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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. I have the binding cut and it all three holed punched on almost everything, especially if I plan in keeping the TG for my younger children. I even do it for consumable workbooks, because it just keeps them nicer looking throughout the year. It only costs a buck or two per buck.


    I hate spiral binding...it just never seems to last, and when it does start to come apart, then the pages are "frayed". Plus the books aren't "firm", ie able to stand up in the shelf on their own.


    My DH thinks I have a three-ring binder addiction, because I put almost everything possible into three-ring binders.


    :iagree: Sprial binding drives me crazy! Comb binding is even worse!!

  2. I have a cousin living there & she loves the area. However, it is extremely expensive & the political landscape has been changing greatly over the past few decades.


    I would love to spend a year or 2 there... from a homeschooling perspective... the field trip opportunities are limitless. It is also a beautiful state!


    Well compared to CA it's not at all expensive unless you are in the NoVA/Dc area then it comparable to CA. We moved here from CA. It's nice - homeschool friendly. But honestly we'd leave if we could.


    Our hearts are up north.


    Wow, thank you so much everyone, I really appreciate it.


    Am I nuts to think that a beautiful home could be had for about $250? Beautiful meaning "not a fixer upper", with three bedrooms, two baths.


    We're in a fixer here CA that we can't afford to fix.


    Plus I love the idea of being in a state that's pro homeschool.


    And I absolutely love the idea of all that history.




    It depends on what part of the state - is some parts 250 would get you a 1000 sq ft townhouse, but in other parts it would get you 3500 sq ft house. VA is a very diverse state.

  3. Ah, I'm surprised no one mentioned Latin for Children. I know that was all the rage a while back. Anyone know if it was indeed worthwhile after all? Yes I'm going to start searching the boards for the answer anyway.


    Ok, I'll look into both Latin Alive and Lively Latin. Thanks again everyone.





    Libby in Texas

    We have done Latin for Children (starting in 3rd grade.) And it's been great, but it's not what I would do with a 7th and 8th grader. Latin Alive is their program for older kids.

  4. When Green asked this, we decided the baby came first. At some point, a baby was born who was genetically different enough from his parents to be HUMAN baby rather than ALMOST HUMAN baby. This one (obviously theoretical) baby then grew into an adult and had other human babies. I know this isn't scientifically correct -- but it explained the general idea to him in a way he understood. We already had this discussion with regards to chickens and eggs, so he accepted this without further questions. :)


    And at least at 5 he can't ask how the one baby had a baby when it grew up. :tongue_smilie:

  5. We recently spent a week like this. Although we did eat out a couple of dinner meals. We hit kids night at Chick -fil - A for free kids meals!


    I let my kids have a lot of things we don't eat at home - chips, juice, treats and such so it makes the meals seem a lot more fun even when they get boring.


    For breakfast, we did cereal with milk.

    Single serving shakes (me like slim fast only Costco brand)

    But we also brought breakfast bars.

    If you have a coffee maker, you can do oatmeal.

    Bagels - although these could be a dinner too!


    Lunch - do hummus and cheese with all the things you suggested. We also add some crackers or those pretzel crackers. Also nuts! Our lunches were mostly snack foods, veggies, fruits, cheeses, nuts, rice cakes, hummus, trail mix etc.


    Dinners -

    Here was our menu:

    Raw veggies and dip (dressing or hummus) at every lunch and dinner.


    Nachos -

    I bought corn chips at Costco with salsa. We used them for snacking too. But we make nachos with unmelted cheese, cold black beans, sour cream, salsa or whatever. My kids love it. I prefer the hot variety but oh well.


    Sandwiches twice ~ any kind you like. I did 2 options for 2 different dinners. Or do bagels either with cream cheese, pb or lunch meat. It gives variety.


    Cold chicken (cooked ahead of time - my crew likes cold oven baked fried chicken. It's rolled in corn flakes and baked. It's very good cold) with potato salad and chips.


    Salad - can be combined with the cold chicken. We like chef's salad - eggs, bacon bits, etc Again this was planned to be for 2 meals with different options.


    Wraps - tortilla or pita and use all left over salad, chicken, beans, veggies, cheese and salsa!

    With a coffee maker, we can do those noodle cups.

  6. I haven't ordered a lot, but so far they are all hits - here are our highlights


    Teaching Textbooks (6) is a huge hit!!

    I bought it for next year, but dd insisted on starting it NOW. (we do school through the summer. But I was going give her a rest for the text book in math and do drill.) But she is on lesson 7 already! She is my reluctant math student, so I couldn't say no the ONE time she's excited. Saxon has about killed her LOL! She's done well but has hated it since we got to 5/4. So yeah!


    Phonetic Zoo

    She also wanted to start Phonetic Zoo C NOW too. We love Phonetic Zoo (she's done A and B.)



    My 4 year old is loving this - it's completely not my style. But I found it cheap. He was so mad that I bought it he threw it across the room, but man he loves it now. Boys!

