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Everything posted by Pster

  1. from breadbeckers.com Hard White Kamut Winter Red (not sure if that is the exact name but something ~ Red) Soft white (cakes, cookies, cupcakes,....-non bread stuff) hth!
  2. ...it's half my fault BUT still.... I ordered from amazon.com. I received an email saying the order shipped. I then realized that I hadn't changed my home address (just moved) on amazon but...it was changed with USPS which was supposed to be shipping my books. Now the track & confirm site via USPS says my package was delivered in Kentucky - I live in FL (the move was within the state)!! How do I track it down? I get phone trees and get nowhere using a ph # for USPS. Shouldn't USPS just have forwarded my boxes? help!!
  3. Maybe it's just called an MP3 player? I'm not sure. I'd like to transfer our audiobks or download some from librivox for a long trip we have coming up. I am not sure I want to put all her stuff on my ipod. Any ideas? thanks
  4. For a really easy way to make bread (no mixer needed) ck out these links: No Knead Bread or No Knead Bread #2 There are several versions available online. They are simple & very easy. Since we found this recipe I hardly do it any other way! I've kinda combined the "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes" bk method with this No Knead method. Makes great bread every time! good luck!
  5. We have dear friends, who used to be our neighbors, who are Chinese. She would cook with me often. This cucumber salad is something that she made that was delicious: "My cucumber salad is also very simple. Mix cucumber with some salt and wait for 10 min. get rid of the juice before adding some sesame oil. Please use very little salt otherwise you will see a lot of juice coming out and the cucumber becomes very soft instead of being crunch" Here is something from another email: "You could stir-fry bok-choy with mushroom no matter it is fresh or not. When the oil is heated, throw bok-choy in first and cover the lid for 2-3 min or until it becomes a little soft. Add some salt and cook for another min or so before adding mushroom. If it is too dry, add a soup spoon of water. Cover the lid for 2 min and the dish is ready. This is the basic way to stir-fry veggies. Once you know how to do it smoothly, you can cook any kind of veggies." She was trying so hard to teach me how to cook like she does! Basically in a nutshell - (if you have a wok) - heat up some canola oil with a few slices of ginger and a few cloves of garlic - you do the chicken first [they don't eat much meat at all - it is in much smaller proportion to veggies than "our" typical meals] - start adding in veggies (kinda in the order that they would be done cooking first - so, green beans first, maybe some mushrooms, cabbage, bean sprouts, etc etc.... On the top of the dish, when it is done, sprinkle the sesame oil. She says to use it as a "dressing" for flavor not a cooking oil. They have lots of veggies - often several different dishes during a meal. They do eat rice - she had a huge rice cooker for just the 2 of them. She did use a lot of tofu..... sometimes fish. Lots of fresh stuff. Not sure that this helps you much. It was wayyyyy healthier food than what we get in a typical Chinese restaurant. We loved her cooking - very different - always tasty!
  6. - for all the oat recipes! I used almost 1 of my buckets that very same day! I made: Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Bars Oat (flour) Bread a double batch of granola oats in an apple cinnamon roll-up ..and prob a couple others I forget! I saved the recipes and will make more later - when we finish these up! thanks!
  7. any ideas? I am charge of our church group's weekly dessert! I made a great chocolate cake with white icing last week...but now I have to think of some new ideas! I almost never bake or cook for that many people! What can I make for a group that big? ideas? recipes? anything delicious you can throw my way will be greatly appreciated - I'll make a list!! :thumbup:
  8. Does Picasa store your pictures "online" or are they only stored on your computer? I'm trying to figure it out.... I know you can make "web albums" which would then be online but.... are the regular downloads I make when I empty the digital camera just on my computer? So if my computer crashes - we lose everything. Anybody know what I mean? Are there any other online picture places that store all your downloaded pictures online? :confused: thanks
  9. whoops! Sorry, read your post wrong - missed the "not"!! yikes - I wouldn't be thrilled with one of those either. Dd would still go after him. We had one of those living on our porch once - under the grill cover. 8-10" is big for it to be in your kitchen hiding. I hope you catch him~
  10. LOL - I don't know how to get him out but dd would help if she were close by! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-lined_Skink The blue tail indicates he's a juvenile. They are pretty with that iridescent blue aren't they? I have quite a few pics of dd with those in her hands. I hope you can catch him - he won't make it forever under the cabinets! good luck!
