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Everything posted by StaceyinLA

  1. Just wanted to add, my intention really wasn’t to drop this and run - just wasn’t interested in really debating the issue. I wasn’t on the boards for a week or so as we had an extended family member who went through labor/delivery of an infant they knew wasn’t going to survive due to several developmental defects. It was their first baby, and a very awful time. FWIW this pre-teen was a regular patient who is seen/monitored often for a heart defect. He had never had issues with his heart rate at prior visits. The fact that their practice is overloaded with kids who are showing signs of high BP and higher than normal heart rates was something that concerned her, and it was/is a legitimate concern. Also, yes, people in China do wear masks all the time. How much do we know about the overall health of the Chinese? Are their children wearing masks in their schools, or all day every day? This virus originated there, and did infect many people prior to spreading to other countries.
  2. I’ve never used rice milk. I’ve made homemade cashew cream and I just can’t enjoy it the same. I am at the point where I’m just hoping to cut coffee out completely because I really feel like if I have to find a way to like it, I may as well just not have it. I’ve wanted to ditch caffeine for a while, but right now I’m just really struggling to give up that one cup in the morning. I think it’s just the habit. I’m gonna try and replace with tea. I may try some oat milk just to see. I’ve looked at some creamers like nut pods and stuff, but honestly I just can’t justify loading my coffee up with oils and other crap in place of grass-fed cream. I’d rather not do that. Maybe I should make some oat milk. I have lots of oats.
  3. Well, I wound up ordering the 2nd edition text today. I read some positive reviews about the changes in the text, and figured it would be worth getting since I already had the notebooks. I think my grandkids will enjoy doing the notebooking. I went ahead and purchased notebooks for the other 2 books I already have, just in case they update those texts before we get to them. I don’t want to be dealing with this same issue in a year or two.
  4. I’m working on that. The only issue I’m having is with my 1 cup of morning coffee. I’m trying to give that up completely, but it’s a struggle. I just cannot find a good replacement. The thing is, even if it resolves, I still wonder if the fluid that’s there will just disappear. At this point I feel like I need to do something to try and dry it up, and I also wonder how long it would take after eliminating dairy completely to see improvement.
  5. Well, I have zero issue at all with ear wax - never have. Would that do anything to help fluid that feels like it’s behind my eardrum?
  6. Okay great! I will get some tomorrow. I’m also really just curious what the odds are that this could be from something like a dairy allergy. I remember my grandson having this issue, and the hive saying dairy was a likely culprit. I just don’t know what else to think. I almost instantly have mucous/phlegm (sorry again) after having a coffee or latte with dairy milk or cream, although I swear sometimes I feel like it happens after I have one with cashew cream. I kinda even wondered if it could be sugar. It’s so odd, and it’s a fairly new thing.
  7. I have not tried Sudafed. Would that be preferable to Benadryl for trying to dry it up? I struggle with Benadryl, and can only take it at night. I’ve only tried it once/twice. I’ve tried Mucinex a few times just to see if I could loosen it up and have it drain (sorry if that’s gross), but no real luck with that. IDK if I’ve tried anything consistently enough for it to have time to work. I HATE taking medicines of any kind.
  8. I’m so sorry. I’m going through something similar with an old, very dear friend. I unfollowed her on FB so I wouldn’t be tempted to engage in any conflict with her, but I’ve made the mistake of going to her FB a couple times to see pics and stuff, and been shocked at things she has said, and ways she has treated people in her threads. This is just not the person she has ever been, nor likely ever would be in person. It has really changed my opinion of her, and not in a good way. It’s heartbreaking.
  9. I’ve had what I think is fluid behind my eardrum for a while now. I suspect it could be a dairy allergy, and I have not completely removed dairy from my diet. I haven’t been to the doctor because frankly other than just feeling like there is fluid in there, I really am not having other symptoms, and would like to see if there’s anything I can do to try and clear it up on my own. What are the odds this is what I’m dealing with, and any suggestions for what might help.
  10. StaceyinLA


    During these trying times, I just thought I’d offer up this helpful information. When you pull your stainless roaster out of the oven to flip you chicken over, and you need to grab the roaster to stabilize it, it’s a good idea to use a potholder. 🤬
  11. Someone gave me the first ed Apologia elementary astronomy text. The notebooking journals are for the 2nd edition. Is it possible to use these with the first ed book? How difficult would it be to figure out which activities go with which lessons? Has anyone done this?
  12. I am sure it’s overkill, but wonder if anyone has done this, and if they have a list of when they used what cards. If so, would you mind sharing?