  7. Oh believe me, I am. I am protective in all those situations and more. "Only" 50 children abducted each year? I doubt that is much of a comfort to this little girl's mother right now. My child's need for independence takes a back seat to his safety.


    She was such a beautiful little girl and this is a crime that could have been prevented.


    Absolutely! Watch them everywhere!


    Here there were 3 teenagers abducted in broad daylight from their front yards. So it really doesn't matter whether they are 5 or 16 it can happen to any child. In the one case, 2 sisters where taken from one yard. And I dont' live in or near a big city...

  8. OK, I'm back from the info meeting. I liked what "they" had to say about the program. I can also see how it would enrich what we will be covering next year. It was not presented to us that CC covers core and we supplement, actually the opposite. One thing I did not like is it is based so much on memory work and does not really get into the subject matter. The other thing is the price for sure. It is not worth paying over $600 a year for each child (middle and high school is more) for a 2 hour a week "co-op" my husband would not go for that. I think I will look over all the material in the morning and re-visit the idea. There was ALOT of pressure to sign-up tonight which I did not care for either.




    Hmm I am not sure that person knew what they were talking about, but it's not $600/child for 2 hours for the grammar stage program. (Challenge does have higher fees than Foundations/Essentials) I am sorry you weren't give the best information. That's a bummer... I would be glad to answer any questions if you want to pm me. It's standard community to community.


    Just FYI - you can see the fees here: Fees


    and an overview of the programs here:







    Essentials and Challenge are not supplemental they are complete programs.


    Foundations is supplemental, but you can make it your whole program. Feel free to pm me or another CC family for details.


    Foundations is grammar stage memory ~ that's what the program is. It's been very helpful to our family.


    Foundations is 3 hours, Essentials is 2 and Challenge can be all day.

  9. I do think it's unfair to have to do things for other people. :tongue_smilie:


    I mean shoot ~ it's unfair I have to cook dinner for everyone and wash everyone's laundry. Etc. (okay so I really don't think it's unfair...And that is a mom's job.)


    Our rule is simply if mom and dad have to do it then the kids have to too. If they don't want to clean up after someone else, then I don't have to do things for them. We are family and that is what we do.


    I do think it's good to teach our kids to serve and bless others sometimes that involved cleaning up after someone else.

  10. If you decide to the US side, we like going to Goat Island.


    Drive in, park, walk to the falls, then do Maid of the Mist and the Cave of the Winds. There is nice little trolley thing you can ride around in. There are places to picnic, bathrooms, shops etc. Parking was easy and quick.


    Also go to the observation tower.


    There is also a bridge to Luna Island.


    That's IMO the easiest most kid friendly way to go on the US side. It is stroller friendly too!

  11. Old values are still important for some of us. With the exception of my sister (and sisters do not count) if I had ever picked on a girl I would not have been able to sit for a month. Now I was the only one who could pick on my sister, had anyone else done so there would have been blood.


    I was raised in a culture where boys were expected to fight. We fought fairly but all boys fought and it was part of growing into a man. I can not concieve of a boy, in my childhood culture, ever hitting a girl. The rest of us would have torn his head off. Only a sissy would hit a girl and no boy would bear the shame of that.


    This is how I raise my sons.


    The collapse of basic manners, on the part of boys, when dealing with girls is yet another unintended consequence of feminism. When children were told that boys and girls were the same, when the ideal of a man being a protector of women was cast aside, when boys no longer aspired to be gentlemen, when men no longer stood and gave their seat to a woman...what we have today is the result.


    Well said! Glad to see others raising their sons that way too!

  12. The insurance company is most certainly within their rights to ask. We have had to do that. But you know it's not them.


    You are right to simply refuse. It's getting more common for drs offices to ask crazy things like this. I went round and round with one office wanted ds's birth name and birth moms name. He wasn't legally adopted, but in our state it's against the law for me to give this information. I went round and round with them - I finally told them to all his SW. It was so annoying!


    It most often comes down to ignorance of the process. I do my best to educate them.


    If they need something provide them with your DL or child's BC. I have never had to show a BC, but I have had to show my DL. If they ask for the BC ask it they ask for it for all patients. If they don't, I would refuse to show it. That's just me...

  13. I didn't participate in the other thread, but just to offer a POV, I'm actually not okay with paying for government education. I am forced to pay for it no matter how terrible (or good) it might be. I am forced to pay for it whether or not I ever want or need to use it.




    I am not okay with government schools, food stamps or universal health care. The amount of money being poured into schools is outrageous! I school 4 kids with a fraction of what our district spends for one. Frankly, I school my kids for what I pay in taxes to our local school. And my kids are getting a far better education.


    There is a better way to this, but it's not going to happen. There is a better way to meet the needs of those down and out, but our system isn't going to make the changes needed.

  14. The issue with soy is in the US it is often non-fermented. Fermented soy is much better for you than non-fermented soy.


    Also much of the soy in the US is refined and messed with in many ways as is typical for the US and therefore not only not as healthy but it becomes unhealthy.

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