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Posts posted by lcelmer

  1. Wasn't a lawyer's summary of the mediation published? Maybe you can go dig that up. I remember it pretty much covered all the facts of the events and attempts at reconciliation that followed.



    The AIG blog has a post about that here http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2011/03/22/kicked-out-homeschool-conferences


    3rd paragraph...


    I would just try to steer clear of the whole mess during your contact if at all possible.

  2. See, if I were the head of school, I would want to know. It won't "get the teacher in trouble" if it isn't that big of a deal. BUT, The teachers actions have reflected poorly on the school, and the head may able to suggest a solution to the issue.


    Maybe the school has policy in place that cover this sort of thing, even out of school hours. Perhaps there are supposed to be 2 adults on scene at all times, and maybe there is a protocol that he teacher ignored, or just plain old forgot about.


    It's a big enough issue to make you have to think about it, and post here, maybe you should (if the teacher didn't address how there actions would change in future) go to the next authority up the line, not in a tattletale way, but in terms of "help us figure out how to make sure that this doesn't happen again."

  3. Highly upset, and upset enough that if a much better plan for communication wasn't put in place, that I would get pretty vocal.


    There should be a person who can be called for backup. The teacher KNEW they were going to be late at some point, but did not ask someone to fill in for them, or notify ALL parents of the cancellation. Pretty irresponsible.


    Even if the class is all highschoolers except your son, the teacher or event organizer was responsible for keeping you informed.


    What would your reaction be if a friend had left you standing in the rain for 4 hours?


    In this day of facebook, & email, it is still a organizers responsibility to MAKE SURE people know. A sign would've been fine, but it sounds to me like they are just not very responsible in general.

  4. Here we go again. I really did come up with the term 1st generation homeschooler on my own. You were all here to see it develop in one of my Sunday prompts, awhile back.




    This is a silly thing to get bothered about. It is a common term that logically springs to mind & tongue when you are homeschooling, after having been homeschooled yourself.


    Perhaps you mean it in a different way, or had a long post about your thoughts on 2nd gen homeschooling, but it's not your term.

  5. What are the demographics at your place of worship? Do you look around and see a lot of other people in your stage of life? Is your demographic in the majority? Is this important to you one way or the other? Would you choose to attend another church/parish/synagogue/etc. of the same faith if it meant being around more people in a similar life stage?


    What brought this on:


    Last Sunday I realized that the church I'm attending is mostly empty-nesters and retirees in their 50s-60s. The pastor said something about it. Otherwise, I'd have remained blissfully oblivious. I'm not very observant, I guess.


    All of a sudden, so much makes sense. How else do you explain 500+ adults in the service I go to and maybe, on a good day 50-60 kids in K to 5 Sunday school? Middle school / High school attendance is around 50-60 kids per weekend (combined, all services). (There are 3 services, 1,300+ attendance) Maybe those kid-attendance numbers aren't unusual for a church this size. I dunno. They seem low to me, though, given the church's size.


    In addition to the E-N crowd there are a lot of singles w/o kids. Parents with kids at home are in the minority.


    Anyway, all of a sudden it feels really weird for me to be there. (I'm well aware that it's dumb to feel that way, but it is what it is.)



    Well, if it were just you and 2 other families that might be hard, but it sounds like you have a large enough pool of kids & families to have connections, etc. I guess that it wouldn't bother me in that case.


    The singles should start marrying & having kids, hopefully before too horribly long. :D


    Our church is pretty varied, but there are many families with kids, and fewer empty nesters, but I'm really glad to have a wider group with wiser older folks, people at the same stage, and singles. We all have slightly different focuses, and that helps the whole church be more effective in ministering to more people I think. It is also nice to be able to chat with an older person who has been there before.


    We started with a young family homeschooling group of people probably in their 30s, and now the kids that were being hsed are now married and having families of their own, and we have grown quite a bit too. It is neat to get wisdom from these older lades who have already home-schooled successfully.

  6. Ugh. My baby isn't innocent anymore, and that saddens me.


    No kid should know about stuff like this.



    No, no kid perhaps, but she's well on her way to becoming an adult, so time to arm her with wise info now. Since her peers seem to be there already, you might find some good resources on how to best be a friend to someone who is struggling.


    With the culture as messed up as it is nowadays, knowing about cutting, suicide, weird tEa stuff etc. is "normal". Maybe not good, or right, but normal to be talked about in her school environment.

  7. What do people with very little money do if they can't afford funerals? Surely not every funeral and burial is $10,000?




