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Posts posted by lcelmer

  1. Oh! I have this, bit haven't watched it yet... let me watch it & get back to you hopefully today.




    For school storage: it’s more of a how to make homeschool “fun” (crafty/lots of fun accessories), while keeping it organized, than a DVD on organizing all kinds of school.

    It really depends on what you are looking for. I bought several of her DVDs after attending a lecture on homeschooling with stations (box structures, reading nooks, sand& water) tables etc .) I am not very creative, and need to see visuals of what people are talking about. I tend to automatically be all about paper/words, and less about hands on and creative play, so her emphasis was what I wanted to add to our school life.




    • 3 minutes into it so far, but it seems to be more of a tour of her home, and how she has set up spaces for storing/organizing kids supplies, toys, crafty stuff more than curriculum or papers.
    • 5 minutes in, info on making a space station type thingy from boxes. Space mural area, etc.
    • 9 minutes in, talking about laundry, habit forming, Storage in laundry room, shelving, etc.
    • 30 minutes in organizing kitchen, (mostly stuff I have heard before)


    There's much more, but I am tired of listing the areas covered. :-)


    For the living room, one of the things she did was to store blankets for snuggling in a basket right next to the couch. I never would think of that on my own. Never, not in a million years, and one our homes biggest irritants are the blankies everywhere. I am going to do at least 2 bathroom tips too.


    For me, it was worth the bundle price at the convention, since I don't think in terms of spaces, as much as content, lessons or tasks. Keep going through the whole DVD if a part seems uninteresting/ or not applicable, the next part might fix a trouble spot in your home.


    If you are spatially creative, and very good at problem solving in terms of organizing the home and decluttering already, then it might not be worth the money.


    After watching it today, I would pay the full $15 for sure. Clearly, I am not spatially wired, not at all. :-P

  2. small holes here... Plain smooth, formica countertops. AND it's not just belly area, but upper back as well for me.



    I think it is just the insanely thin & wimpy fabric that passes for shirt material these days, combined with fabric that rubs against the oils in our skin on certain parts of our shirts more than others?


    Kids don't get them because their shirts aren't; so close to the skin? Or maybe because they only wear their clothing for 1 season before it is outgrown.

  3. Yes, my 11 yo dd also fights me about showering. I do, however, require a shower every other day. Her hair is oily at the scalp and without washing her hair... well, it's not pleasant to look at.



    I have one of those too! well, mine is only 8, soon to be 9. She has a very hard time rinsing her hair, so I just do it in the sink. It is faster & better for now. She hates showers, but her hair is just too hard for her to do well, since she is not cool about putting her head in the spray. She loves to swim though. We would just use the tub for bathing, but we don't have one.

  4. Personally, I don't like to use paypal. I'm curious how sellers feel about postal money orders? Clearly, I understand why no one will accept a personal check, but if I'm anti-paypal, what's the next best option?


    See as a buyer, I'm just not going to buy unless you do pp..I MIGHT do a personal check, but I would fully expect you to hold the package until it all clears, and the bank says it is ok, which can take a while.


    Usually I am not interested in waiting that long though, and will skip your item in favor of a PP item.


    I'm never going to opt for the hassle of going to the bank or Post office with 3 kids trying to get a cashiers check or MO.

  5. . FYI, keep on the probiotics for a very long time as it takes a very long time for his intestines to shrink back to normal size.


    Keep him loose, not just off dairy or on probiotics, for a LONG time... Dr. just told us he would need a consistent 6-12 months of loose 2-3x a day stools before everything is back to the original size. Water, fruits, veg, Pears... canned pears in syrup help, and Miralax. (if you haven't tried it, do ask your dr about it, it works differently that most of the other laxatives out there)


    Dairy can indeed be part of the problem according to my Dr.

  6. plantoeat.com is my favorite! The pantry feature is very useful. :-)


    I have tried allrecipies and it was ok, but plan to eat will import all those recipes VERY easily, plus you can import many other site's recipes as well.


    Also, if you use google calendar, you can have your menu plans show up there as well.

    It is also mobile ready

    (my friend loves this feature, but I have a dumb phone)



  7. It is still problem. Here in OR you can work before the age of 18, and you should be allowed to work on a farm! There is nothing wrong with children between the ages of 15-18 working during the summer if the state laws allow for that.


    While under 18, I worked summers on 2 different farms, picking blueberries, bagging garlic, picking tomatoes, and this would be outlawed under the proposed rule thingy.


