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Everything posted by 3monkeys

  1. Same here!:bigear: I also notice my ds does well writing in the book, but as soon as he writes something on a blank sheet, the letters are huge and his spacing is even worse.
  2. I'm definitely not opposed to the testing, just more curious as to how it would benefit him. Your replies make absolute sense. I guess I just needed the encouragement of actually doing it and not feeling it was a waste. I do however think his issues may be very mild but I could be so wrong since he's my first child and I don't know any better. I think peace of mind will be the biggest benefit. Now, what route of getting him tested to you recommend? PS or private?
  3. I'm pretty new to this forum and thought I would ask a few questions. My son is 8 and in 2nd grade. I've suspected for a long time he might be dyslexic or something. I plan to get him tested either privately or through our public school system. My main question is, if he tests positive for an LD, what next? Will anything really change as far as what I do at home? Other than getting curriculum geared to dyslexia, what else really would I gain from getting diagnosis?
  4. If she is reading do not start with book 1 of ETC. Pay around $10 for a placement test and start there. Beyond the Code is meant to go in conjunction with ETC at about level 3.
  5. Maybe Explode the Code and/or Beyond the code (comprehension). ETC is only phonics and you can take a placement to see what book he would start in.
  6. We are doing FLL2 right now and considering switching to R&S or CLE next year. Can someone with experience of both explain to me the big differences with these programs? Pros & Cons?
  7. I started Beyond when my son was complete with book 3. There is no way you can start it at book 1 if your dc is at book 1 level. Beyond's purpose is for reading comprehension. You read a story and answer questions about it. It also has some fun activities thrown in. My ds loves it. We also muddled through book 4 because I didn't realize it was one some recommended skipping until half way through. He did okay with it, but not sure he really got it!
  8. http://teachmejoy.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2 This you just download and print off each lesson. Maybe he would like this style.
  9. I started this year with Positive Action Bible Curriculum. I have a K5 and 2nd grader, so I chose to do 1st grade to be able to teach them at same time. I have been most impressed with this program. It starts from the beginning of bible and continues with all the great stories. I read the story on day 1,which has been written for 1st graders to understand but I'm learning so much myself. Then on day 2, I read the real life application story and it teaches a character trait from the story. My kiddos like this best. Then on day 3, we do the workbook pages. There is also scripture memory and songs to learn. We don't always do this part because we have that from church. I really feel like they are learning so much and understanding the stories. I've had plenty of children's bibles and read all the stories to them, but this program really know how to make them stick. Highly recommend!
  10. Yes we just started Beyond the Code. We love it! Is R&S or CLE English anything like it?
  11. My boys love ETC and I was wondering if anyone knew of any other subjects done in this style? I love how the child can work through it indepently and they seem to feel a sense of accomplishment seeing the entire book completed.
  12. http://www.donnayoung.org is a free website with just about any kind of planner you can think of! I've used it for several years now....it's great!
  13. I guess you couldn't get away with only AAR activity books?
  14. Quiver0f10, What level of CLE LA will you start with? Would it be 5? I was considering starting CLE next year instead of FLL3, but the samples on CLE2 look over my child's head. I guess it will all even out eventually?
  15. My son will start FLL 3 next year. Knowing there will be no FLL after 4, does anyone recommend to switch now or go ahead through 4? If we stay with it, what recommendations do you have that flows nicely after 4?
  16. I started our year with $1 in jar. They can only earn $1 a week (I'm not rich). If child complains about school or any negative attitude, they get a warning that next time they will lose their $ to brother. 2nd offense, $ goes in brothers jar (expect tears to follow) If they do great the rest of the school day showing effort, respect, etc. They earn their $ back. If attitude continues or I have to call ds out 3rd time, brother keeps it, no more chances to earn back. Now, I learned the hard way that they kept trying to point out flaws in each other in hopes of getting their brothers dollar. I quickly put a stop to that by saying whatever money they had earned up to date will be mine, no questions asked. Neither wants their jar to be completely empty. So, each child has the potential to earn $36 by the end of year. (36 wks) mine are still young so it's a lot of money to them. The competition is to see who has the most at the end of year. I haven't decided what I will do special for that child but each one will be able to spend their money however they like. Hope that answers your questions!
  17. I've been in the same boat as you. My 8yr old ds complained about everything no matter the subject. It makes me feel like I'm failing as a teacher. He somehow has convinced me that everything is supposed to be fun. Of course I know better! I think when we parents decide to homeschool, we get this ideal in our head that our kids will just love to learn and will hang on our every word. NOT! I also have my own theory about the kids who have never been to public school. They have no idea how good they have it because you don't know what you don't know. I wish I could just send him for a month so he would appreciate his situation better. I know I'll never do that but it definitely has crossed my mind a few times! :) One thing I implemented this year and is working pretty well. I have ds8 and ds5. I have two mason jars with their names on it. I put $1 each in their jar to start off. If they do any complaining, procrastinating, etc. during school, I give them a warning. After the 2nd time, I take their $1 out and put it in their brothers jar. At the end of each week, they can earn another $1 for good behavior. So they can visually see their dollars in the jar and let me tell you.....they hate to see their brother get their dollar. They can earn it back with good behavior the rest of the day but if we have a 3rd offense....no $1 is given back. They are not allowed to spend their money until the school year is up. That way they can see their money grow and it's a competition. Boys love competition. Oh....another rule is if you try to get your brother in trouble so he'll lose a $1, then you lose all your money in the jar to mommy with no chance of earning back. No tolerance for trying to sabotage your brother. I know many will disagree with this but it sure is working and keeps them focused.
  18. Thank you for your response. I needed someone to keep me grounded! :) I'm a bit of a "grass is greener" when it comes to curriculum. You are so right...taught my 8 yr old to read without the expensive stuff. So think I will continue with PP and add in AAS next year.
  19. Co-op helps me with a lot of these things. Mine go once a week and do History, Drama, Art, Music, and Science. It's wonderful....
  20. I was considering starting my ds with AAS next year for first grade. He is only at a Bob Book level of reading now. Do you think getting both of these programs would be over kill? Seems to me the spelling would cover my bases. I'm using Phonics Pathways now but not opposed to AAR. Just thinking both these programs used together would be too much. Am I wrong?
  21. IMO, absolutely not! All the K book is is writing/practicing one letter at a time. Nothing else. I'm personally not that impressed. Planning to go back to HWT as my older ds used it and worked great. I suffer from thinking there is always something better out there!:tongue_smilie:
  22. Thanks to everyone for all the advice and details on the program. I'm still leaning on doing AAS because I feel like my older ds has some dyslexic tendicies when reading. I haven't had him officially tested but I do think AAS might really get him over the hump. He is super at memorizing and I think the flash cards are right up his alley. This might be the only style of teaching I haven't tried with him. I do think I will get both level 1 and 2, and start ds2 with level 1 once big brother is finished with it. Do the set of cards follow the child to level 2 or how does that work? If so, I will probably just get 2 sets to make my life easy! Thanks again to all of you! I just love this forum....actually a bit addicted to it. It's like my new Facebook! :)
  23. So why the need for two boxes and dividers? I guess I'm not clear as to how these work.
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