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Posts posted by lcelmer

  1. I've been at both ends of the process, and when we were at the bottom end, I was super grateful for the dried beans, old bread, sardines, etc. WE NEEDED FOOD!


    I think part of the issue is the manner of distribution. I was blessed enough to join a LARGE gleaning operation that had a huge warehouse & great rules. You had to work there to keep getting benefits. They allowed you to choose 1 item from this section of the shelf, and 1 from the next etc. I didn't pick up things we were allergic to, etc.

    They kept the food sorted, and the stale/broken things went to the pig box (local pig farmer used what he could) If you stayed in the program long term (2 years?) you had to go to a free budgeting seminar to keep coming. Their whole goal is to help you get to your financial goal and be able to stop gleaning.


    I've also gone to a different city's gleaners, they say you have to work, but never enforce it, etc, and they have a line around the block. Their food is moldy, rotting, and scary (not enough people to sort it) . You wouldn't believe the smell. Still, I was very, very thankful for the bread supply, and 1 or 2 times there was used clothing...I agonized over choosing socks for hubby or a shirt for baby.


    If you just get a prefilled box handout, allergies & expired food matter so much more... you can't eat them & there is nothing to substitute.


    Oddly enough, there are people who had the option of joining the larger, well run, good food place, (enough to live off of) but chose instead the emergency box handout that required no work to get. (Only enough for a few days) Then they griped a ton about the contents of the box, while spending foolishly on things they didn't need instead of food.

  2. what year you are doing, what levels your students are, if you are using a co-op specifically for TOG, and if you have a blog, include the link! :001_smile:


    We are finishing up Y3 now, and will start in Sept 2012 with Year 4, UG & D levels (9DD, 12 DS)


    We do meet weekly with another family that is using the same schedule we are & the two D students do the discussion together. I would do TOG even if they don't though.


    I started with the last 2 units of Y1 classic and LG only, and loved it! (even jumping in in the middle)

    Did Y2 up to the 2nd unt clasic, then bought 3-4 redesigned, and just did red. 3 this year

  3. Not quite what you are looking for, but I was faced with the same dilemma. I am going cursive first, and phonogram sounds instead of letter names, from the beginning with our 3 year old DS.


    I am using HOD Little ?hearts?hands? to Heaven. The only preprinted materials are letter flashcards, and I can easily whip up 1 set for us in cursive instead. You do learn to the letter shapes, but we will just use the cursive shape... so instead of placing blocks in the shape of a print b, we will so a cursive b. LHTH has more handwriting activities to do, tracing, writing in sand etc, but we will just use the cursive letter form.


    They also try to teach the letter names first but I will just sub in the single letter SWR phonogram instead. :-)

  4. The free shipping is very addicting. I certainly spend more money on Amazon because of the shipping. I even get some of my groceries from them. I haven't got in the habit of using it for videos.




    You might want to check the pirce of a few subscribe & save things, household goods etc. I use prime for cereals (Kashi) LIma beans, papertowells, wipes, and laundry detergent.


    I love not having to remember to buy paper towels and wipes... for some reason I can never get them bought at the store, I totally forget even if they are on the list.

  5. I emailed the coop a while back and suggested they take on Timez Attack and I've been waiting for this! :hurray: Not quite as good as discount as I was *hoping* for but still pretty good.


    Just thought I'd share with anybody who has been eyeing this program.



    Too bad I already bought it... My kids love this, but we have only an old computer that wont run it and a nice laptop that is MOMMY'S only...



    One of these days I hope to get a used comp set up for the kids that can run it.

  6. yeah...Helium can indeed be bad, you pass out if you inhale it too much. neither my husband nor I had heard of this till my 10 year old passed out at his bday party, trying to talk like daddy... scariest moment of my life.


    He's laughing, giggling, breaths in, ..... thud..... out cold on the floor. :scared:


    Only adults get to do that at our house now, and even then very, very, rarely.

  7. I'm hoping to start up with ds age 3 1/2 this summer, and I plan to use the Little Hands To Heaven, by HOD, add in the My Father's World 4yr old preschool pack, and then mix in lots of hand on, Montessori-ish type stuff.


    Hopefully if I star tin summer, then we might have a routine down by fall, before TOG with my big kids starts up again.



    Since I am doing cursive first with him, we are goign to have to tweak most things a bit. (He is just learning the letters by sound right now, both in cursive & print)

  8. An elderly lady with dementia? No way. What if she fell? She could be seriously injured.


    Of course, there are major liability issues as well, but just the idea that this woman could fall and get hurt would be enough to make me say no. It is also too much responsibility for a teenager. .



    Even if the neighbor wouldn't want to charge your ins. for her injury, the Dr/ins company would automatically do that.

  9. And when you lose a book, they charge you a lot. I know they could get those books for cheap off amazon, but I don't care.



    You might ask, sometimes they will let you buy the book yourself, and bring it in to replace the lost book. Obviously, it should be in new condition, with library binding if available.


    Even if you also pay a fee to cover the book processing, it can be less expensive.

