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Angie in VA

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Posts posted by Angie in VA

  1. Well, the only SQ in the store was an open box TR model. It was a little bit reduced in price. My husband had borrowed a truck to bring it home (because we mistakenly thought we'd read that X amount were in stock at that store. No.) So, we brought that home while we had the truck and some hands to help. 

    I sure hope we like it. It is heavy! 

    First load going now. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

    I have the TR 5 and I love it. My one worry was that the tub size was too small but it has been more than big enough. 


    Thank you! Glad to hear this. 

  3. On 1/17/2021 at 4:31 PM, Kakids said:

    I'm checking in to see if anyone has the new TR model Speed Queen washers. How do you like it? I'm having a terrible time deciding on a new washer. I have a narrow space I'm trying to fit a washer in.

    Bumping this to ask about SQ washers in general and the TR model in particular. @Kakids did you get a TR? And how do you like it? 

    Our washer has been letting me know it is about to die for a while. It died over the weekend, of course, while full with a load (and water!) I'm all about top loaders, agitators, simple features, less is more. Simple girl here, no farm laundry, but we do garden. Also, no king sized beds here, so size shouldn't be a problem.

    We are leaning towards a TR* model, so I would appreciate all feedback. 


    *Correction: My first research had me wanting a TC. Then we saw some in a store a month or so ago, and I thought I wanted a TR. Now I'm back to the TC, but I would be happy with either, and, ideally, would love a machine that works. It took 7 or 8 buckets to empty the water from the dead washer. That was after fishing out the clothes and attempting to get as much water out of them as possible. We *might* go shopping tomorrow. 


    I have a few other threads open (this one for example)and plan to go read the manuals online for the TC and TR models now. Hoping @klmama sees this too. 

  4. On 10/26/2022 at 11:34 PM, Kareni said:

    You have an excellent memory, @happi duck, as they were indeed different threads. 

    I plan to start the unique gifts thread sometime in November.



    I haven't logged in for quite some time, but I came here today looking for your annual thread!


    Kareni, you rock!

    • Like 1
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  5. Husband has gone back to watching the local news first thing in the morning. I pointed out the formula of 

    1. Weather 

    2. Traffic


    He now turns it off after the quick rundowns of weather and traffic. 

    • Like 1
  6. Henrietta Lacks 

    My grandmother and mother

    Dr. Carol Swain

    (All 4 of the above were born in Virginia! 🙂 )

    Jackie Kennedy for many reasons, but especially for this quote:

    “If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.”


    Mamie Till who knew the power of a photo 8 years before Jackie Kennedy refused to change out of her blood-soaked suit and hose to "let them see what they've done." 


    Diana Spencer if for nothing else than she told the queen where her dc would be born, and she had her boys wait in lines. But also, for how smart she was. She sensed who was suffering and was drawn to them. She knew one photo of her shaking hands with an AIDS patient would do more than 100 published studies saying it was safe. She used her fame to bring awareness to important charities, and then sold all those gowns. I miss her. I wanted to watch her grow old. I loved her back in the day and I still do. 


    I reserve the right to add to this list. 

    • Like 1
  7. I had one almost the size of my thumb removed. As I'm sure you know, there are 4 parathyroid glands on the butterfly-shaped thyroid, each about the size of a grain of rice. I had a great doctor who caught it w/ bloodwork and saw the high calcium. I too took calcium supplements afterwards.

    As a PP said, some of my symptoms disappeared DAY OF. It was great. My husband and I walked to dinner the night of my surgery, and then, dutifully, went to a grocery store to get ice cream for my throat.  😆 As we stood in line, I told him, "The bones in my feet don't hurt anymore." 


    I did a lot of research and chose a surgeon/clinic who was highly rated (and took my insurance). I had full anesthesia but was an out patient. My scar is hardly noticeable. I was off for the summer, so taking off work wasn't an issue for me. The only special thing I did for my scar was apply sunscreen faithfully for that summer. 

