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Posts posted by lcelmer

  1. Problem with taking them to the store, Garga, is that I'm still hurting. Me walking around isn't a good plan for right now.


    Plus it would mean the whole family trooping out, or I send Wolf on his own with the Littles...which is useless, b/c he gets distracted with all the cool toys out this time of year and will completely forget what he's there for :lol:



    My kids love to surf amazon with me & put things on a gift or save up for list... :-)

  2. Ack! Don't microwave it as you will kill some of the beneficial enzymes and other nutrients!!



    well, I don't actually buy the fancy stuff, just regular, I didn't notice the detail on the original post till now. Doesn't matter to me if it is raw still. Just that it isn't a rock. :-P


    The glass is great for the water method too, you can use hotter water, without worrying about heating up plastic.

  3. It depends on what's messing it up. I have a small counter with cabinets above (my pantry) on one side, and a large radiator on the other, with a basement door directly opposite the main door. this is all in a hallway only wide enough for about 1 person.


    The counter was always full of junk, and coats scattered on the floor.


    I put up hooks for coats, small rack for shoes, hung up bags for errands, (piano, library books to go back, diaper bag, purse) put a basket for things to put away in the basement onto the counter, and moved the CD stack into a binder & tossed the cases. I also put up a key rack, and organized a charging area fro the phones/cameras.. (it's still ugly because I don't have a pretty box)


    It's a little better, but it is just one of those spots and you have to "put out the fire" all the time. :tongue_smilie:

  4. Candyland is a favorite around here, if you surf the thrift stores, you can find some really great deals on fun kid games, just be sure to ask to check for all the pieces prior to buying... My kids favorite was Cariboo... but apparently it isn't around anymore, because the only new one left on Amazon is going for over $100... ! crazy.. If you find this used, snatch it up! It is a fun one to play with little kiddos.

  5. Yes, indeed. There's also a big difference between a planned UC with a mom who is in tune with her body and baby and who has done her research vs. a mom who isn't doing or getting any sort of prenatal care.



    Sadly though, there are always things that can and do happen that we as responsible, well prepared, parents can have absolutely NO control over. You can indeed have a placental abruption midway through labor, and end up NEEDING an immediate csec.


    Happened to my sis... baby was VERY Blue, non responsive, low apgar, tense minutes of fear & waiting, worrying about brain damage, etc. They were VERY thankful that they were in the hospital right by the OR when it happened. It was too fast for epidural ansth, she had a quick general & extra fast incision, too fast & life threatening for anything else to be done. If she had been at home about 5-10 minutes away, my niece would've been dead.


    It's your choice, but don't assume that since all the other births were lovely, non-complicated, that this one will necessarily be. Talk about the worst case, and if that is something you & hubby are prepared to live through.


    The odds are very good that all will be fine, but do you want to play the odds with so much riding on them?

  6. We've had a few tearful days over math w/ DD8 here too... I find what helps is sitting with her & doing the problem verbally together, (then she realizes that she can in fact do it) then also, if there is a huge bank of problems (15-20) all alike, we might skip about half if she is really bogged down (and if she understand the concept well.) I'm using a workbook, Horizons2, so there is quite a bit of practice/review. She is usually just upset by the way it looks like so much.



    If though it is always a certain kind of problem that sets her off, you might need to work on skills/steps to solve it correctly.

  7. I almost had that happen w/ ds too! He couldn't get to the ped till just over a week old, since there was a huge ice storm at the time, and the DR was closed.. The Dr. was really nice & went ahead anyway for me, and yes, he did use anesth. I think it was a decision he was comfortable making since he is the practice owner/original Dr.



    I would probably try to talk to the Dr who helped you originally, not her office staff, she may be the one who can decide to go ahead anyway.


    Also, maybe ask your Family doctor if they have any recommendations... They may know who can help y'all out.

  8. This is my favorite way, quick, simple clean up, and no forgetting to flip the bacon & burning it... Cover a cookie sheet with foil and put bacon on ungreased foil. Put on center rack in cold oven, set temperature to 400oF and bake for 15-18 minutes. NO FLIPPING! Only turn the sheet if your oven cooks unevenly. :D

  9. OK, that's apparently part of a larger post in the Five in a Row group page...

    Steve Lambert

    It seems I've stirred a hornet's nest in expressing my concern about some mothers who have told us they don't own the FIAR manuals- just read the stories and do "freebies" from various websites and call that "homeschooling."


    Ami at HSS has been VERY, VERY gracious in responding to my post and I owe her a public apology for suggesting that her materials weren't of good quality. Not all FIAR derivatives are created equally. We've also grown weary of finding that more than a few homeschool moms have photocopied or scanned every single page of every single manual and uploaded them to various "sharing" sites over the years-- just as they've copied and uploaded the works of most other homeschool publishers.


