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Posts posted by LND1218

  1. I agree with neither.


    Being a good husband, father and being my best friend isn't IMO synonymous with doing housework. I don't think I could live in a loveless marriage. I have pretty much the whole package - dh and I are best friends, he's a great husband and father and helps a lot around the house.


    If I had to settle, I would take a combination but not either extreme. I can't love someone I am not friends with. And I can't deal with him checking out of the relationship.


    While my dh helps out a lot, I wouldn't mind if divided the chores and he did less in the house. (I wouldn't have married someone who thought I should "take care" of him and all that.) But I am good with me doing certain things and him doing others. I don't need him to do certain things to love him.


    I can't vote for either of these options.

  2. 1. Pets - oh yeah they can cause that much damage. Our former landlords currently have over $10,000 worth of damage to their home because of pets. (not ours! the people who moved in after us.) I have seen some dogs do some serious damage to doors, carpets, windows and all.


    Cat pee - oh that's awful stuff!


    2. An animal in the barn is often far less destructive than one in the house.


    3 and 4 - that's annoying!


    5. Yeah that tough - maybe letters of recommendation/referral from a previous land lord will help with that.


    6. Well that's a common rule of the thumb for housing. We have always tried to live by that ourselves. It just makes life easier in other areas. It's tough though when you can't find a place in your budget.


    7. The reason for not listing the email is it can be picked up automatically whereas a computer won't call the number. While the phone number can be easier and trace to a person, it's not as easily done by a computer just looking for emails online.


    Hope you find something soon!!


    One time we were looking at a house (before kids) and land lord said I do have someone else interested but they have kids. I would rather rent to you than have them living there with their kids. :tongue_smilie: So sure come look at it. And if you want it, I will rent to you instead of them. We didn't wind up living there, but you never know what a landlord will do/say or want.

  3. I buy the books. I'm 7 miles from the library and I would have to go every week. It is a small library so I'd also have to do a lot of ILL. I'd also be checking out the same book 4 times since I have four children. It just isn't worth the hassle for me. Now, if I couldn't afford to buy them, I'd work harder at making the library work. As it is, I buy lots of books used.


    This is similar to us except no ILL at this library. So we have to go 25 miles and pay fees. So buying is easier than doing this 4 times...

  4. I would not encourage a child to go visit a household that doesn't feel right to her.


    Whatever the reason is doesn't matter!! She may be in her 11 year old mind trying to figure out what makes her uncomfortable. It may have nothing to do with your beliefs. Or it may.


    It could be her beliefs are being offended or it could be that there is something about him and the teens that she isn't "comfortable" with.


    Teach her to trust her God given instinct and discernment.


    When I was about her age, there was a man at our church who I couldn't stand. He lead our children's programs and everyone loved him. He was well respected and trusted. He was young, handsome, energetic, charismatic, well dressed, etc. He wasn't creepy or weird at all. He was your boy next door all American type of young man. There was something about it that bothered me. I honestly thought something was wrong with me. I tried to like him, but I couldn't. I tried to approach him and talk to him in Sunday School because everyone else did. But the man repulsed me. It was weird. I just didn't like to be near him. My feelings were dismissed.


    A couple years ago, I found out he was convicted of molesting many of the kids at our church. :001_huh::eek:


    I spent years not trusting myself and my instincts, but once I heard that, I knew I was right. And I started trusting myself again.

  5. anyone know how if you are already reg for the practicum?


    Just register yourself again as a tutor. It's not a big deal at all. Then email the hostess/practicum coordinator and say - I registered twice because....

    The duplicate should just get filtered out. Worse case, you are listed twice, but it's not a big deal at all.

  6. Yes, it was incredible! I am excited about the Logic camp - my daughter is going to go to it in a few weeks.


    I can't wait to hear it again next week and the week after... This is one I can hear over and over. (I have the audio and have already listened to it again!)


    GVA - I will probably see you in July!

  7. I know it's early in the season, but I am neck deep in practicum planning. We had our first one last week, and it was wonderful! Looking forward to our next one next week...


    If you haven't gone or weren't planning to, you should! This year's topic is one of the best I have ever heard! (I have been to a lot of them! I think it will be 12 this year.)


    I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

  8. I have seen these. We actually used them a few years ago at a practicum before they were released. For 30, it's a good price. You get a lot for that $. Many of the parents found the slightly boring and bit overwhelming. But it's packed with good information. Many practicum locations are using them this year. Nearly all of ours are. Maybe you can preview them at a practicum.