    Nothing about this was remotely dangerous. I bagged, yes put beans in a bag by weight & twist tied them, and out them in the cooler. Heck, I even got paid for putting the strawberry boxes back in the flats. That is technically storing, marketing and transporting of farm product raw materials.

  8. In some cases what is called an arranged marriage is two total strangers get married because their families think they'll get along. Their married life will consist of spending almost no time together. They may be nice to each other, or they may not. Some people may be happy with this. Others may not.


    In other cases it's more like a blind date. Your friend/cousin/mom/dad/religious leader finds someone responsible and seemingly compatible, you get to know each other to a varying degree, and you are attracted to varying degrees by the time you get married.


    I also think there is an elephant in the room when talking about finding one's own match, and that is, unsavory individuals (oftentimes men) who deceive women with their charms and eventually cause a large amount of chaos and destruction. To me, the best part of "arranged marriages" is that it provides an opportunity to objectively assess someone, instead of providing an opportunity for handsome sociopaths to mislead more innocent young women. I have seen such things over and over again, be they abusive men, lazy men, or whathaveyou, and sometimes, a loving parent or other person, who is often older than the involved parties and often less emotionally invested, has the opportunity to see through the lies. In other cases, there's deceit all around or the matchmakers have their own deceitful agenda.


    Can you tell I spent the weekend listening to a really smart woman tell me her really scary story about the really weird man she ran off with??


    But I do think there are very very different ideas of marriage, and those seeking a best friend want something different than those seeking a reliable spouse who mostly orbits in a different sphere. This makes a difference.


    I am not in the business, though, of making sweeping statements like "Arranged marriages are so much better than love marriages!" or "Arranged marriages are creepy!" because I think it's more complex than that.


    Marriage is, really, kind of scary.



    :iagree: Well put!

  9. It would be so sad for someone to feel unsatisfied with such a huge part of their lives.


    I agree, but it seems to me that both ways of finding mates have the same risk. Even if you date for a while and all is well, with stars in your eyes, you may end us deeply regretting the choice you make.


    To me, faithfulness and a deep commitment to doing the right thing by your spouse is more important than how you ended up with who you marry.

  10. Let's just say my closest friend is a big proponent of arranged marriage, EVEN THOUGH she left her own arranged husband within months - because he mentally and physically abused her and broke all of his promises ("yes, you can continue your job, your sports, etc."). Her sister is still "happily married" because "all husbands abuse alcohol, sleep around, and beat their wives, so don't make a mountain out of a molehill." Her other sister is hardly ever with her husband, so I wouldn't know how that's going, but they don't seem very warm toward each other at all. A relative we visited was verbally abused in front of me because she went out to buy orange juice without her husband's permission. Lord only knows what's going on behind the scenes there. And yet, with the exception of my friend (who did get a divorce since her husband tried to break a chair over her head in front of people), these folks are in statistically "successful marriages" since they dare not divorce. I note that brides who get murdered or commit suicide are also not in the divorce statistics.



    Horrible... and sad. But this happens in "marry who you love" situations too. Either way of choosing a mate can work, and I wouldn't necessarily be against arranged, if the parties involved were agreeable to it.


    For either type of marriage, I would be most comfortable with a good support system, with procedures in place for the worst of all situations if they happen. Family, friends, and for a Christian, their church should be willing to intervene, and use church discipline, as well as involve the police if needed, for big abuses and also for "little" sins that are habitual. (porn, insulting speech, addictions, slander, etc)


    You have to be able to go into the marriage with an attitude of "I will do this well, with God's help."

  11. I had my last child when I was 35. I could have gone for another but dh was done. He thought he was getting too old. He'd say, "Do you know how old I'll be when this child graduates?" I never cared about that.




    I'm in the same place. DH says he is too old. I had my last at 31ish. :-(


    I don't care about the age at graduation, etc either. I don't mind my grey hair, and I will always be "young enough" to swing on the swings with kidlets at the park, eat cake for breakfast, and LAUGH at life. :D

  12. I was homeschooled through high school.



    • Didn't know what areas of study I was interested in, so worked part time at a small publishing company. (Doorposts) Thanks John & Pam! I loved doing the paperwork :-)
    • Went to work for a small CPA firm as a payroll clerk. This was great, and I was thinking about going to school for CPA stuff when it became clear I was getting married in the fall. :-D
    • Left to be a wife, then went back for a short period of time the next year, to fill in when a emplpyee just walked off the job in the middle of quarterlies. I stayed till I became pregnant with DS.

