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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. :confused1: Forgive me, but I'm confused as to how these are opposites. Wouldn't the opposite of religious worldview/conservative political POV be liberal atheists? Am I misunderstanding? If you are in inclusive, aren't you allowing all points of view? Or are they meaning the vendors must be neutral?


    Sorry I couldn't figure out how to phrase that. One is very religious although they do allow non religious vendors and anyone is welcome to come. The other is not religious and while they do allow religious vendors they are asked to keep their talks and such non religious. Yes vendors are asked to stay neutral unless specifically asked. I have worked at both and they are bothi nice, but they each attract a different crowd.


    While that's not technically opposite, I meant one is religious and one isn't.

  2. Hmm there is only one big conference in VA this year. There is a second smaller one.


    The 2 groups that do those are completely opposite groups - therefore they are reaching different groups and their convention reflects that.


    The one group naturally draws a certain demographic therefore their convention will too. It really doesn't matter who the customer is with a statement like "coming from a biblical worldview, serves all homeschoolers—regardless of religious or philosophical beliefs." It's going to attract the biblical worldview crowd.


    The other group that is going to have a convention this year caters to/targets the opposite therefore their convention will to. The other says "is an inclusive organization and is neutral in matters of politics and religion" so they will attract this crowd. Although this really too small of a convention to bother with IMO.


    The other 2 big ones that VA has had in the past aren't happening this year. So with these it's not really about who the customer is but what the organization stands for.


    Going to the Midwest one is a great idea because that looks like a great convention. I wanted to go to that one.

  3. For what you are hiring for - no I wouldn't hire her unless her finances are that tight.


    I haven't had a tutor like that, but I did have one that was close. It is royal pain to have someone like that tutoring for you. I have found that someone like that will do the same to you - you are right they nickel and dime you. It's exhausting. Money clearly is too important to them or something like that. It drove me crazy - her husband's income was 3 times my husbands. (I knew that because it was a public position where his pay was known publicly.) She quibbled over dollars. I think when money is that important there is a selfishness in attitude. It was such a pain being her boss.


    While I doubt it's the case if her finances are that tight, I would understand, and it won't bother me. If that quarter makes a difference, I would see her as thrifty. But I find that it's usually those who can afford it who do this so aggressively. Negotiating is fine, being thrifty is good, but this is ridiculous.

  4. We start memorizing endings and some vocab starting early following behind the big kids. Formally, we do this from 4 on - we do declensions for a year, conjugations for a year and vocab for a year. (We do these every year from then on - reviewing what we already know.) Then either SSL or something like it. And in 3rd grade we start a formal Latin curriculum.

  5. I don't mean to be snarky, but what relevance would the religious stance of a university have on that major? That major has nothing to do with religion.


    Additionally, in an online environment, religion plays basically no role. There is no "campus environment". If one were to be majoring in something like Christian counseling (like Joanne did), I could see the relevance, but not linguistics.





    Not sure of the OP's opinion but I know for many Christians it's about the professors POV/worldview on things in general. While that major may not have much to do with religion, there are other classes a student must take. And some want to avoid being taught things that contradict the Biblical worldview. Or they want to learn how different subjects/topics relate to the Bible. For many Christians everything should be taught in relationship to the Bible or from a Biblical worldview.

  6. When I first saw this thread, I thought it would be about donating food that you would throw away otherwise. The expired goods &tc. It was a pleasant surprise to see that the complaint was over nutritious food.


    Just thought I would give you ladies a little bump. If your biggest 'eek' in donating is the quality of the food, you're all amazing :D


    (This comes from someone that has been on both sides. Donating/gathering and collecting. I've always been surprised by the amount of useless food. In Scouts we always considered 'Scouting for Food' to be 75% people finally cleaning out their cupboards and us having to throw it away).


    that is what I thought this thread was about too. So glad to see this too.

    And I was thinking my response would be of course not ~ I wouldn't donate something I wouldn't eat as in old/expired/gross. But after reading it I have to say yes I donate things I wouldn't eat given a choice. But I still prefer to donate things I would eat.


    But I have a fridge and an oven. And fresh/perishable items aren't helpful for those who don't. So I donate what they need.

  7. I have a relative like this - she complains about it all the time.


    She was complaining about having to pay for day care one day, and I asked her once if she had to work - may be with what you would save in day care costs and other expenses related to work - you could stay home.


    And she actually said - well I have to work if want the cars, house, the boat and the trips, but it just bugs me to pay so much for day care. Really? You will work to pay more in a car payment than child care. You don't complain about the cost of the car just the cost of the person who takes care of your children. :tongue_smilie:


    She went on to say well it seems like all my friends have a relative who does it for free. I think my mom should retire so she can watch them and we wouldn't have to pay for child care. :001_huh: Really you should work and get all the fun stuff and your mom should give up her job and stay home and take care of your kids for FREE! She drives me crazy!

  8. I don't.

    Someone on TV did a study of items at the dollar store and found that per item, it was MORE expensive on some items than buying at a regular store.



    I don't find it saves me any money on most things. I consider them more cheap than frugal. Sometimes I am most frugal when I actually pay more and get a better product. Couponing and Costco beat the dollar stores all the time!


    Except for....

    This may sound weird, but pregnancy tests. The ones from Dollar Tree (I forget the brand name at the moment) are just as effective as the pricey ones.

    Way cheap pg tests - which I no longer need to buy. But if I did. I would go there. (Online is really the cheapest, but if you just need a couple dollar store rocks!)


    And journals/notebooks. Sometimes they have the nicest $1 journals or notebooks - great for the kids.


    I only go into the dollar store when I need something no other store carries locally and I can't get to town.


    Or sometimes I take the kids there to get something.



    It used to be that you could get some great deals - dh got all his dishes at the 99 cent store 20+ years ago. And they great quality! I recently gave away the remaining pieces. But in the last 15 years or so dollar stores are just mostly cheap overpriced junk.

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