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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. It seemed like a good introduction for beginners and a good review for Latin students. I wasn't able to sit and listen all week, so I missed a lot. I had hoped to catch more with her because I struggle with Latin. But even I learned a lot listening very passively.


    They covered:

    Lots of Roman Culture - houses, names, places, food etc

    Conversational Latin

    Roman Numerals

    Vocabularly - a variety - like foods, colors, occupations, family, house features etc.

    Verb conjugation - endings

    5 declentions were introduced, but 1st, 2nd, 2nd Nueter and 3rd were practiced

    They learned how to translate and worked on Latin sentences and word order



    They made a Latin book online ~ that was really fun!


    They learned some fun songs and chants for the declentions and the conjugations.


    They picked Latin names.

  2. Just out of curiousity, all of those out there who "don't spank" or think it is just the most horrific thing ever, how old are your kids?


    I just want to say that I will gladly listen to someone who has raised kids to be quite old without spanking. Heck, I may even listen intently. However, when your oldest child is like 3-4, please don't talk to me about not spanking. From birth to 4, I am not really sure I had a need to spank EITHER of my kids. Spanking was something that came into play as they got older and other methods did not work.


    Since we are listing pet peeves, one of mine is having someone who has only been a parent for a few years tell me all about parenting. My oldest son is 10 - I have been at this for a bit...and there are others who are much more experienced than I am as well (though perhaps not as experienced with the *type* of child that my older son is). I am just saying...it may be a good idea to sit back and listen if you have little kids and have only just begun your parenting journey....


    I also hold the opposite view of this. We are done with spanking mostly by 3 or 4. Sometimes they will still get one until about 6 or 7, but every so rarely.


    I never spank as a last resort or when out of control. It's a training tool for us when they are too young to be reasoned with.

  3. Well, my opinion is that learning the grammar of each subject is part of the grammar stage. And if grammar is important, English grammar must be important.


    I think that it's important. I agree with a lot of what has been said about it.


    I didn't learn it, and I struggled greatly with other languages. My ability to learn another language improved when my English grammar improved.


    And learning grammar doesn't require a pencil. Grammar predates the modern pencil. Many kids have "pencil allergies" - you can bypass that with the computer, dry erase markers/boards or chalk/slate etc or by simply doing the writing for them while they tell you what/where to put things.

  4. I love Bac-Out! That stuff is fantastic! Soak in the machine with a capful of bac-out overnight and run the wash in the am. I use Bac-out for cleaning carpets, stain treating, everything!


    Also, detergent residue will hold in the smells, bacteria, of stuff. Make sure you rinse in warm or hot water - use less detergent, not more. And, I'll repeat VINEGAR - vinegar not only counter-acts the urine, it strips the detergent residue out of the clothes.


    :iagree: Use less or no detergent.


    HOT HOT water - either turn up your hot water heater or add boiling water to your soak. Yes use vinegar.


    You may need to wash them in something like Dawn dish washing detergent to help. A little will help strip the detergent build up on them.

  5. I feel a bit guilty about not buying the book since I am using the woman's idea but I have tweaked that idea so much that it would be a waste of my money to buy the book. I got all of my ideas from reading the threads from FIAR and here as well as the yahoo groups.



    Well this isn't an original idea - lots of moms have been doing this for years. I have been using my own version for a long time. I got the idea from another mom who used to do a similar thing in the classroom when she was a teacher. So it's not something this woman invented.

  6. Do you have any idea the number of tickets my mom has had to pay in the last few years? Of course not. Thanks for the info.


    And really, her doc couldn't have told her that?!? Argh! A bilateral mysectomy, that would qualify you... pretty sure...




    But in some cases they don't have to honor that. I went round and round on this with our local state police office re such an issue. It's up to the officer on the scene whether or not to ticket. However, I would hope in court it would get thrown out.

  7. So how bout this story - I was on an airplane behind a couple who had three little girls. The parents anounced that it was "potty time" and proceded to pull out that potty seat with a bag in the middle that folds up people have been talking about. They had each girl sit on that potty right in the middle of the airplane in front of their seets and go number 1 AND number 2!!!! OMG! They stunk up the whole plane! Now I couldn't SEE what they were doing, but I could HEAR everything and SMELL it too! How wierd is that??? Please, people...do this in private! :D (I'm sure you all do!)




