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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. I would put vinegar in her mouth. The apple cider kind works well and is good for them too!


    That's what I do with my kids - for anything involving the mouth - lying, back talk, etc.


    It works like a charm. I think I only did it once with dd 1 - a handful of times with dd 2 and maybe 3 times with ds 1. We will see how long it ds 2 when we get there.


    You can do a spray bottle for good coverage or an eye dropper. Or anything really.

  2. My dd does this too, but generally it is more common with boys.


    I was able to hear the most amazing study on this. Boys hearing is less sensitive (generally) than girls, so they aren't hearing those sounds like we are. They seem so much louder to us moms than to the boys because we are female and older.


    My ds's noises are louder and more annoying than dd's.

  3. Eventhough they bought flour from the store, it would have been milled locally. At least close if not in town. It would have been pretty fresh to begin with.


    I imagine during a winter like that it was kept pretty darn cold - just like freezing it. If they had a root cellar, it would have been like an ice box! Flour keeps if frozen.


    They didn't have the same standards we do. Our food in very clean and sanitized - bugs, mold etc weren't uncommon back then. I mean sometimes I can't believe the stuff they ate. So I imagine that they often ate flour that had "gone bad." It was that or starve.

  4. We had an open house this week too!


    We did it in classrooms, and it went pretty well in a small groups. We are going to be together for a bit next week.


    We found the kids got too distracted in a large group, so we will see how this plays out this year. We may switch again...

  5. Part 2

    If someone can't afford it, I will totally work with them!

    We have a local scholarship. And there are positions that pay - like tutoring, classroom subs, nursery subs, afternoon childcare, etc honestly there have only been a few families.

    Most families can afford what they choose to afford.

    I have been able to work this out with every family. PM me if want more info.


    As far as books and that stuff and Leigh making too much money - How is CC any different that any other company who sells hs materials? You don't hear about SWB making too much money off her books here - why?


    And all the materials are non consumable and I will use them over and over with my kids. So it's actually cheaper than many other companies. (All the extras are optional not required - they are offered because we moms have asked for them.)


    Praying for God to give you the right words!

  6. Too long for one post - part 1

    I was skeptical about the money side of it too. It is my least favorite part. I don't like dealing with money!!


    I see how much money goes to corporate - it's really not that much considering all that they do. The bulk of the money stays local in my group. What goes to corporate pays our state manager and covers so many aspects of keeping the state going. Frankly, I am not sure how she manages to stretch the money as far as she does. Leigh is a very generous woman, and God has blessed her.


    When it come to tuition, I tell parents that the reason we charge is for commitment. When people pay, they take is more seriously that results in a better program. The tutors get paid because it helps keep quality tutors. They are asked to do a lot. This is what makes our program successful - locally we have seen 2 large co-ops fold due to lack of commitment. So most understand that aspect.

  7. Dh wasn't reformed when I married him, and I didn't really even think about it. When we moved and started at a new church and did the membership class, he was like UMM NO way! That's when I realized - oops! Not good.


    Praise God that is he is now solidly reformed thanks to that pastor. But it took a while. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to be here raising/homeschooling kids with an unreformed spouse. That is not something I want for my kids. They will not be able to court someone who isn't reformed. I just think it's too important especially since I have been there.

  8. Some we do:

    Tic Tac Toe (you get a X or O if answer right)




    Racing to put the timeline cards in order. Use 2 sets or time them w/a stop watch.


    W/dart guns or suction cup balls - the kids shoot/throw them at a whiteboards w/memory work on it. They get a question from where it lands


    Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Parent is the contestant and kids are the helps. But the kids have to write down the answer every time (we use small white boards.)


    Who wants to be a millionaire?


    Matching or concentration - you have things like states and capitols or Latin vocab that they have to match up or science questions and answers. They can also race with this or be timed.


    Musical chairs w/the songs - child who doesn't get a seat has to answer a question.


    Duck duck goose for the really little ones with some pieces of grammar.


    Baseball - questions earn them hits, runs etc. This can be done on the board or in person as in outside.


    That's all I have room for.

  9. Adding that I love it!


    It's really important to get into the book and get familiar with it - add dividers/tabs and the like. I also rearranged somethings - for ease of use. That's part of the reason it's not bound - you don't have to leave it that way.


    You can copy the Appendix pages and insert them into the lesson or what we did was make a student notebook with copies of the pages from the appendix. So that we aren't haven't to really go anywhere else. And the pages are in page protectors, so dd just writes and erases.


    There is a weekly calendar/schedule in the book and on the C3 community that show you in a very visual way what you use when.


    The layout of the book isn't my style, but the material in it is the best I have seen. My dd is doing so well with this! I am astounded at what these kids learn doing this!

  10. CC Foundations is supplemental. Essentials covers LA and writing. Challenge is a full program.


    Here are the basics -

    For our 1st grader:

    we do CC Foundations


    VP Phonics Museum



    For our 5th grader:


    Essentials (EE and IEW)

    Latin for Children


    VP History

    Lit - VP suggested



    We do family science experiments and such to follow CC. We do read alouds and projects as a family.

  11. I'm torn about the balance on this. No, I don't think it's important for me to know everything going on about attacking chimps or another parent who's hurt or kidnapped a child. That's what so much of the "news" is full of. Well, that and what the latest Hollywood star has going on in their lives.


    However, on world events that definitely could affect our lives, I think it is a very good idea to know what's happening in the world. The problem with that is the news source. I believe so much of the news reporting sources are so agenda and money driven that by the time we get the "news" it's actually their version of the news. I wish there was a way to feel I was getting "just the facts ma'am." :)


    That's my take. :)


    I have to agree with this! I would love to know what's really going on, but that's not what's on the news these days! I watch every am, and I feel like I never know what's really going on in the world.

  12. Not me, but I know someone who has hired someone for her kids. But for her "teacher" it's a full time position. She only works for them. This family only seeks out well educated teachers. This is also a live in position so it has some nanny aspects to it.


    I honestly can't figure out how one person would make a decent living at this though unless they were working for more than one family.


    She would probably be better off looking to tutor or teach a class here or there unless she's looking for a live in position.

  13. Please note that you don't just "dip" them in hot oil. You are soft-frying them. A few seconds on one side, turn with tongs, a few seconds on the other side, onto a plate that has paper towels on it to rest until you are finished. By the time you finish soft-frying the tortillas, they are cooled enough to handle.


    I've been doing this for over 30 years and have never found it to be a mess. :-)


    This is what I do - I don't dip them in enchilada sauce cause that does get mess.


    It works great!

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