    Feel free to send me a private message if you want to ask me specifics.




    • Thanks 1
  8. On 2/17/2022 at 11:11 AM, catz said:

    Oh it's really fun to go out at random points.  Make signs, bring a noisemaker, wear crazy clothes, Cheer cheer cheer!  I used to run and I absolutely loved this kind of thing, I will still go out and cheer for my DH.  

    A good spot would be like a public park that the race is going past.  A lot of places could work, I'd just not recommend going into neighborhoods near homes early on the weekend.  Unless you see neighborhoods setting up lawn chairs, bands, or something.  There is one race through our neighborhood that starts at a 7:30 on a Sunday in the fall and everyone just knows it will be loud that day.  If you email the race coordinators they may have good suggestions.  Though if the event is coming up soon, they may be too busy to get back on emails of this nature too.   You could post like on a neighborhood or city board on social media somewhere for ideas too.  A bigger event like a half marathon the finish will probably be packed and it hard to get a decent place to see not to mention parking and all that business.  Especially if it's with other races going on at the same time.  

    There was someone at the finish line in this costume. Talk about spirit!

    Dinosaur costume


    • Haha 1
  9. On 2/18/2022 at 1:32 PM, skimomma said:

    I also recommend the multiple mid-route cheer stations.  The start and finish are too bananas to find/see/hear spectators.

    I have run multiple half and full marathons as well as triathlons.  I usually don't have a cheering section but the few times I have, I really enjoyed it.  It makes that next mile peel away so must faster.  And don't be afraid to cheer on others too!  Many of the races I have done have the first name written on the bibs.  The first time this happened, I was all confused about why people I didn't know were cheering for me, by name!  It was really fun.  Even if you don't know their name, general cheering for runners as they go by is always appreciated.

    One thing to NOT do is yell "almost there" when they are not indeed almost there.  "Almost there" for a half is not until the last mile.  Anything before that usually ticks runners off.  

    I mostly came here to share a super cute story from the last half I ran.  It is a race that runs along a single, low traffic, long road.  It is always fun because the people who live along it have gatherings and cheer everyone on, sometimes offering a hose down or bottled water as we go past.  I was running about the same pace as a younger woman so we were within view of each other for most of the race.  I noticed early on that her dh and three very young kids were stationed along the route to cheer her on.  Then we appeared a mile later.  And again a mile later.  I started paying attention.  This guy was packing up all three kids into car seats, breaking down a double stroller and putting it in the trunk, driving one mile, and setting them all up again.  He did this 10 times!  That is dedication!  


    I did say "Almost there!" but that was when the finish line was in sight. I hope that was OK and not a jerk move on my part. 


    That story of the dad loading up kids and strollers and going to 10 pre-planned points is the sweetest thing ever! Thanks for sharing that. I love it! ETA: And how sweet about the support from the residents who live along the route. That could easily be a source of frustration, but it sounds like this neighborhood enjoys it. 🙂


    Many props to all you runners. It was humbling to think those runners would do more than morning than I'd do all weekend - and it was a 3 day weekend!

  10. Did I never update this thread? RUDE! Many apologies. 

    Thank you for all your advice! ❤️ We surprised our loved one and I got everything I wanted: to sit and watch w/ my husband AND to split up to give support at different stations. 

    Husband wanted to find our runner before the race. Knowing how *I* am with just my morning routine, I didn't want do to ANYTHING that would interrupt the focus of our runner. But our paths crossed, and it was a good and welcomed surprise. So we cheered at the beginning and at two other stations we could walk a short cut to early on in the race.

    Then at the end of the race we set our lawn chairs a ways down from the finish line but w/in sight of it. We were tracking the runner w/ an app and could see when it was time to split up a bit. Husband walked down to the final turn and texted me when to be on the look out at our lawn chair station. It was perfect. 