  11. (re: Quiver's above post) I'm going to look in my breadbeckers cookbook for an oatmeal cookie recipe but..... what was your granola recipe? I remember having it and making it a couple times but I think that was before my computer crashed last year. Is your recipe like the one in breadbecker? I think they have one there too..... thanks
  12. I mistakenly bought a bucket of rolled oats...ur...a couple times and now I have a lot to use up! What can I make that would us a lot of oats? (other than oatmeal) thanks!
  13. I saw something on this at one point.....and now a quick search online - I can't find it..... I hope someone else posts but.... I did find this link: Make Your Own Mixes. and this one Make Your Own Mixes #2 And....if you like (no, make that LOVE) homemade bread - check out Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes from the library. I have this book and love it! Best bread ever! You can store the dough in the fridge and just take balls of it during the week as you need it. Hope that helps~
  14. Thanks for the chemistry links!! these will be helpful~
  15. I'm going to do the pre-leve with all 3 dd's (8,6,5) - I chose the pre-level so all can be involved and I figure I can do more in depth study of things with my oldest if/when interested. What bk do you recommend that would go along with RS4K well? Any ideas? Or should we just finish this and go on to something different? thanks
  16. thank you ladies - you helped me straighten out my thoughts on what I was doing / planning. Good grief....I took a break from my planning while we moved (~a month) and now everything looks so foreign to me!!! My thoughts on things are all rusty! lol - and I'm trying to understand my notes on things.:001_huh: thanks :)
  17. thank you both for explaining it a little more....I was pretty surprised that there weren't more tchr guided directions on how & where to start. A page to introduce the whole program and get us going on it would have been nice. I know it's only the pre-level bk but still!! I need the guidance to get started..... lol thanks for the help!
  18. I just received the Real Science bks for chemistry pre-level 1 today. Do you read the chapter first or do the experiment first? I can't find which way to go - the TM just kinda jumps right into the 1st experiment...(unless I'm missing it). And I guess - the 1st experiment goes with the 1st chapter in the book; 2nd experiment with the 2nd chapter; etc etc..... right? thanks
  19. I am looking to start this soon. I'd like to do it with our read-aloud bks. I just looked up the read-aloud bk we are going to do under fantasy and they have it listed under the 6+ grade level. Is it ok to do this level bk (since it will be a read aloud) with dd's 8,6,5? We can do the wks together following the story. ~or I can adapt the suggested activities as need be. What do you think? This should work, right? I'm guessing the bks listed for the lower level grades are just in case the students are going to be reading them independently. Please clarify if I'm missing something~ thanks!
  20. We've had a sporadic year with school - "life" kinda got in the way so to speak so we didn't cover as much as I wanted to in our subjects this last year. I guess I kinda feel behind in things.... (I know - "behind who?") but it just makes me want to get organized and have things planned out. I know science & history will prob get done ~2x a wk. Art - when we get to it. Music - we'll listen to a lot more frequently. I can always read about composers and artists whenever. I want the girls to learn more about the US (we'll be doing a little travel in a couple months) so it won't tie into SOTW. I don't think Trail Guides will take too long each day.... tho that is one of the things I have to explore more before we get started. Thanks for sharing your schedule and ideas. Hearing from others will help me figure it out! :)
  21. .....for your ideas. I will make some notes and work on figuring it all out. I do find I have to keep the 2 younger ones busier while I'm working with my older one. I am *trying* to work out something where the younger ones can get work done independently but they aren't quite there yet. I guess to some degree it will work itself out as we go.... thanks! :)
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