  13. I’m not trying to be controversial, and am not going to get back on here and argue at all regarding any of this. It’s just for informational purposes, and obviously comes from a single person’s experiences, but this came up today and I found it interesting enough to share. Obviously there is no possible way to have long-tern studies at this point regarding effects of mask use period, much less in children, so I thought this was worth mentioning here. My dd’s father-in-law is a pediatrician, and her mother-in-law does ultrasounds for a pediatric cardiologist. We were talking a bit ago and Covid came up. She was saying they have been swamped with patients in for ultrasounds due to elevated heart rates, BP increases, etc. She also said that she has been noticing many kids having extremely elevated heart rates when getting their ultrasounds, as in 160+ bpm (and not little kids - 11-12 yo kids). She has had them remove their masks, and within a couple minutes, their heart rates drop considerably. Obviously she is one person at one pediatric cardiologists’ office, but she is very concerned at what all of this, not just masks, is doing to children. She said the anxiety levels from everything that is going on, coupled with them wearing masks, and being anxious about wearing the masks, is absolutely affecting the overall health and well-being of a lot of the kids they are seeing. I just think this is interesting to note with schools planning to open and have kids wearing masks all day. Do we really have any clue what the effects of this will be on our children?
  14. This is what pops up on FB when it “fact-checks” the video and removes it.
  15. I just think there are enough people stating they’ve had successes with this to study it further. Yes there are studies saying it doesn’t work/has no promise, but some of those are flawed because the controls aren’t true placebos. You have the Yale epidemiologist putting out positive information regarding HCQ (although I’m sure he will be discredited somehow). I just don’t think anything has really been proven one way or another here, and I don’t think it should be disregarded just because this doctor has weird beliefs and hasn’t followed someone’s proper protocol. I appreciate the discussion, but I really do need to exit.
  16. Wasn’t referring to the doctor. I was responding to a question about whether I feel like I was personally attacked. And the fact is, among a certain group of people on these boards, if you have a differing opinion, you will absolutely be personally attacked. I think that’s why a lot of people no longer participate in certain types of discussions here. Sadly, myself included. It’s not because I’m not confident in my beliefs, but life is just too damn short. God forbid you question science, as if everything that was ever “proven“ to be safe and effective really was. After 20+ years on the boards here, I rarely even get on anymore because of this, and I used to be here every day. It’s pretty sad really.
  17. Question about the aspirin as part of a daily preventive - how much would you take? Or would you not take it unless exposed/symptomatic?
  18. Oh on these boards? All the time. All you have to do is have a differing opinion. I’m used to it though - been around here 20+ years. I have learned to not get into things like this. I don’t know WHY I let myself do it today - glutton for punishment I suppose. 😜 But I’m leaving the discussion. I don’t normally announce my departure, but I don’t want anyone to think I’m ignoring them if they quote me. I just need to get on with my day.
  19. I am saying it would absolutely need to be supported, but I can see, in the light of what is going on, that health care providers could be frustrated with what they see is working enough to get up there and make the statements. I am NOT saying it is the right way to do it, nor that it shouldn’t be supported by the evidence - just that maybe in these particular times, doctors could be frustrated enough with the situation to want to speak out. And I am not ignoring anything.
  20. Well, if you consider people getting on and condemning anyone who disagrees with anything a positive, yeah. Basically what it boils down to is condemning anyone with a differing opinion in such a way that anything you say beyond that falls on “deaf ears.” So yeah, the positives would be that all those who share the same opinion keep it. No one else benefits because they’ve been personally attacked, so any likelihood of changing their opinion is out the window.
  21. Seriously? Why is Bill Gates’ opinion being considered? I mean if you want to talk about people who don’t have proper medical experience. At least these are medical professionals. And yes, I agree this is not the norm, but maybe they just wanted their voices to be heard.
  22. Hey you’re right. I think she has some bizarre crap going on, but you just said you know nothing about her. Why not try to find out if she’s really treating patients before totally discrediting her because of her crazy beliefs? Perhaps there are people who are frustrated because they ARE seeing results, and no one is listening. Who knows? I know there’s a lot of frustration and misinformation surrounding this whole thing, and has been since the beginning. I get we need the data - absolutely. It would need to be forthcoming, but I think personal attacks are unnecessary.
  23. If you saw my original quote wherein the poster was posting a smiley face about being able to refute people’s posts with the doctor’s crazy webpage, you’d know why I used the word excited. It’s like we just can’t wait to be able to make someone look like a quack, or prove they’re a quack. And I don’t have a clue where you got any information about my not being willing to read a study. I merely posted that there has been at least ONE study where Vitamin C was used as a “placebo,” and it is NOT a placebo. There’s a reason no positives ever come from any discussions on these boards, and it’s because of personal attacks. I typically avoid posts like these because of it. Shame on me for not doing the same here.
  24. So if her “beliefs” don’t line up with others, that automatically means she’s lying about her experiences here? That’s all I’m saying. I mean good gracious they have a lot of doctors whose beliefs wouldn’t line up with mine, but I don’t believe that necessarily negates their experiences as a doctor. Sharing success with medical treatments that others have also shared successes with doesn’t seem like a conspiracy theory to me.
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