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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. For us it depends, on where we are. It hasn't been too hard so far. But as ds gets older it does worry me to send him in alone. I am glad to see more and more places with family bathrooms or single bathrooms.


    Certain places I will never let them go alone. Back home about 10 yrs ago a women sent her 9 yr old nephew into the mens restrooms at the beach. She was standing at the door. Her nephew was killed. It was horrific. And it all happened so fast.

  2. Fallacy #1. Yes, bad guys will get guns... but not like you think. Look at the UK, at the Netherlands. If you remove guns from a society there aren't guns to steal from honest people to give to the bad guys. Most of the supply just dries up.


    The UK has seen a rise in crime since then. I have family in the UK - violent crime has risen as have crimes with a gun.







  3. My dh usually goes away on a fishing trip that weekend not because it's Father's Day but because that's the weekend they can do. If he doesn't go away, we do something together.


    It's never bothered us that he goes away - we usually stick something in his bag. So the kids have fun planning and doing that.


    He spends a lot of time with the kids on a regular basis, so they are fine with it.

  4. I love it.


    Of course, I didn't pay $80 for it. I am not sure if it's worth that much. I got an amazing deal on mine - I got it for $30, and I love it. My floors look great! I have saved that much in swiffer cloths, so I am happy with it...


    It is lightweight, and I don't expect it to last forever. After this, we will get a bigger steamer with mop attachments for an all in one product.

  5. It was like this when I was in school.


    I went to ps for high school years ago! (It started my jr year.) If you more 5 unexcused days (meaning anything that wasn't on their approved list of sickness, death of immediate family member - extended family didnt' count, and vacation - no way!) you were held bad and fined. If you have more that a certain number (I can't remember) of excused days, you would also be held back reguardless of grades. I had a friend who got mono and was very sick. She had to come back or be held back - she was a straight A student even when she was sick.

  6. Kind of the reverse problem here, which leads me to believe there is something in what you are saying.


    My favorite story about this is that when my son was playing at one of those "mall soft play structure thingies", I struck up a conversation with a woman, and we had a really nice time. After we had been talking for an hour or so, she asked me if I had my son in therapy. I was a little taken aback, but I asked her what she was concerned about. She said he wasn't very coordinated for a 3 year old. I relaxed, and smiled, and said, "Oh--that's OK. He's only 18 months old--but very tall for his age." She wanted to die, I assured her that I took her comment as a kindness; after all, what do I know-I just have the one kid and so on.


    But he was always the tallest one in his class in preK through first grades, AND the youngest, sometimes 1.5 years younger than the oldest boy in the class--and it led to a lot of his troubles. He got accused of immaturity, etc., and that led to some of the stuff that made us come home.


    I just had to constantly remind myself of his true age, AND that he comes from a double gene pool of Late Bloomerism on top of it all. Sometimes it helps to sit down with a list of things xx yo's should have as rights AND responsibilities and just make it happen.


    Oh no, I relate to that. I used to get asked all the time why my dd wasn't in school or worse potty trained! I would reply that it's because she's 2!

  7. It can also kinda be bad when it's the other way. Just because a 15 year old is 6'3" doesn't mean that he's super mature. Maturity, unfortunately, has nothing whatsoever to do with height. So my son can do something perfectly typical for the age, but get reprimanded much more severely just because he "looks" older and should therefore act older..... And when he's galloping around pretending to be a Spartan, or jousting out front, or dressing in Harry Potter drag, etc., then folks also get really uptight and freaked out as if he has no right to play because of his height......


    That's what we get - the opposite because our kids are tall. They are expected to do more and behavior better and the like. It's tough either way I think.

  8. I don't have any verses for not spanking a teen. The Bible does say not to exasperate your children. And I think spanking a teen could do that.


    I don't think discipline should be humiliating the goal is not to embarass them but restore them to right behavior. (On a side note, since many have stopped spanking they have turned to humiliating to discipline. To me that is sad.)


    I agree with Joanne.


    And I don't think that you will be able to change their mind. If you aren't ready to leave this church, I would pray that God would change their hearts on this matter.

  9. As a parent who had to take a second out on the house to pay lawyers bills when we got drug into family court through no fault of our own, I joined them without question! It's been 6 years, and dh and I are still paying off lawyers bills. I know how expense those lawyers are. And that was with one working for free and one at a half rate.


    With the housing market what it is now and owing what we do, we couldn't get enough money to hire a lawyer if we needed to. (Our one lawyer was ready to drop our case because we came up short one month. We were 10 days from our next hearing, and had to come up with thousands of dollars.) All the attorneys we talked to wanted $10,000 or more up front before they would talk to us. I am just glad back then we had the equity, or we would have lost our child.


    Granted the situations aren't everyday but they do happen. I am thrilled to have that protection, and I am happy to help out families who wind up in those situations like us through no fault of their own.


    I guess it's like a lot of things you don't think it could happen to you until it does or it happens to someone you know. Never in a million years I did I think we'd wind up with the mess we did. So you never know what could happen. And I got to know a lot about social workers and GAL, and I don't have a lot of confidence in the "system".

  10. Yes, in their lit classes in the school they read the selections aloud together and discuss. I think sometimes simple things have value we don't perceive till we try them, kwim?


    History books in the catalog. Well you have two things going on there. VP history is meant to cover a spread of ages and the books are marked for upper or lower than the target grade. Also though, VP has a bit of stomach that some people don't have for dry spines in small doses.


    Now as far as being accelerated, I can't say because for us the recommendations tend to be behind, sorry. However, I really and truly don't see how a K5er and 2nd grader can be behind, as momof7 said. They AREN'T behind. Kids at that age have a HUGE spread of what is normal and they really have to just proceed at their own developmental pace.


