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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. Those balance bikes are great.


    We just used training wheels with our kids until we could see that they didn't need them.


    If training wheels are put on so that they don't both touch the ground at the same time, they are forced to learn to balance the bike in order to ride it. The training wheels just catch them if they lean too far. You can keep moving them as they get better. It worked great for all of ours who are old enough to ride.

  2. O- is relatively uncommon. Someone who is O- is a universal donor, which means that anyone can receive your blood. However, people who are O-, cannot receive any type other than O-.


    It's actually very important for people who are O- to give as often as possible. In emergencies, O- may be given to a patient while they wait to get the blood typing done.


    So, yes, your blood IS more needed than other types. Please give.



  3. It sounds like you are doing great!


    I have been told I am too hard on my kids, but then I hear how wonderful they are. I am getting the results I want - I have wonderful well behaved kids (most of the time) who are a joy to be around for dh and I and anyone else who spends time with them.


    I like how you rescinded when you realized that you weren't clear.


    I also like that you grounded him from something - video games and didn't send him off to his room. I don't think a day is enough or at least around here because they don't play every day.


    I , personally, don't ground my kids by sending them to their room for a long period of time (more than one day) because I feel like that can lead to bitterness. They have nothing to do but sulk and think about being mad at you. I will ground them from things like you did - video games, computer, TV etc.


    Or I'll to add work or something else like that esp for my teen. You didn't do that job or you didn't do it correctly then you can do another one instead. I could be wrong on this, but I don't like encouraging teens to close themselves up in their room.


    I think most parents are too easy on their kids.


    It's easy to forget what having little ones is like. A friend of mine was recently being critical (in her own mind - she didn't say anything until later) of both my handling of my toddler and his behavior until she watched him for a couple hours. And she said apologetically - I forgot what that stage is like!


    Generally, people who think I am too hard either have kids who I don't enjoy being around or they have older kids, so I take it with a grain of salt!

  4. I am sorry - it's hard when friendships go in different directions.


    We had a dog that needed a lot of exercise. We were struggling to get him tired, and we were told that we shouldn't let him stop and sniff, greet other dogs etc. A social stroll wasn't enough of a workout for him. We were told that in order to get him what he needs that he should walk without stopping to pee on everything or sniff at everything. It really made a difference in his energy level and behavior.

  5. I didn't think I would be the parent to give their kids cell phones--it just sounded crazy to me. But then they started doing things and going into situations where I wasn't with them and we decided cell phones were a safety measure that we wanted to have in place.


    While I don't want my kids to have cell phones now, we do have an extra phone they can use just for things like this.

  6. What I would pay depends on what you are offering....


    For $15 or more it needs to be a nice large indoor space with a table/chair if you are doing it yard sale style. A percentage is better than a flat fee.


    If it's consignment where I drop off and you do all the work of setting it out and sort, I would pay up to 30% of the selling/sold price.


    Otherwise $10 or a same % not more than 5%, is the most I would pay for either inside floor space or parking lot space where I set up, man and clean up.

  7. I think the rates you mentioned are comparable to what other teens are charging.


    I also think the going rate is completely insane, and a teenager who is not old enough to have a job shouldn't be charging more than minimum wage at the most. $5/hr. for 2 kids would be more reasonable. But I know I'm in the minority on that, which is why I never hire babysitters. :)



  8. No, you shouldn't be concerned that they will dread Mass. How else will they know how to behave if they aren't in there? It is the one area that I think today's non-Catholic Christian churches fail: letting their children party in children's church instead of coming into the service. :glare: Mr. Ellie, who grew up in the Southern Baptist church, remembers clearly sitting in church from the time he was a little guy...and his parents giving him the stink-eye if he didn't behave! :D He also remembers clearly answering an altar call when he was just 5yo. You don't know when your children will hear the Holy Spirit speak to their hearts; it could be any time, even in the midst of your telling them yet again to sit quietly.


    It is good in general for your children to learn that there are some places where they must sit quietly. That's another area where today's parents fail: teaching their children to behave appropriately in public.


    And it will take time and consistency. But be of good cheer: Many other parents are doing the same thing every Sunday. Misery loves company, lol.



    We are part of a non-Catholic church, but our children stay in the service from birth - we go 2 hours. They will get used to it, and it will be easier now than when they are older.

    I think people tend to resist being in church more when they are used to seeing it as play time. It will take time for them to move beyond the past, but they will.

  9. Not really. I'm more of a realist I guess. The way things are is the way things are. Life is just one season after another. I realized when my oldest was an infant that things would be constantly changing, morphing from one thing to another. As soon as I had his nap/feeding schedule down, he'd change and stop taking an afternoon nap, then no naps, then another baby came, then miscarriages, another new baby, starting homeschooling, and on and on it goes. I don't think I ever formulated an idea of what my homeschooling would look like - I've just gone with the flow. I'm just thankful for the luxury of being able to stay home with my children and enjoy them.... It really is quite normal for it to be constantly in flux. I say make the most of it and don't fret too much.



