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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. I don't believe parenting ever stops it only changes what it does. My 2 year old needs a different parent than my 12 year old does. And so on.. I think it's important to understand how the role changes over their life and with their needs. We certainly aren't going to be wiping the noses of our 32 year old adult children, but I think parents can play a vital role in helping adult children make wise choices and such.


    Unfortunately, "parenting" is a negative to most people. It seems synonymous with overbearing or controlling. I don't want that to be the case with my kids. I think it can be a positive healthy relationship until I die. I know that I lacked parenting as an adult.

  2. This is why I posted it here. I am trying to find out what is TRUE about this story and what is being spinned to cause arguments and discord.


    Yeah. It's strange - you would figure the hive would know! I mean they know everything! :001_smile:


    I was really confused and thought there had to be something I was missing.

    It seems so off....and really unbelievable. BUT

    One thing I find really odd is neither the governor nor the hospital have issued a statement to say STOP bugging us - it isn't true. If it wasn't true at all, wouldn't issue a press release saying so? Maybe they haven't had time?


    But no reputable source has commented on it. And the same article is being reposted all over.


    It's all so weird!


    And the fact that the hive doesn't know - leaves me scratching my head too. And just like you - hoping it's mostly not true!! As a mom (an adoptive one too), it hurts my heart.

    Hopefully, official word will be release soon.

  3. The bio parents decided to leave the Down's baby at the hospital, and take the healthy one home.


    You have a point there about the DNR. Once someone relinquishes their rights, how can they make that decision? I wonder about that too.


    That blog post says the agency placed the DNR - they would legally have the right, but why?


    So the healthy baby wasn't placed for adoption? That makes more sense. But there are still pieces that don't add up. I would like to hear from a reliable source.

  4. I must be missing something. This doesn't add up at all.


    So according to one article - twins were born and prospective adoptive parents opted to take just the one?? Or was it the bio parent who decided to keep one?


    So was it the adoptive parents who signed a DNR?

    On what authority?

    If they didn't take placement of that child, they have no right to sign a DNR on that child's behalf. They have no rights at all to do or say anything about that child.


    That blogs says the agency did it? No way. There are plenty of parents who would adopt that baby. An agency would never do that knowing there are families open to adopting a DS child.


    And TPR couldn't have been final therefore it's not up to them to decide what happens to the baby.


    There are too many things about this story that don't add up - either this is a lot of misinformation or this isn't real.

  5. Those DUI check points are unconstitutional. But the US Supreme court ruled to allow them even after admitting it was unconstitutional.


    Chief Justice Rehnquist began his majority opinion by admitting that DUI sobriety checkpoints do, in fact, constitute a "seizure" within the language of the Fourth Amendment. In other words, yes, it appears to be a blatant violation of the Constitution. However, he continued, it's only a little one, and something has to be done about the "carnage" on the highways caused by drunk drivers. The "minimal intrusion on individual liberties," Rehnquist wrote, must be "weighed" against the need for -- and effectiveness of -- DUI roadblocks. In other words, the ends justify the means
  6. It depends. In most cases, if you are in a neighborhood the street isn't yours - it's city, county, subdivision etc property.


    If you are on same land, you may have more rights, but there is generally a legal right of way that isn't yours between properties.


    So there probably isn't anything you can do except park there yourself. My mom had someone part their motor home in front of her house. It drove her insane. They lived half a mile away! So when they moved it for something, she started parking a car there. It forced them to find another spot.

  7. I shouldn't have opened this post! Note to self don't read about parasites at lunch time.


    I was searching for more information on teaching Chinese language. My middle 2 are learning some Chinese at the moment, and we are wondering whether or not to continue it.


    And as I finished reading this post - my daughter breaks out the Chinese left over Lo Mien an asks if it's still good - it looks a lot like that worm I had been envisioning inside you. (I imagined a worm cause I knew someone who had a worm come out her nose following a detox. Umm ya icky!) I told her not to eat it cause I am freaked out. LOL! :lol::001_huh:


    Call that acupuncturist!!


