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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. I think that God has gifted some people to be teachers and pastors and that if they are qualified according to the bible and following God's ways according to the bible then an actual "call" from God is unnecessary. Look at the qualification for elders according to the bible:


    1 Timothy 3:1-7

    It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of elder, it is a fine work he desires to do. An elder, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?), and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil. And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil


    It seems that it is biblically acceptable to "aspire" and "desire" to be an elder. As long as that is your particular gifting (meaning skill set) and you are qualified according to the verses above, you don't need a special "word from God" in order to move forward with it.


    When things go awry is when people who are not qualified or not honest with themselves about their particular skill set try to force themselves to fit that role. Or try to do it for less-than-God-honoring reasons.


    Yes God did "call" certain people in the bible to do certain special tasks (like calling Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery) but I do not think that is the norm in every day life. Some people like to say they were called or not called, lead or not lead by God, etc. as a way of:


    1. pawning off their bad decisions on God

    2. refusing to make a decision and blaming God for it

    3. appearing "more spiritual" than those who have not been "called"


    As christians we are ALL "called" to follow the ways of God. This book is an excellent resource:


    Just Do Something: How to Make a Decision Without Dreams, Visions, Fleeces, Open Doors, Random Bible Verses, Casting Lots, Liver Shivers, Writing in the Sky, etc




    People often ask me if I was "called" to be a principal in a christian missionary school. My answer? Not really. But I felt like God would be honored if I used the skill set he gave me to honor him. I hope that is good enough.






    That's an excellent book!

  2. So, you CAN'T get fries and soda with a kids meal?


    I'm already part of a boycott on chick-fil-a, but this would be one more reason not to eat there. We don't eat out often, but when we do it's specifically as a treat. We can have fruit and milk at home (and in fact.... that's just what DD is eating now for lunch! :tongue_smilie:)


    I think chick-fil-a will not like the results of this change on their profits.


    Sitting at Chuck fil A right now...Fries are still listed as an option on the menu. At least at our CFA you can request soda. It is not listed but neither are shakes (with the meal). I have a friend who always gets a shake instead of a soda. You just have to ask possibly pay a little more. But you don't need to get 2 drinks. I can't speak for other CFA's but ours will pretty much do whatever you ask.


    It's lunch time.

    There are lots of families with kids here. And no one has had any issues...or seems to mind. Grilled nuggets are very good.

  3. SSL is just keeping it simple. They way they ask what is your name is just another way to ask it. Both are correct. I don't like they way SSL does it. I prefer the "Quid est nomen tibi?"


    Praenomen was the first of three names the Romans had. So it's like they are saying what is your first name.


    Here is a breakdown of student -

    discipulus- male student (singular) discipuli- male students (plural)

    discipula- female student (singular) discipulae- female students (plural)

    discipuli- male and female students combined


    Does that help?

  4. In our house, restitution would be in order. We follow Biblical restitution. Sometimes full restitution is too much for a child, but they still get the message that when you damage something it needs to be repaired or restored. If it were my child, they would be responsible for making it right. Exactly what that looks like varies depending on many things including age.

  5. That would not because of a grounding in the Christian faith and instead is just an individual action. Unfortunately for many Muslims the level of knowledge of the Islamic faith is lacking. Often it is infused with cultural practices that are at odds with Islamic teaching, but over time it becomes difficult for people to see the two as separate. My overall point then is that Muslim practice needs to be separated from Islamic teaching when looking at topics such as adoption.


    Can you explain what you mean in the bolded statement?


  6. The best traditions just happen. Try to find something that speaks to them. I have a friend who watches It's a Wonderful Life every year while putting up the tree. I would don't like that movie enough to watch it every year!


    But we always open a present on Christmas Eve - that's a tradition my kids love. We also watch a movie, but it's not always the same movie.


    Let them help you decide what they want to do and you will find some traditions that stick.

  7. It does sound like a tension issue. Those issues are pretty common.


    Have you adjusted the tension on the machine and the bobbin case? Have you tried different thread or a different bobbin?


    I don't know what you should do. But machines do need regular service even if they aren't used all that often - sometimes because they aren't used all that often. Annual service is best for machines especially the older ones. A lot of places won't work on a machine until it's been serviced.


    I would probably just google the issue and your machine to see what other say first.