  10. When the attitude gets too bad or I've had enough, I send her to lie down for 10 - 15 minutes. If I did it every time she complained, she'd be in there for days at a time.
    I always found it most effective with my one like that to get it from the get go instead of letting it go until waiting until it gets bad or I have had enough.

    I stop it from the first glare or eye roll or sigh or ugh or whatever she throws at me. Otherwise, she is going to just keep doing it until I stop her. So for my sake and everyone around us, she gets a consequence for the first time.


    Consequences are things that speak to her - missing social events and such. Whatever is appropriate for the offense. Each child is different so through trial and error I have found the things that are effective with her specially.

  11. Every time I fill out a form, I get a "oh-- you homeschool.... (long pause, pity look to the kids...)


    I had it as our (streetname) Academy, but once people noticed the school name is the same as our address, they started with the negative comments about homeschoolers. In front of my kids.



    This actually surprises me that people would think it was a homeschool because it has the street name.


    Where I grew up the school always had the name of the street they were one. And many of the kids lived on that street.


    The high school got the city name. When a second one was added, it got a street name. The middle schools and the elementary schools either got the street name or the neighborhood name. The kids lived in the city/neighborhood the school was in.


    Here the there aren't as many schools so they all have the town name.


    I have no ideas - our school needs a name too....

  12. I am 100% happy with what we are doing.


    We have been homeschooling for awhile, and we did change things completely after the first year. We spent a whole year figuring out our homeschooling approach and deciding what direction we wanted to go. We changed up a few things the next 2 years. Now we are just doing the same things.


    I don't change curriculum to fit each child - I simply modify as needed. Sometimes I will bring in some reinforcement but mostly our materials are the same year to year. I am familiar with them and how they work. I am confident in them. And I think that leads me being happy and content in our choices.

  13. Wow, great responses and food for thought.


    As I was venting a frustration and opinion, I appreciate that the comments and responses did not attempt to change my opinion, but either gave sympathy and agreement (because I really did wonder if I was the ONLY person who didn't like this program, and I thought maybe I was really a HORRIBLE writer, despite my college prof's encouragements!) OR gave some sympathy and suggestions -- that maybe I will like it better in a while, or maybe I could talk to the tutor, etc.


    Just to clarify (should others desire to chime in with some advice!), this particular level of our program is using Bible Based Writing Lessons. I have NOT looked ahead in the book, and I am going to do so this afternoon. Someone mentioned that it moves beyond simple keyword outlines. Perhaps I will find that it grows on me. We entered Challenge A (roughly 7th grade, for those not familiar with Classical Conversations) without the benefit of ANY previous IEW work, which was a known disadvantage going in to the program (I had good intentions of at least watching the DVDs over the summer, but alas, the road . . . anyway). So, I was aware of the IEW Bible Based Writing for the first semester. I did not realize that the IEW *approach* was utilized in the science curriculum. I am willing to give it a fair shot, especially since I know my older daughter NEVER learned to summarize until her IEW experience. I just think it's a shame, first of all, that it was never mentioned to me (although, really, CC does promote IEW so much, I should have assumed) and that my dd had to discard a perfectly lovely little essay because it wasn't done with a key word outline. (I did send an email to her tutor to ask if she could use it this week, and if we could get a better explanation of what is expected.)


    As to the comment that IEW is used in the upper levels -- I must be missing something major. I have a daughter in Challenge III, and she does not have to use ANY IEW materials OR write any papers in the IEW format. The instructions that she is given in her guide as to how to write her essays, etc, are what I would consider very traditional, MLA format writing (the way I was taught). I am prepping to tutor Challenge II next year, and there is NO mention of IEW anywhere in my materials that I can find. I don't recall seeing anything in Challenge B, either. So, I'm rather hoping that if we can muddle through this year (and perhaps strike a compromise with our tutor for Challenge A) we will be able to move on. If I look more closely and discover that IEW is, in fact, an integral part of the entire Challenge program? We'll be moving on to something else.


    Umm, I am not sure I understand the bold part. You are your child's teacher. If you choose to not have her use the IEW format for science, that's up to you... If the paper is okay with you, it is okay with the tutor. You just need to tell her that. That's the way CC is designed. A tutor telling her her paper needs to be redone is overstepping her role as tutor.


    One issue may be the presentation.... They do prefer the kids present using a key word outline instead of reading the paper. It's a better skill - presenting with just an outline. If that's the case, simply have her key word outline her paper after it's written.


    As my dd moved away from needing to KWO, I just had her KWO her paper and tack on a few dress ups. You stop following those when they are writing a better paper without them - according to Andrew himself!


    Just tell the tutor how you feel.


    With the Bible based writing, it's tough to do without using IEW.... But I really dislike that book. It is my least favorite IEW resource.


    IEW does go all through Challenge, but Challenge A is the only level it's emphasized like that. You don't notice it's IEW unless you are looking for it.


    I second the person who said IEW isn't for natural writers. But not all our kids are natural writers. It's a great program. But for someone who writing comes intuitively to this seems so crazy!