    And you need to detoxify your body and take some things to start killing those parasites. Icky!

  8. False. First, bees are specialized wasps. They evolved from predator insects. Second, bees date to about 100 mya and flowering plants 140 mya.


    I was being facetious about those bees... Goodness gracious - lighten up!


    Duh of course they didn't just fly around looking pretty. Dang this why these threads get to ugly. :chillpill:


    And while yes the belief is that they evolved from predator insects there are bee hive fossils and bee fossils that date to 140 mya. And yes they do keep pushing back the flowering plant date to match that. But the evidence is weak there.

  9. And what put the bee in my bonnet...


    If you want to study something interesting, study the evolution of the bee and the evolution of the flower. It's quite fascinating.


    According to fossil records it seems that bees evolved around 140 million years ago and flowers came along around around 125 million years ago. It's pretty interesting stuff. I am curious what bees did for those millions of years before there were flowering plant. Maybe they flew around looking good. :lol:

  10. You read that article and understood all the math and science, plus had time to write your response in four minutes? Wow.


    (Go read the article, then come back and we can discuss it.)


    Wow that's a bit snarky....


    4 minutes is pretty quick and you weren't talking to me....


    But do you think that you are only one who reads and is familiar with or able to understand difficult concepts?


    As for me, I happen to be a follower of Razib Khan's blog and this discover blog as well a few others. I particularly enjoyed Razib's post from today about the world becoming a village.


    I didn't read this article right now because I already read it. And while it did take a bit more than 4 minutes, it is not hard to follow or understand. It's quite interesting....


    I personally have read quite a bit of Rabiz Khan's writings - not as much I would like to have. He's has quite a mind - doesn't he? I particularly like his style of writing as well as the depth at which he tackles some difficult subjects. He doesn't shy away from details. The study of ancient DNA is fascinating to me. I could read all day on it. Genetics in general is one of my favorite things to study. I know that comes from my 7th grade science teacher! I will never forget him - I was failing science because I couldn't understand that darn dna double helix. He took the time to help me. He suggested among other things that I create one. It was pipe cleaners and styrofoam balls, but when I was done with that project, I got it! Since then, I have loved genetics.



    So you can post resources and links but what about specifics? Can you explain why you have chosen to believe the earth is old as a fact? If you can't give examples - other than resources and links, can you at least share what led you to believe it's a fact?

  11. I wouldn't charge interest.


    I would give the money.


    It's not of your BIL's business. (ETA - I see now that it could be.)


    And interest on a 4 or 5 month loan wouldn't be much at all!


    But to answer your interest question. My dh says at 6% on a 5 month loan of $4500 the interest would be just under $68.00.


    So a lower or higher interest rate will of course change this amount.... I would annoyed that they didn't discuss it up front. I wouldn't likely volunteer to pay it.

  12. I think I would be very bugged by the fact that nephew was looking for someone to play with but choose no one over your younger ds.


    Since your older son couldn't come but your younger could, it really show a disinterest. That would bother me a lot. I would address that with SIL - I would have dh do it.


    I think I would have him mention that nephew choose neither boy instead of having ds over.


    Or personally I would have nephew over instead. Family is different than friends - it just is.


    And I agree with Starr - your ds is being a great cousin playing with his younger cousin. Why can't nephew do the same? I would be annoyed, and I wouldn't allow it.

  13. Don't you think proving the age of the earth is beyond the scope of a message board? I would suggest starting with subscriptions to Nature and National Geographic.


    For people with a little more background, I suggest subscribing to the science blogs on Gene Expression. If you don't have a background in science, or at least a lay understanding, they will be difficult to follow.


    No I don't think it's beyond the scope of a message board to give some examples and support to, as you stated, the fact that the earth is old. If it's a fact, it should have some examples that can be shared especially if there are thousands of them. Maybe it's more than can be fully explored on a message board. But surely we can have a discussion of it - right?


    I would assume if you have studied the fact that the earth is old that you could site some supporting evidence/examples of that.

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