    We NEED to have standards and see that goals and progressions exists. But we don't use that to call our students bad, only to see the next step and move forward diligently.


    1. If YOU want to get a good idea of what to teach:

    hence Streams of Civilization is NOT for a 2cnd grader....it is for Teacher/ Mom.


    2. If you are using their program as a multi-level history program....I have used their year 5 & 6 with that age level...along with high schoolers....Omnibus wasn't available then.


    3. So you can pick and choose which ones you want ...or do not want to read.


    Do not expect to read everything! Do not expect to do every worksheet either...some of those are for older kids too.





    I have to agree with these posters. They did a nice job, so I won't repeat what they said.


    But here you can look at their Scholars list of books. They give a list for younger student and older students. http://resources.veritaspress.com/Scholars/OTAE.html


    They don't expect you to read all the books in the catalog, but they make them available. And I am glad because I will choose different books at different years depending on the child. I love their selection and variety and how well it lends itself to families with different ages trying to do the same history with all.


    For example - dd 10, I also found them a bit behind us and we worked ahead in everything but math. We have been behind their standard in math.


    With dd 6, they are right on maybe a little advanced. She started off slower with everything but math. She is ahead of them in math. So go figure...


    And I agree you have to keep in mind that it's just a catalog not their curriculum.

    Their catalog is a listing of everything they sell not everything you must have. I love how they lay it out by grade, but not everyone does Egypt in 2nd grade. But you will find all books that fit Egypt on that page. Some are for moms or as read alouds. It all depends on the family.


    I just order what I want no matter what grade level it's listed in. They tend to list their materials at the earliest possible grade. I would guess that's so you don't miss it or maybe that is where it seems to fit best. And maybe some would want to do it then. But they don't necessarily do it then.


    With Latin for example, they list Latin for Children A in the 3rd grade, but their online classes don't offer it until 4th grade. So some do it in 3rd while other prefer 4th or 5th.


    I have never found VP dry - it does need to be fleshed out a bit. But we do that without much trouble. It's not for everyone, but it really fits our classical approach - we do heavy grammar memory work, lots of Latin and such. That the classical method we like and use.


    I want to be moving out of focusing so much on learning the facts come middle school, so this works for us.

  11. I had a company do this to us regularly. We always paid on time, but they always got it late. They claimed it was opened and posted the day it was received.


    So I personally mailed it return reciept or something where they had to sign for it.


    Sure enough it was late. But I have proof it was signed for on time. I called them and sent them a copy of the reciept saying they signed for it 5 days before they posted it, and it never happened again.


    But in this case I would start with calling the bank.

  12. Oh my! That's awful that she thinks that...


    God is sovereign and know the number of our days (PS 139:16) and God allows these things to happen. He could have stopped it, but he didn't for what reasons I don't know. And He will work this for good (Romans 8:28). Something amazing will come from this because that's the way God is.


    But death is a result of sin and the fall. Death comes because we live in a fallen world. It's the result of our sin not God's goodness.

  13. I am sure they will be at CHAPS next week. I will be there working VP booth. I can get it for you and give it to you when I come to Va in June.


    I didn't know you were coming to VA in June?


    Hey, I wonder if they will be at HEAV. I am working at HEAV. Let me check that first.

  14. I saw media mail.


    I can't do that because my mail lady won't bring it to my house - she will cram it in my box and ruin it as she has in the past. (No amount of complaints have helped. So it will just turn into a big mess - me making them pay for a replacement.) If it's not in a hard box, she will smoosh it.



    But I still, I can't help but wonder if that is right.

  15. I am not sure if the is correct forum for this...


    I was getting ready to order Song School Latin from Classical Academic Press. But to get that one book with CD the UPS shipping is $13.95!


    That's outragous especially since I am one state away. According to UPS, the cost is about 7.00 actual shipping add their handling fee and I understand it's not cheap but one book for $14.00!


    Can that possibly be right? Should I call them?

    I will not pay 14.00 for shipping on a $22 book...

  16. It's funny how different the reactions to those readers are. It's about finding what you like and what works for you.


    I choose the program because of the readers. I was so tired of trying to find books for my oldest to read when she was in K. I got so tired of Jen the Hen, Matt the Cat stuff... I switched when my olest was in 1st.


    They are sometimes weird or awkward, but we love the readers. It really challenges them to stretch their reading skills. Not to mention the value of the content. They are the only books I have even seen at that level with substance. I love being able to start my kids on quality books instead that twaddle junk like Ben sat on the mat that we had with DD #1.


    And I find that those books are enough reading practices without having to buy/find other one vowel books. I love that repetition and similar works - like rig, rag, rug because if forces my dd (who is currently doing it) to really read the word and not guess. We have been very happy with those readers!


    I have to disagree that it's sight word based. There are sight words - but you can't read anything if you don't teach a few sight words. It has IMO less sight words that the other programs I have looked into. I haven't looked at WRTR


    I also found that my kids in the end were stronger readers with this. Other programs keep at the phonics, but there simply isn't a need to with this one. I have friends with dc the same age as my oldest still teaching phonics (going into the 5th grade) because their kids don't get it. Both of mine who have done PM have a solid handle on phonic sounds and rules.


    We don't do the games a lot, so my kids haven't gotten bored with them. They enjoy them when we do them. But it's not something I take time for regularly.


    I think there is sufficent copy work for the ages - there is more in 1st grade. I have added a little handwriting practice and copy work to PM when I thought it was needed.


    If you have any questions let me know...

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