    THANK YOU to the many who have used and recommended our products- including Ami. THANK YOU to the many who have continued to support our family's efforts over the years. THANK YOU to the many who have encouraged other homeschool moms on their journey. THANK YOU specifically to Ami for her generous spirit and gracious response to my ill-advised post the other day. (Sigh) I've encouraged her NOT to remove any FIAR products from her site in light of all of the above.


    FIAR was birthed because Jane had found a way to teach our own girls that worked. She originally created the product as a "freebie" to share with several girlfriends whose homeschooling experience was miserable. Since then it's been used by more than 250,000 children in more than 60 countries and continues to provide a livelihood to our family- modest in some years and generous in others.


    We have ALWAYS tried to be generous in our dealings with homeschoolers, offering our time, our wisdom, our advice, encouragement and counseling between 15 and 40 hours each week for free. We have given away 100's and 100's of manuals to those who couldn't afford them. We have tried to price our products realistically in a world of $200 textbooks and $15 e-books.


    We want nothing but the very, very BEST for each family that uses FIAR; the best relationship WITH your children, the best educational experience FOR your children and the best parenting experience AS parents.


    Again- thank you for your support and encouragement- even when we don't deserve it.









  10. This is a bit of an aside, but unless you chose only the really leading award winners that stay in print all the time, I think that might be hard. Picture books routinely go out of print and even old Caldecott winners can be hard to find. Books that are easy to find now might be hard to five ten years from now. So I see how that might be harder to do than it first seems.



    Harder, and a MUCH MORE expensive end product...TOG went this route, and it is a spendy proposition to keep making updated pages when any of the primary resources go out of print.

  11. OK, there is an update on the HSS facebook site... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Homeschool-Share/121287327908867

    "Steve Lambert

    I've apologized publicly on the FIAR page, and I'll apologize publicly here as well. I was wrong. Clear enough? We have been frustrated by more than one mom who has copied every single page we've ever written and uploaded them to various "share" sites- NOT HSS!! We have also been disappointed in more than a few moms who have said, "We never bought the manuals- we do FIAR by just reading the books and downloading freebies online." That's a shame for them and their children. Ami's generous spirit goes above and beyond- in contrast to some of the hateful posts and emails we've received. THANK YOU Ami! I hope you continue to support FIAR, equipping and encouraging moms in every way possible. Clear enough? Blessings- Steve Lambert"



    "The Five in a Row materials *will* remain at Homeschool Share, so you can all stop trying to take our server down now. ;) I'm thankful. I'm just super thankful. " HSS site

    :party:Now I don't have to stay up all night trying to download them all... :-D

    DS is getting ready to start BFIAR in a week or so.

  12. I would do a search for toddler super soaker on diaperswapper dot com ... Cloth diapering site with LOTS of info for this. You might try a hemp insert.



    For DS2 we used wool longies over a pocket that was super stuffed... (2 hemp inserts or 2 bamboo prefolds)


    OH! and a tip..... My son peed MUCH less when he quit using a bottle.. the flood finally ceased! (still normal amount, but not niagra every night)

  13. Howdy Y'all! I am tired, yet pretty darn buzzed from all the coffee I drank trying to wake up. :D


    Breakfast: Coffee

    Lunch : Chicken Noodle soup & crackers for kids, nothing yet for me.



    So far, we were up & ready at a decent hour, around 8:30, and DS is doing much better at obeying today, with most of the work done! It is 1:36 here, and he only has grammar left!:party:

    Lately it has taken ALL DAY.. yes not done until after dinner, simply because he would just do other things, like daydream, sneak off & play DS, misplace books, etc.


    On the other hand, it is 1:37 here and DD still has SWR, IEW writing assignment, Grammar and Maps, and she is currently grounded to her room till dinner. :-P


    All I want for Christmas is a Laptop, a nice, quick, long lasting one that is nice & tiny.

  14. Yes, cat allergies can manifest later in life. My sister had NO cat allergies growing up, we didn't own any though, because I have severe cat allergies & asthma combined.


    Anyhow, she could always play with & cuddle friends cats, that is until after the birth of her first kiddo.. she now has moderate allergies to them, and has to take antihistamines or avoid kitties.


    The thing that most people are allergic to is their cat dander, tiny teeny bits of skin, so even if you aren't holding them, the dander floats around them & can be inhaled. Vacuuming a house that cats live in does not guarantee a person with allergies will be ok, it's not hair, or cleanliness, but the dander full air around the cats, and where they live. I get wheezy/asthma attack just from going in a house where they live... even if they aren't there at the time.


    You might be helped a tad bit by a HEPA air filter, but really, I would just make kiddos/hubby feed & care for the kitties and avoid the area.


    Try some non drowsy allergy meds & see if that helps. (allegra, claratin


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