  8. Even if she is carrying the baby a stroller will make life so much easier. It can haul all the other stuff for her. I wouldn't use a small umbrella stroller, but one of the nicer ones would be easier than a big stroller. But being able to stick the baby seat in the stroller will make it so much easier on her. And she will have the option to put the baby done in the stroller if she wants.


    She will gate check the stroller, so she can have it until the plane and from the plane. It makes things so much easier.


    Is she holding him on the plane? If so, she really does want to be able to navigate the sling/wrap alone. That will be so handy on the plane - at least it was a nice break for my arms. She can box and check the car seat or use a car seat bag - they are pricey though. Although you risk losing it - they lost one of mine once. I was not happy - they do have loaners, but they are awful!!


    If she is putting him in his seat, she may not need the wrap/sling. He will be fine in the stroller as long as she stays close.


    Having all of the above options is a good idea though.


    She should get online and watch some video clips and learn to work her sling or wrap alone. Or get one she can.

  9. This forum is probably not the place to admit it, ;) but I've been reading a book that is highly critical of the "ages and stages" definition of classical education (Diane Lockman's Trivium Mastery). Honestly, when I borrowed the book from the library, I had no idea... :D



    Just quoting a snippet to save space.

    Diane Lockman makes these claims that classical ed isn't about the ages/stages etc but what are her credentials and what evidence does she use to support her claims?


    I do think that the WTM does things that aren't historically classical - they didn't teach history in a 4 year cycle. I think some of the methods are to make classical education do able for parents in our current society.


    Look to some authorities in the classical education world and see what they say before you decide who to agree with. I found that book thought provoking but lacking in evidence to support the claims.


    I think CC-style memory work for small fries was more of what I had in mind when I posted about content without the context. ;) We recited Latin, dontcha know? No one ever mentioned what it meant, though. There was NO explanation of anything, and I thought I would lose my mind. My children turned to me and whispered, "What does this mean? What does that mean?" They are accustomed to explanations and context, as much as they can understand and I can provide.


    With CC and the Latin, the students already learned what each of the words meant. The students already knew the vocab - that was taught first. Now they are putting their vocab into a passage of scripture.


    Memory work is an exercise for the brain. There are some great resources out there on what memorizing doesn't for the brain. We use CC to train our children's brains. And because in our home learning never stops nothing is ever out of context. These things come up all the time.


    What about the suggestions to memorize laundry lists of historical figures like the Egyptian pharaohs, Roman emperors, or the monarchs of England in chronological order? I love TWTM, but that kind of rote memorization is something I just don't see the need for in this age of Google. The books of the Bible, that I can see as being handy to a Christian for ease in locating a Scriptural reference (though I don't personally have them memorized).


    But Google can't always be trusted. And for us like I mentioned it's less about the information and more about the exercise of the brain. There are lot of other ways to accomplish this too though. CC/TWTM memory work are just 2 of the many ways.

  10. I never understood that. I love homemade gifts, but unless you grow and make everything yourself you have to buy the ingredients/materials to make the homemade gifts. And there is plenty of commercialism with the craft stores and grocery stores! In my book there isn't much difference in the "commercial" aspect of it.


    I wonder if for those people they have been caught up and focused on the wrong things, and for them that signals a drastic change - IDK. We always do a combination of things.

  11. Well, I guess it kind of defeats the purpose...but on the other hand, the raw organic milk is actually cheaper than purchasing the organic milk at the grocery store. I'm not going to go buy milk just for cooking purposes, on the other hand, I do often find milk called for in recipes, so it would make sense that I would just use the milk I have on hand, in this case, what I will have on hand is the raw milk. So it's not as if I am intending to purchase this JUST for cooking...it's more about the drinking, the 2 DS who would drink this, would drink it for every meal, if I let them.


    On the other hand, even if I was just purchasing for cooking, the purpose is not totally defeated. It's still, fresh from the source milk, without having gone from a dirty farm, to a factory, to a milk truck, to the regional warehouse, to the back of the grocery store, then to my house. There's a whole thought process to buying local..and that purpose is not defeated no matter how I end up using the milk.


    But anyhoo, good advice, thanks to all! I'll guess I'll just start with two gallons bi-weekly, and see how it goes...if we get to much waste, I'll cut back to the one gallon.


    Woohoo..so excited to have found raw milk!!


