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Everything posted by Camarell

  1. Dover has some gorgeous coloring books! I've bought several in their "stained glass" series. I also have my own crayons and colored pencils that no one is allowed to touch, under penalty of death!
  2. It's illegal, even if you post it on the web you still retain the copyright and therefore legally they should have asked your permission for it's use.
  3. Sounds lovely! I would suggest writing out a business plan with a start up cost analysis. I live in the midwest and would pay $30-$40 a class if I was getting a full meal out of it, less if it was purely instructional with just tastings.
  4. I discovered 2yrs ago molestation in my family I don't want to go into details... but NO amount of family harmony is worth the hurt that sexual abuse causes. I wouldn't go period. I wouldn't be in his presence, my children wouldn't be in his presence and every family member with children would be made aware of his actions. I know that this could destroy him and pull apart the family in general, but someone needs to protect the children.
  5. I was going to say SMATH too.. (you could make your own SMATH board with an old scrabble game) just dole out the function pieces prior to starting the game so the youngers only got the + and - and the older the x and /
  6. The finally shows her explain to Amy where the name River Song came from (it's on the prayer leaf the guard woman gave Amy) she's most definitely Amy and Rory's dd
  7. I'd like something the kids can do in their free time to help re-enforce observational, listening, and critical thinking skills (age range 5-13). Is there a PC game out there like that or am I asking for the Moon?
  8. I've seen the expedite bookshelves used as a bed frame which would then give you under bed cubicles. They have the OODA which is a single bed that has 2 large drawers under it otherwise they sell separate under storage for $80
  9. I did see this on their website, but then how do you correct their writing without teaching them grammar? or are you just looking for conversational type flow "what sounds right"? It seems like that could cause confusion down the road.
  10. TOG doesn't have an actual grammar component but it does have Writing Aids. Most grammar programs I've seen with good reviews have their own writing component. I am not confident in my grammar skills to teach it by just correcting their papers (I is a product of the public schoolz system) So what would everyone suggest for grammar for LG and UG? I like the idea of writing papers based upon what we are studying, you kill two birds with one stone... you see comprehension of the topic, as well as grammar and writing practice, so I would really like to use WA but not sure how to teach grammar.
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