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Posts posted by LND1218



    There are 3 parts of the wheat kernel: the bran, the germ and the endosperm. White flour is made from the endosperm. During commercial grinding processes they are often seperated.



    The germ is the most nutritious portion of the wheat kernel and is very oily, which causes it to turn rancid quickly. Wheat germ is usually separated from the bran and endosperm during the milling of flour because the germ's perishable oil content limits the keeping time of the flour. So often when you buy whole wheat flour it's minus the wheat germ because the wheat germ makes it go bad too fast.


    So you aren't getting the full benefit of it.


    And it's a nice savings too.

  2. It depends on the make/model etc. The cost can vary a lot from less than a $100.00 to a couple hundred depending on the cost of the seat belt and the cost of labor.


    We were looking to buy a van that needed 2 seat belts replaced. They cost of having them replaced was about $250.00 but that was with discounted labor. So it could be more.


    I think it's something you have to have done by a dealer but maybe not.

    Just call your local dealer and ask them.

  3. We use coconut oil for most things (we also use butter and olive oil). I use expeller pressed coconut oil for when I don't want the coconut flavor, like in stir frys and cooking, but use the virgin coconut oil in baking. I buy mine in bulk from Tropical Traditions:




    If you sign up for their email list, they occasionally have sales where they offer free shipping, which is a good deal.


    I got a really good deal from them complete with free shipping on a large container - I can't remember how large - 5 gallons maybe.

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