...definitely not from Wal-mart..do not black-out all the light, but do a good enough job.
  7. Or does that sound about right? I know they will have to feed the animals, but if we do this every Monday morning, then I will have to cut out some school lessons..like history and science, these are the two that I think will be covered by the 4-H. Dc are so excited, but I am worried that dc will get burned out doing this for this long every week.
  8. I purchased 3 blackout curtains off ebay, for an awesome price. I was thinking they would fit perfectly, but now that they are up, they fit the window fine, but there is a gap between the panels..I need one more panel! I can not find these anywhere online. I believe they are by Maytex, but when I look the UPC and item number up it comes up a different color...black and they are not in stock. These are considered tan but a very dark tan. something like these in this picture http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5555769 I was thinking if I went to Walmart---I know they sell some blackout or thermal curtains and purchased a cream or dark brown and put them where the gaps where if this would look ok.? The room the curtains are in is a rusty orangish and dark brown--accent wall
  9. you take two big steps and you are at the bathroom. The room before going into the hall is like a light butterscotch color and the stairs wall and a wall in the room is a maroon. The bathroom is a rich red(sort of) I love green. Would it be to much to paint the hall a green..like a sage?
  10. Married 2 wks before 17th b-day, had ds at 17 1/2. 2nd @ 24 and last at 26. Will be 36 next month.
  11. I went to a event put on by a local human society today. We went up to the llama pen to see the llama's. The lady there started telling me about 4-H. The kids were in a 4-H about 5yrs ago and they really didn't like it. This one is held on the llama farm! My kids were so excited about it and decided they did not want to do co-op next year..just the 4-H. They were thinking they would start on Monday!!! I had to break the news and tell them they would not start until August. Anyone here do things with animals? I love animals, but I don't know what is expected of my kids. She said rain, sleet or snow, she expects the kids to be there!!:gnorsi: Is this something that I need to really think about?? What if we can't go one week?? She also told me that if she could find 3 more homeschooling children 10 and up, she would hold the class on Monday morning..I am really wondering about this..we do have school work! The classes are 3hrs every wk!!! Won't we get burned out??? Any information you can give me would be appreciated!
  12. Sold $10 worth of books and did not buy anything:party: I am trying hard not to purchase things we don't need!
  13. That is SO sad!!I know they think it's an honor, but good that has/had to hurt!!
  14. I want to keep it very light, but touch on all subjects. I have purchased the Complete Curriculum and Painless Junior Science for dc to do over the summer. I know what something that touches a little on history..a short passage to read and answer a few questions. Is there anything like this??
  15. grades 4th and 6th? I am looking for things for dc to do for the summer. I would like something for them to read and answer questions. Is there anything like this?
  16. Gas is one and ds has a job now and can not afford to take off. So, we will be staying here. I know by the end of summer, dh is going to be itching to go somewhere.
  17. before Grey's Anatomy...She played the girl in the well on Silence of the Lamb.
  18. GOOD GRIEF, last week wasn't enough!?!?!?!?! Hahn and Torres kissing now!!!!!!
  19. Me..8 to 8 1/2...really depends on the shoe, sometimes I can were a 7 1/2 Dh..9 Ds (18)..9 Ds(12)..8 1/2 mens...he jumped from a boys 6 to a mans 8 1/2, I really think its the shoe! Dh got his shoes so I am not sure, if they tried anything else. dd(10)..6 womens..I hope hers doesn't grow to much more!
  20. of seeing "PARTS" of that movie. I don't care to see it!! Dh LOVES, LOVES, LOVES that movie. I am not joking at how many times he has watched it! I will get up and walk out of the room every time it comes on. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Pirates of Caribbean...never finished watching those either..these are on dh's favorite list as well.
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