  14. I wouldn't be picky with him because it's not a good way to start things.


    I would clean it but take notes and pictures on what you had to do when you moved in. That way when you move out if he tries to charge you for cleaning, you can prove you are leaving it cleaner than you when you moved in. Then he will not be entitled to keep you cleaning deposit, etc.



    This is what I would do. I would even walk through with him. He needs to understand that the condition that it's in now will be the condition he should expect when you move out.

  15. Okay, here is Bruce Etter's response. I am very grateful that he took the time to respond. That said, I find that there is much I disagree with especially in regards to forums "with no accountability." (I find no greater accountability than the free exchange of information and ideas)


    The Pro-slavery statements are very interesting to me. I will have to did through the other thread to see if there are direct quotes from Wilson in regards to this. I definately do not encourage misinformation being spread around. If DW is saying one thing in one location and another in Omnibus III that would be of concern.


    I hope this is helping someone besides me :D


    Hello January,


    I am glad that you are searching diligently for a curriculum for your child. I commend you for taking the time to make sure what you are getting is high quality.


    My general concern about forums like this one is that they tend to be filled with either half-truths or statements that are simply not true at all. The other concern is being taken and later quoted out of context, which has happened to me before on this very forum. I am reluctant to share a lot here if you are simply going to copy and paste my email into the forum. That's the very reason I chose not to engage in the public conversation which can quickly degenerate into a gossip session at best or a back and forth battle of words at worst. I prefer to address individual concerns as they might relate to our vision here at Veritas Press Scholars Academy.


    The bottom line is that the Omnibus curriculum is made up of the writings of lots of individuals and to make arbitrary connections with all of them back to Doug Wilson would be incredibly misleading. If someone is a teacher at an ACCS school it does not follow that the person is connected personally to Wilson. Just because someone is a member of a church in his denomination or teaches at a classical school does not mean that the person has a direct connection to Wilson. The vision of our school is to bring glory to God by offering a rigorous classical and Christian education, keeping Christ central in all we do, period. No one is involved in secret conspiracies to inculcate Federal Vision ideas into the minds of the young. If you read over the Omnibus curriculum you will find that it is a solid, reformed and evangelical approach, nothing more, nothing less.


    One example of the problem with forums with no accountability – on this forum Wilson is called “pro-slavery.†I teach Omnibus III and Wilson actually wrote the chapter on the Slave Narratives. He is extremely clear in that chapter that Southern slavery was wicked. Nowhere does he condone the evil institution of slavery. On the contrary, he calls it what it is, sinful.


    Finally, Omnibus does not even deal with the more peripheral theological issues (discussed on the WTM forum) that tend to divide Christians. Omnibus focuses on the basics from a solid Christian worldview.


    I hope that helps, January. God bless.


    Question - was this the entire text of the email or did you edit it before you posted it?


    It takes a lot to shock me. Really it does. Even when I do not like what I am hearing about a particular figure, even when the information is extremely upsetting I will take the time to go to the relevant accessible source in an attempt to ascertain the truth.


    Because of that I took the time to email a certain person and ask some direct questions. I made it very clear that I intended to repost his response, because I wanted to give him the oppurtunity to craft a response he was comfortable with or to chose not to respond at all. Here is what I said, "Here is a link to the original thread I started. If it would not be to much trouble for you to contribute your 2cents either directly to the thread or back to me (with the understanding that I will copy it to the thread) I would really appreciate it!"


    This morning I woke up to a scathing email. :glare: Here is my response, "Mr, *****,

    I am completely shocked that you are shocked. I was very clear in my intial contact with you that that was my intent. I never mislead you. You were fully informed that I intended to share your response. I was very honest and stated up front my intentions so you could make an informed decision on how to respond. That was the point of my email. You NEVER stated not to quote you. NEVER. You are free to chose not to engage in forums, but I do. Again, I was completely upfront about my intentions.


    Furthermore, I have no idea what you mean about "while at the same time lacking the very discretion you claim he lacks". I have no idea what you are referring to. I have never made any claims about DW and for you to accuse me is wrong!


    Many of these people on the forums I consider friends. Yes, I will share information with them.


    Again, I do apologize for upsetting you, but I was very clear about my intentions.


    One final note. Do not use scripture as a weapon to attempt to control me. You have no right!


    Regards, January."


    Let this be another lesson to me in the controlling nature of these types of groups. Also, let it be a lesson that even if you do try to be honest, go to the source and share "true" information, you will be raked across the coals, accused, and labeled. :tongue_smilie:


    I am done! I tried, but no more.


    Edited: I think it is important to remember what a Forum is.


    noun /ˈfôrəm/ 

    fora, plural; forums, plural


    A place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged

    - it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research


    A court or tribunal


    (in an ancient Roman city) A public square or marketplace used for judicial and other business



    Maybe it's just me but there seems to be a disconnect or something missing. Did you quote his entire original email? Are we getting the whole picture of what is going on? It's hard on these forums sometimes.

    But there seems to be something missing....

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