    Wow, that's great it's cheap. Here raw is more expensive than organic pasteurized milk. So when I am doing something like hot chocolate where I use a 1/2 gallon at a time, I get the cheaper stuff. Here it's from a local farm too. But for small things - 1/2 a cup here or there I use the raw.

  12. I haven't kept milk for 2 weeks. I keep my milk just 7or 8 days, but our pick up is once a week.


    I'm thinking I would get two gallons at each delivery...only 2 of my children really drink milk just for drinking. The rest would be cooking, hot chocolate, etc.


    Using raw milk for cooking defeats the purpose of having raw milk. You can use it, but by heating it to the point of boiling you are basically pasteurizing it. So you may as well use pasteurized milk for cooking. Since we generally only use raw milk and don't have pasteurized milk on hand, I do sometimes cook with it especially the cream for soups. But if I am doing a lot of cooking, I get regular milk.

  13. I was terrified when I found out I was having a boy after 3 girls. (Which is funny because I always had envisioned myself with 5 boys!) But, at that point, I KNEW girls. I had girl clothes. I had girl toys. I knew what made girls tick. The boy came. I learned what made him tick. (I think...) Boys aren't harder or easier. They are different. Some generalities which may upset some people, but I have found to be true. Boys love their mamas a bit more intensely than girls. Boys are more physical. Their love is a bit painful. A hug is a body slam. A kiss can rip your cheek off. Boy love can be bruising. :lol: To my surprise, boys are more verbal. Well, in a way, they make more noise with their bodies. It just isn't necessarily in the form of words. They truly do turn everything into a sword or a gun. At some point, most wear a cape and actually think they can fly. They love their mama with all of their being. (I think I said that already.) There is a, for lack of a better word, stronger bond between a mother and son. Not sure if stronger is the right word. More intense? Eh, it's different than with a daughter. :001_smile:


    This describes my boys. It's a relationship like no other. I love my girls. But my boys are going to live with me forever. Well at least that's their plan for now. It's good to be a mom of boys.


    I have 4 boys. They all have different personalities...but are way different from girls....who also have different personalities.


    Girls are more emotionally driven in my experience. More independent. More manipulative if it is necessary. All different and to different degrees. Some are calm...some are dramatic...but I liken my girls to kitty Cats.


    Boys are more like puppies. They are active, can break stuff without thinking about, would rather duke it out than talk about it, curious to the point of danger...and then some. My boys are more logical/ analytical. My girls are more thoughtful, introspective, artsy...


    There is lots of overlap.....


    Be ready for sloppy peanut butter and jelly kisses from a little man who loves you so much he wants to be your Knight in Shining Armour...or your personal Ninja....or your sweet cuddle baby. Boys are born knowing sound effects...cars zoom...guns bang...doggies bark...LOL


    I know this sounds sexist...but it is really just my own observations.


    Boys LOVE their Mommy. Congratulations!!!!




    Yep this too!! Boys are so amazing.

  14. 1. Classical languages and a philological-philosophical textual study of the cannonical works of classical antiquity;

    2. The same kind of textual study applied to the cannon of national and, in a broad sense, Western culture.


    #1 is a sine qua non - after all, that is what a definition of a classical education is based on, has traditionally been, you can deny it all you wish, but for the past God knows how many generations, THAT is what was a classical education and THAT is what we inherited. #2 is strictly speaking not a sine qua non, but it sort of organically grows out of #1.


    There are many ways to have a good, solid education without it being a classical education; but when *I* say classical education, I use it as a technical term in the context of its historicity.



  15. Whenever we go and stay for a few days, I bring a crock pot and put dinner in the am.


    Breakfast and lunch are easy - cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, fruit etc..

    Sandwiches or salads and snacks. We tend to pack a lot because the kids are hungry!


    We usually do one dinner at the restaurant - ours always has family specials when we go. We usually go off season on non peak days though. We get a family meal for $25 to $30 depending on what we choose - plus drinks.


    If we were going for one night, I would take breakfast, lunch and snacks and grab a quick dinner at a nearby restaurant.

  16. OK, I'm just confused now:confused: They were both considered his common law wives which was illegal in Utah. So, they moved to Nevada where common law marriages don't exist so he's just married to the first wive and living with the others? Is that right :001_huh:



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