  10. In terms of actually finding the books, I have found that it is much faster to use the links under the books in bookshelf central that go straight to worldcat, (you will need to set up a free account) and that tells me without typing in author, title, etc. if it is in my library system. (I added my libraries as a favorite, so they show up at the top of the list) If it isn't in my library, I just copy & past the info into an excel document.


    I then use addall.com to compare prices of the books on hundreds of bookstores online, and order them used if avalible. (I add the place& date ordered from in the excel spreadsheet)


    Any that aren't available used, I then order from bookshelf central.


    I do a unit at a time in terms of prep, but it is nicest to have it all done before school starts.


    I would spend maybe 1 evening checking availability per unit (I'm doing UG/D)

    4 nights so far


    Then checking for the used books isn't too bad, maybe 1-2 units per night.

    7 nights


    Buying from lamostand - 1 night

    8 evenings


    So, for book selection/purchasing maybe 8 evenings, total at a relaxed pace. Add another 2 nights for putting a list of books to get at the library by month, and now you're done with books.


    10 nights to book gathering/prepping


    Paper work... I like to use 1 copy of the weeks reading assignments on the wall of the school area, they can look up the required info there, just DON'T MOVE IT!

  11. I suppose that if it is a volunteer only library I might feel a bit bad and not do it, but most of the staff at our library are paid. It seems like an odd question to me in that regard. If the system lets you do that, then why not? If you are performing a customer service in an industry, and it is something you are allowed/expected to do in exchange for a fair wage, then why would it be rude?


    I use TOG with the library for most of the books, so yes, if I have a hold on 18+ books, and 1 or 2 are from my own library, I go right ahead.


    I LOVE my library system, and am so thankful to live within walking distance. I am slightly jealous of my neighboring county though, they let you put holds on for certain dates! (A TOG/homeschooler's dream library) My good friend puts all her holds on at the beginning of the school year at once.


    As to the hold length, whatever they decide is fine by me, but I would always prefer a week or more, since it can be hard to get out of the house for many mamas. 3 days would be really, really, rough.

  12. addall.com has a great search function that searches both Amazon, Powell's, and many, many other online bookstores. I use it exclusively when looking for my tog books USED that I can't get from the library.



    As to the cost, if I had it I would spend it... loving tog. :-)

    next year I am doing DE year 4, and only buying what I can't get from my awesome library.

  13. Send your kids to bed. It's usually a good hint.


    If that dosen't work, start yawning, and talking about how you need to to up early in the am.


    If that doesn't work you, you & dh could decide who, but 1 go to bed & 1 shoo the guests out gently.


    One time growing up there was a single guy we had over, who STILL didn't get the hint even after Mom had gone to bed, after telling him we needed to go to bed, Dad finally had to turn him out. He was a very nice man, just lonely & semi clueless. :lol:

  14. I would give it up to be a Mom... It seems best to our family to have at least 1 parent home full time (or at the very least when the kids are home) to parent. :-) I quit my job to be a sahm mom when we were expecting our first, even though I was offered a raise & would've been making more than my husband was at the time.


    I have worked a few times since then, while the kids were still preschool, but only for a few days a week in a temp position, with the kids at grandmas. I hated that. Coming home to all the regular work, and already exhausted was not fun.

  15. The problem is not sugar, but irresponsible people making stupid choices.


    Frankly, our gov and culture have only fostered the prevalent habit of irresponsibility by removing many natural consequences for sins. Adultery is now ok, abandoning your children and spouse is ok, murdering preborn babies is ok, paying no attention to your children's educational needs is ok, (unless you homeschool) relying on others to feed breakfast, lunch, and sometimes clothe your child is ok, children having sexual encounters with other children is ok, but you evil adults better not eat sugar.



    SUGAR is not the cause of obesity, opening your mouth for the 56th doughnut this morning is. It is not the doughnut factory's fault, nor the ingredients that make up the maple bar, it is YOURS!

  16. If it gets me out of the house, without kids, at an adult oriented event, I am all for it.


    Sadly, My church hasn't had anything like that for the women very often... They have a women teaching the young ladies conference/camp thingy, but since I am homeschooling my 3 kids, while my hubby works (It's usually a weekday combo) I just can't go.


    I guess if it was too weird I would leave, but I can tolerate a LOT if I am left alone with my knitting/notebook.


    I went to the local homeschooling conference for the first time this year as an attendee, not a booth worker, and it was so much fun to be out without my kids.

  17. I tried -it was a disaster. DD soaked her clothes every 20 minutes so I was stuck washing diapers as well as 6-7 outfits a day. DH got fed up and told me to use his spending money if we couldn't afford disposable



    I did this with my firt... turns out it was the diaper combo I was using,they were used gerber with a nonabsorbent padded core and a pull on plastic cheapo pant on top... It was so bad he couldn't take a 1 hour nap without being just soaked... :-P I never tried again until he was older.


    I had never heard of any other diaper combo, and then while dealing with nightime wetting issues, I found the diaperswapper forums.


    I tried again when my odest 2 were potty training, and the older one had enurisis... It was so much cheaper to just buy 2-3 night nipes that worked and wash them... Those goodnights can get expensive!


    Sooo...fast forward to baby3 and I was cding most of the time, with no leaks or diaper blowouts anymore. I take a break for the holidays, and if I get super behind on the laundry.

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