    That is just nasty!

  8. Yep. I carry this in my van. I love, love, love this thing. If it's possible and convenient (or even if it's inconvenient but the public toilet is too, too disgusting), I have her use it when we're out. (She has lots of privacy in the stow & go area of our minivan.) I do not have any unusual hang-ups about public restrooms but DD touches EVERYTHING, including the potty. And even when I put her on there and hold her, I absolutely loathe the way her undies and bottoms seem to always come into contact with the underside of the toilet. Ugh! Blech!


    When she's old enough (tall enough) to hop on the potty without using her hands, I might consider parting with my portable potty seat...maybe.


    That seat is the way to go.



    Other things you can do are a regular potty seat lined with a left over diaper for ease of disposal.


    One of those foldable portal potty seats http://www.pottytrainingconcepts.com/Travel-Folding-Potty-Seat-PR.html or disposable toilet seat covers like this http://www.pottytrainingconcepts.com/CK-Potty-Protector.html

  9. That is why many are hestitant to invest a huge amount of money for a glorified memory program with a science experiment and art project thrown in to find out the particular group in their area is not a great fit for their own family. Most group start-ups are with a director and a few close friends of her. Their kids are tight too. It is not any fun to find out that you're only there to get their numbers up for the $$ and your child/children feel left out.


    One child alone (for foundations only) is $50 reg, $50 supply fee, $312, $amt for church donation, Books, vp cards, audio cds, powerpoint cds $300+, $ for gas and time for travel, a day out of your schedule, $ for box lunches, and an expected chore like stuck cleaning the bathrooms. I also feel that if we are already paying for this service, why are we expected to empty garbage pails, vacuum, clean restrooms, wipe off tables, etc? The paid tutors do not even participate in these "chores". I don't do that at gymnastics or dance classes.


    If I were to join this Fall, I would have to replace my old Foundations guide for the revised one and buy the revised audio cd and powerpoint. And consider adding essentials which doubles the cost. And it would be another start-up group (which won't be offering essentials) closer than the last but still 45 minutes away.


    If all the groups were like yours, I would do it just for the fellowship. Our first group was wonderful for fellowship but still had its flaws. Your group sounds like a dream. :)


    Caledonia Academy is sounds like you had a bad experience with your community - I am sorry about that!


    I really wasn't going to reply because I feel like God will lead and each family will make their decision. I like CC.


    But I had to comment on these just so you know that you don't need a new guide. I hate that to be the reason you don't do it. Most the families aren't getting a new one - they are simply will use the old one. CC just needed to make more due to the increase in families, so they made corrections and improvements. It would be silly for them not to improve the book when needing to get more.


    The new guide is nice but not necessary at all.


    You also don't need the new resources - again same reasons for redoing - it's just improving them. I see no need to buy new ones when I have them. If I were buying them, I wouldn't buy the old ones, but I have them...


    With the cleaning up, I feel like each family is part of making the mess they should be part of cleaning it up. I see no reason why families can't help clean up. Tutors at least at our community have to clean their rooms up (as well as setting them up.)


    Maybe some directors don't do it, but all the directors I know spend time before the program and/or after program doing work and cleaning up.


    There is a lot of work that most people don't see. Tutor and directors work hard. And what they get paid doesn't even come close to min wage for the hours they put in to a community.


    At our location, if we had to hire the janitor to clean behind us (as opposed to families pitching in) it would cost us $75/week. Depending on the size of the location it can take hours to clean the building. I can't imagine leaving that for one director to do. She could make more getting a job as a janitor. I just seeing this as cleaning up behind yourself which is something I would do anywhere. I don't leave junk behind at gymnastics for someone else to pick up.


    Just for perspective ~ I paid far more for gymnastics than I did for CC. I paid $45 registration for gymnastics, I bought clothes, and paid $13/hour. Plus the cost of practices in addition to classes. At CC, I get 3 hours for $13.


    Or there is music lessons 15 - 25 (or more) a half hour.


    In the long run, CC is cheaper than gymnastics and music lessons - way cheaper than 2 day preschool even. (Yes it's one day but here it's way less than half of preschool costs.) It's just you pay it all up front instead of a week at a time.


    I know not all have the same heart to serve. I am sorry you didn't have a good experience with your program.

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