    I am a born spectator, a watcher and cheerer of doers, not a doer myself. I embrace this life purpose. I had a BALL cheering for everyone. I got a few odd "Do I know you?" looks, but I was undeterred. Others cheered for everyone too, so the spirit there was great. I know it was the last leg and not my cheers that made runners pick up the pace, but I can pretend I played a tiny part in their final efforts. 😉

    Thank you again. I appreciate all the help. I knew you would come through!


    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  11. 15 hours ago, footballmom said:

    With this being their first half, I would try to reveal the surprise around mile 4-5 and again at mile 10.  If you have to choose between the two, mile 10.  You are so close then with just a 5k to go.  A little surprise guest would be awesome!


    Excellent advice. Thanks so much. 

  12. 16 hours ago, Insertcreativenamehere said:

    These are all great ideas! I've never really had anyone cheer me on in a race and I just want to say how thoughtful it is that you're doing this! 

    Aww. I'm cheering for you right now! I went to cheer on a friend who ran a 5k, and that was a surprise too. It was very easy to be close to the finish line for that one. 

    Runners are a special breed. (I'm not that special!) 

    You are amazing!

  13. 14 hours ago, Bootsie said:

    I have a friend who we have cheered on and were able to find a place along the route where we could watch them running south and then move over a few blocks and see them when they were going to be running north.  The trick was knowing when to be watching for them.  Luckily we had several different people placed at different places along the route to text so that we knew the person's pace and when to watch to cheer them on.

    Hubs and I will probably split up. Great idea. 

  14. 18 hours ago, AngieC said:

    Definitely check out the course map and see if you can make it to a couple of spots by walking. If it’s a smaller race, driving is a possibility, but for some of the bigger ones, between road closures and all of the participants, it can be chaos driving and trying to find parking.


    Signs are great! If it’s a large race, they probably have live tracking so you can get notified when they cross certain checkpoints. Otherwise, if they’re running with a phone and a Garmin watch, ask them to send you a live track from their phone so you can follow them (or share their location on a iPhone).


    Have fun!

    I downloaded the map already. Love the idea of sharing GPS. Thank you!

    16 hours ago, Katy said:

    If you yell names they will definitely notice you cheering them along the route! Some people wear shirts with their name just so people will use it. 

    Consider buying big soft slippers with squishy memory foam soles to hand them at the finish line. And maybe have a package of blister bandaids and a new pair of socks and some Aleve in your purse just in case. 

    I ran one marathon and those are the things I wanted when I was done. 

    Great idea about the slippers. I've given this loved one mole skin bandages b/c this runner is a hiker too. Katy, I already had high regard for you, just from reading your thoughtful posts that always teach me something, but knowing you ran a marathon? Wow! You are a rock star! Thanks for these tips.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Thank you for these suggestions. The only time I went to cheer at a race, it was a 5K, and my friend saw me and my sign. I hadn't even thought of a sign this time. A noise maker is a great idea! 

    Love the idea of being at points along the way. Give encouragement when needed and more likely to be seen/heard by the runner we love. I fully expect the finish line to be a mad house. 

    Thank you so much! I knew y'all would be helpful. 

  16. A loved one is running a half marathon (a first!) soon. It's out of town, but we hope to go surprise this loved one. 

    I dread parking anywhere near the event. I found the pdf of the race/route. I don't know if we'll be able to get to different stations to cheer, or should we just be at the finish line? 

    I have run before, but it was when a house up the street from me was on fire. Not funny, but it's true. And a little funny about how I don't run. (No people were hurt in the fire.)

    I'll see if I can call someone w/ the race to get advice, but I came to the best source I know. 🙂


    • Like 1
  17. The book arrived today! And it wasn't until today that the tracking info was provided again. 

    I clicked on Customer Service from the homepage again and got the same error message and another one of the dogs of Amazon. 


    @OH_Homeschooler I hear you on not renewing. Ours is up in the summer. I tell ya, I'm enjoying our Roku and all the free offerings on that and on other channels. I would consider Hulu again too. We might be letting Prime go.


    Thank all who responded for all the feedback. @Kassia, you deserve a special prize! 


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