  9. We did Latin for Children with LatinandClassics. It was the best thing we did! I tried to teach it myself, but.... We have been so blessed by having a teacher. And her prices are so low. She offers summer camps and year long classes for grammar students and secondary students.


    Are you doing Essentials? We found starting Latin and Essentials the same year to be incredible. My 11 year old is now doing high school level Latin.

  10. We have a similar situation at our church. They have requirements for taking communion that I believe are extra Biblical. I don't have a problem with the requirements themselves just that they are requirements. KWIM?


    Dh's POV was that choice this church (we did consider leaving) and that out of respect for the leadership of the church we'd abide by their requirements.


    Have you talked to dh about whether or not he agrees? My dh wanted to go along with it even though he didn't agree. He did that out of respect and submission to the church. But we also told our children what we were doing and why. We felt it was important that they know the requirements weren't in the Bible. We also felt they needed to see us submit to authority when we didn't agree. And we felt they needed to understand the process that goes into deciding when to follow when you disagree and when to not to. We talked about when things like that are a signal to leave.


    Sorry I can't help you other than to say I have been there too!

  11. My sister is a 2nd grade teacher. She was telling me her expectations for her students' writing and I was quite shocked....very similar to what you've heard. A one page report on an animal! yikes


    However, my sis can't tell me that she's taught them the basics. Do her students know what the parts of speech are? How to write a *good* sentence? The kinds of sentences? How to write a topic sentence? How to write a paragraph? Nope.


    No wonder she's so frustrated!


    Somehow, these poor kids are supposed to write their brilliant ideas/stories down without knowing the basics of writing. To me, a math teacher, it's like letting kids do algebra "their way" just to get them use to working with numbers.


    I don't think homeschoolers are completely dropping the ball. Many of us here are teaching the foundations of writing first, as SWB suggests. :) My 4th grader is just now writing topic sentences and titles. My middle schoolers are really into writing now and do well, but because they have a great foundation in grammar.


    Just my 2cents....


    ETA: About creativity...my kids are very creative. They act out their own stories in their play, plays, and art. I don't feel a need to have them write out a story. Seems a waste of time and energy. :)


    Writing isn't a weakness here - but it may be for some.


    The above is my experience as well. I have been tutoring a friend's daughter who is in PS (6th.) And while she writes more and longer papers/essays and reports than my daughter. My dd's are a much higher quality, and she knows what to do. M's papers are a train wreck! They are the same age. She doesn't know what makes up a sentence or the parts of speech or anything.


    I said something about her subject in a sentence - she said that can't be a subject because it's a noun. :001_huh: So I make sure I call them subject nouns. But then she thought all nouns were also subjects. I tried to explain that nouns have different jobs in a sentence - nothing..... She can't spell, write quality sentences or identify anything other than a noun and verb. And get this - she was placed in the advanced class. She can write a decent length paper, and she is very creative. She may write everyday, but her papers are horrible! I can't imagine what the regular class is doing.

  12. I think that classical education is the perfect way to educate in a location such as this. Classical education was the method of educating before there was paper.


    Leigh Bortins founder of CC always says a parent should be able to educate with a stick in the sand. Here is an article that I love.


    You have received some great and practical advice. My only advice would be to keep it simple and choose your resources carefully. Very little of what we use at home is consumable - that really helps. We have some great books/references we use a lot.


    The wonderful thing about classic books is they can be read over and over again. Choose some good ones to take with you.


    I agree about chalk/white boards!

  13. We just have a system for doing it that really helps. Any system will work.

    When they are trying to learn it, they need to review it more often. Once it's solidly memorized you just review it less often. We have a cycle that we do review and new memory work that works for us.


    We also sing the songs all the time when we are in the car - they have them on Mp3 players. I got them each a $6 Disney mix stick.


    We play games.


    Once you set up a system, it's not hard. Sometimes we do a subject a day.

    Monday is Latin, Tuesday is timeline, etc..


    Once it's systematic, it's really not bad.

  14. Would you attend your sisters wedding if she lived across the country? I understanding not wanting to travel to certain places. Try to support your sister if at all possible, planning a wedding is hard enough.


    I think this is a key point - I flew 3000 miles for my sister's wedding and she did the same for mine. Ironically, we both had small children to travel with, and it was expensive. I didn't have to go, but I wanted to. I declined being in the wedding because of the added expense. But my girls were in it.


    Selfish or not really doesn't matter. Their motives may be wrong, but it's their day.


    If I couldn't afford to go or didn't want to, I would simply skip it.

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