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Jenn in Mo

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Status Updates posted by Jenn in Mo

  1. No worries. My feelings were not hurt. Your edit did help me understand your post a little better. Confusion was honestly my only emotion regarding the discussion. We're good.

  2. Your lack of "green" cooperation is totally worthy of rep points. Thanks for the smile!

  3. OHMYGOODNESSYOUARESOCUTE!!!! This is the first picture I've seen of you! I always pictured you with 3 floppy ears, for some reason.

  4. Merry Christmas, Grand Procrastinator! :D Are we twins?

  5. I had to come give you a high-five. I was trying to find a way to say what you said about 'not tolerating disrespect'....but you beat me to it and probably said it much better than I ever could.

  6. Thanks for the turkey-grin!!!!!!


    Oh, Jenny's is hilarious, too! My husband bought me a red stapler after this movie. It took a while because, at the making, Swingline didn't really make a red stapler! I was thrilled when I finally saw one!

  7. Well said, about those home fires burning!

  8. Just sayin' hey, cuz I love ya!

  9. Ahhh, but see....that's just the me on the outside. The me on the INSIDE is a different story! ;P

  10. I had to laugh at the OCD post - it was bugging me the moment I saw it. But....why is it here???


    It just tends to thrill me every time I run across someone else as screwed up as I.

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