    They offered me a great permanent position, with slightly more money than what hubby was making at the time, but to me, being a Mommy takes precedence.


    I've been home since, except for 2? summers working part time at church, while the kidlets played at Grandma's house.


    My family was NOT wealthy, and I didn't want to have them go in debt for me to "find out" what I wanted to do with my life. I don't regret that at all. But, I do sometimes wish we had the cash, it might've been fun to go to college. I love learning. But I still would've quit any job to be home with my babies.


    Sometimes I wish I could go to school now, but my brain is so fried after major multitasking lately, I don't know if I would do as well as I would've done.


    After being a SAHM & homeschooling, I remember work as easy. :D (1 thing at a time, without the drama of preteens & 3 year olds. ) I liked paperwork, but I DON'T like laundry, or clutter.

  13. I was prepared to spend up to $1000 in 1998 for the right dress... I had worked for a while and had saved up that much to use.


    I looked at 3 different fancy, many-different-designers bridal shops, tried on everything, and nadda.


    I then went to a fancy, higher end resale store & found THE dress... it only ended up being $250 + minor alterations. I then walked across the street & found my wedding china for about $150 at an antique store.


    All in all I spent WELL under $1000 that day, and was happy as a clam. :D



    My mom & I sewed the veil ourselves, and it was so much prettier than the plain ones I could otherwise afford. Tulle is cheap, and if you are handy with crafts, a veil is pretty simple. My Husband & I both wore metal crowns, and they were $20-30 ish each.

  14. OK, I just opened my DE year plans and I see what you mean. All the pages have what you said marked on them so that if someone prints from DE and tries to sell that, the notice is there ;). Perhaps they have also added this as a watermark in the new combo packages! I don't know what to say :confused:! I was just quoting what they say in their newsletter :tongue_smilie:!

    :-) Yup! I get what you are asking & saying... It is hard to describe this without a picture.. :-D


    We don't disagree at all... I was just pointing out that both versions have info on the side

  15. The newsletter I linked is dated April 2012. Shouldn't the copyrights message be on both combo and print only?

    Yes, currently, BOTH versions have a notice on the sides, a regular copyright notice. That just means you can't make copies & sell the copies. Just like any other book, but TOG has it on every page instead of just on the back cover.


    I am not sure I follow, do you mean that the copyrights messages is watermarked on the print only copies? It is not mentioned in the newsletter though!

    The current DE printed pages have the same copyright notice as the printed on every page, AND alongside that, "NOT FOR RESALE" in capitol letters.

    That means you can't resell the DE pages at all.



    I have no idea why they call any of it a "watermark." Mine aren't actually "watermarks" just a small, vertical printed notice on each page. I think they are just using the term inaccurately. They define watermark as a "small copyright notice that goes vertically in the inner margin of each page" however, wikipedia does not.


    The older, prior to DE, print versions may not have any of this vertical notice stuff on the pages at all. Classic sure didn't! :-D

  16. I'm waiting for:



    • The missing 1/4 of my molar that broke off months ago (no pain)
    • asthma meds (about $200 per month) unless I have a major attack (I'm mostly symptom free if I avoid my asthma triggers, Praise Jesus!)
    • Yearly women's health & age 35 screenings
    • back pain/neck issues (possible bOOk reduction needed) I have a lot of pain some days, and need to figure this out long term.
    • NO Dr. for flu/colds (I do go if it really, really looks like bronchitis or pneumonia... Chills, fever, chest pain type stuff. I get these easily with my asthma. I try to talk them into the meds without paying for an xray, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet)



    For my kids, basically we just go for urgentish things, vaccinations, and refills of asthma meds. I will take them in if it is truly needed, even if I have to run up a credit card to do so.


    SHRINERS HOSPITAL in Portland OR!!!!!! They rock! My baby (acckk! how did he get so old?) was born with bilateral clubfeet, and they have been helping him since then. They will still provide care for their specialties if you have no insurance at all. That's been such a blessing! His nighttime brace would be costing over $200 each time the shoes got too small otherwise, and heaven knows how we would've paid for the casting & tenotomy. (he was insured through OHP at birth, so it covered him for a little while)

  17. Yes, it could be perimenopause. However, I had similar symptoms PLUS hot flashes at age 40. I read about perimenopause online and resigned myself to believing that was what I was experiencing.


    9 months later, I had a baby girl. :001_wub:


    Fast forward to exactly the same thing happening at age 43 with cycle stopping and very strong hot flashes.....and nine months later a blessing of another baby girl. :001_wub:


    Woot! Awesomeness!!!

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