    We did a cremation with DH mother, it was $250-300 back in 2002. (I did have to call 3-4 funeral homes to find the best cost, it varied quite a bit, and the least expensive place was the furthest away oddly enough) Her ashes are in the attic, and we didn't spring for a fancy vase.


    DH wasn't sure that he wanted a funeral or memorial service, so that was our total cost. Our church would've given her a funeral for free. If you have a local church that the family has connections with, it can be very inexpensive.


    Sure, I would've preferred a service with flowers, family plot and a fancy casket, and but it wasn't something we could do.


    FYI: We loved her very much, and had just cashed out our life insurance policy, spent all our savings and gone into a wee bit of credit debt to bring her to our state to live with us during her final months of suffering from emphysema. She was from the east coast, we were in the west coast. We were her only living relatives, she was living on SS, and I had a toddler at the time she lived with us before a nursing home became necessary. We didn't have the money to pay for more, but I would not have asked for cash from friends.

  8. How do you use a teapot in real life? ( NO! STOP LAUGHING!!!) Why bother with a china one if the tea just gets cold in it?


    If you just have a microwave can you heat up the REAL CHINA teapot in

    that? How is that better that just zapping a mug of water in the microwave and then dipping the teabag in it?


    I feel like I should get this, since I have a teapot collection.... but only tried using one once. I served stone cold tea to a guest. :-P

  9. :blink: :eek: :ack2:

    Not only is there s*xual content, there's *aberrant* s*xual content, on.every.page. Ok, maybe every page isn't aberrant, but it's aberrant in the very beginning, and it's hinky the rest of the time, which is almost on every page. I wanted eyeball bleach.




    Where's my eyeball bleach?


    Preread it for sure before allowing her to read it. There is beast *iality, ad*ltery, etc.


    I loved the oz books growing up so this kind of messed that up. Also the tone was not happy, but yukky all around. No joy, or happy ending.


    Let me add, I read many, many, things, I usually don't regret them. I regretted Wicked. I love Sci-fi, like fantasy, and am currently rereading the Dune series. The scenes in wicked weren't as bad as Stephen King, but still not for kids. It reminded me of a Stephen King book that was dressed up like a teen book, but truly at its heart, not edifying or encouraging for most young people. (just my 2C. :-)

  10. I feel your pain.... sort of...I LOST MY 3/4 knitted pair of socks.... I've looked every where here, called/asked anyplace else I could think of and it's been 3 months.


    I am soooo depressed. :-( I thought I would just give up and start another pair, but I want to finish those!


    My favorite sock needles were in there too, and it was my special Ravelry birthday swap project bag...:crying:

  11. (We provided a list of the types of foods needed.)

    Overall, the response from the community was awesome, but some donations left me :glare: or :001_huh: or :confused:.


    I'm glad the response was good. :001_smile:


    Wen I see those types of flyers, I wouldn't realize that the list of things needed were all easy to prepare. For me, a list of what won't work and why would help me personally.


    Maybe something like:


    Since these items will be going to people who have no means of cooking from scratch, please do not include foods that cannot be cooked in a microwave, or require many other ingredients to become a part of a meal (Dried beans, bread crumbs, spices,)

  12. I have taken the pill for a non bc reason, I had weird hormonal issues for a while after DD was weaned, super, super strong stress & sense of skin crawling (similar to what me mother was experiencing in perimenopause) Like bad PMS all the time, combined with irregular cycles. My hormone levels were just a teeny bit low, so not off enough for other medication, but I was going BONKERS. Dr. said I could try the pill, it helped some with the same issues.


    After 3-4 good months on the pill, I went off & was myself without meds again. :-) And I lost 8 lbs almost immediately after stopping! :D

  13. Birth control is much in the media now in the US, and I'm somewhat baffled by this because I was under the impression that the vast majority of women have used it at one time or another. I don't want to make the discussion political, about relationship status, or about rationale, because we all have our reasons for doing what we do and this isn't about judgment. I excluded the morning after pill because its use would typically be after non-consensual sex or where another means of birth control failed to be used. I limited the choices to non-permanent methods consciously put in place (so to speak) ahead of a consensual act.



    Well, in that case, I will just say that whatever methods we used, we paid out of pocket for them. There are a different variety of costs to each of these methods, and everyone should pay for their own method of choice. Condoms are usually available in most areas for free from various outlets.

    (Family planning centers, department of health, low cost clinics)


    I am not interested in paying through taxes anyone's condoms, pill, or any other forms of bc.


    I also agree with the post below mine... the issues that are behind the kerfuffle are not actually bc itself, or frequency, but freedom of religion/personal responsibility for choices issues.

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