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  1. Sorry, I think I was unclear. I can find the 2016-2017 schedule. the 2017-2018 has probably not yet been posted.
  2. I am so appreciative of the various responses. I am inclined to go to this first meeting, but I will ponder it a bit more. All he has is a letter of acceptance and instructions to set up an advisor meeting. We can't even find next year's class schedule online to look at.
  3. I am trying to decide if I should go with DS to the initial advisor meeting for his first DE class. DS (currently in 10th) has just been accepted into a program for 11th and 12th graders to take college classes. This is a small, private four-year college. His acceptance letter tells him to contact his assigned advisor to discuss course selection, scheduling, and registration. Is it too helicopter-y for me to go with him? If I don't go, what questions/info should we prepare? I plan to be completely invisible to the professors once he starts classes. But the idea of sending him alone to the initial advising session has me jittery.
  4. Is that for AP Comparative Government and Politics? That blurb sounds familiar. I was worried about that, but the teacher really did make it all work out, presumably for everyone. She offers the class twice per week.
  5. :grouphug: Our 10th grader has lived in four states plus Denmark. We just moved to Maryland in November, and I suspect he harbours a subconcious fear that he will have to move again before he finishes high school. I hope beyond hope that we stay here until at least summer 2019. I don't know Arlington VA specifically, but I love living within proximity to DC. You could try a PM to Amira - I think she lived there recently.
  6. Nope. I figured there had to be a better way. Thanks!
  7. Bookstagram. Am I the last bookish person online to have heard of this? For the most part, I have resisted/avoided instagram. But the other day, I opened an account because I wanted to look at more bullet journal photos. But then, I discovered #bookstagram and #shelfiesunday. And whoosh, down the rabbit hole I went! Just in case I am not the very last person online to have found such time sucks delights: Bookstagram photos are staged photos of books. Shelfies are photos of bookshelves. Search for them only if you have time to spare. I won't enable you with links. :lol:
  8. Is posting on Goodreads discussions as tedious as it seems? I just made a post on a group discussion (Into the Forest reading challenge), and it took me F-O-R-E-V-E-R to put in the html for the links and the italics.
  9. DH and I went to see Bill Bryson speak last night :hurray: . I almost didn't go because, while of course I know who he is and what he has written, I confess that I have never read any of his books. But it was free, so I got over myself :) I'm glad I went! He was witty and affable, and of course now I want to read him. A Walk in the Woods seems like an obvious place to start, but I am open to another title. As an aside, I am so impressed with the town we live in now. The arts here are wonderfully supported. Last night, it was first-come-first-serve with doors opening 30 minutes ahead of the talk. By the time we got there, the line snaked around two corners and through a parking garage. I really had my doubts that we would get a seat. The venue holds 1200 and we were one of the last to get seats. They let the overflow hang out in the lobby and the talk was broadcast into the lobby. Nobody was turned away.
  10. I have one that I have been paying on since the 1980s. It isn't the greatest, because the premium increases as I age but it isn't over-the-top expensive either. On the upside, it never expires. I'n debating letting it go after our youngest graduates high school (2019), and replacing it with a long term care policy. I am in my 50s and have been witnessing peers panic over the cost of care for their parents. My mom took out her long term care policy in her 50s, and I am grateful.
  11. I started Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster by Svetlana Alexievich. I read the prologue before bed - big mistake :scared: . In fact, the prologue was so horrific and sad that I wasn't sure I could continue. But I did continue, and I am about half done. Not all of the oral histories are gruesome/graphic, but they are all heartbreaking. I have found myself fascinated by Ms. Alexievich and Belarus. She is from Belarus, and she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature. From the Historical Notes: During the war, one out of every four Belarussians was killed; today, one out of every five Belarussians lives on contaminated land.
  12. Physics courses can use the Conceptual Physics text and still be math-focused courses. Here is an online one at Indiana University. It requires Alg I, Geometry and a semester of trig as a prerequisite. https://iuhighschool.iu.edu/courses/highschool/courses/9871 Clover Creek Physics also addresses this in the 2nd paragraph: http://www.clovercreekscience.com/physics/ In both cases, the instructor is providing non-conceptual problem sets to students.
  13. Butter, I am so glad you posted another link to your daughter's YouTube videos. I didn't get to catch them before, and I had wanted to. She is very charismatic, and I am her newest subscriber. Keeping with the fairy tale theme this week: I read two fairy-tale-themed graphic novels for the Goodreads challenge: Fables, Volume 1 Legends in Exile. Yuck. The dialog was awful, the artwork was forgettable, and every character was annoying. Snow White: A Graphic Novel. I liked this one. The artwork suited the setting (Depression era NYC) beautifully. -- Some random things about H.C. Andersen that I know: He also made beautiful papercuts. I have seen some of these in person at the museums in Denmark, and they are really cool. Charles Dickens found him to be a guest who overstayed his welcome. I first heard this story at the H.C. Andersen museum in Odense, Denmark, so I figure it must have some credibility. Here is an article about their encounter. He traveled a lot. A whole whole lot!!! Link to his travels. The reigning Queen of Denmark, Queen Margarethe II, is a talented artist. In fact, under a psuedonym, she illustrated a Danish version of the Lord of the Rings. She was an integral part of two films about the works of H.C. Andersen, De Vilde Svaner (The Wild Swans) and Snedronningen (The Snow Queen). She did the decoupage art for , and she is the narrator - I have watched that film more times than I can count.
  14. I have the multiquote button, but all I see is the normal reply box. As I am typing this, I have a choice between Add Reply, Preview Post, or Cancel.
  15. Yes, that is it. Sorry! I will go back and fix the link when I can get on my laptop.
  16. Kareni, I switched to low sodium cooking three years ago. For me, once I learned the right techniques and ingredient swaps, I didn't need specialized cookbooks. But my husband has recently decided to align his eating habits closer to mine, so now I am looking for new recipes for things he would like - we do not have a lot of overlapping tastebuds and that has always been a challenge. I have been taking the DASH diet books from the library. Right now, I have this one: The Everyday Dash Diet Cookbook Normally, I use food blogs more than cookbooks. I have saved the following for low-sodium: Hacking Salt http://www.hackingsalt.com/ Sodium Girl http://www.sodiumgirl.com/ Low Sodium Cooking http://www.lowsodiumcooking.com/free/index.htm -- Not related to sodium cooking, but I also had this book from the library last week and I loved it: Vegan Vegetarian Omnivore: Dinner for Everyone at the Table I live with a bunch of carnivores. While I am not strictly vegan, I strongly dislike meat. Which is why I have never been able to cook it right. (edited to fix link)
  17. Thank you, Congressional Award! I am writing a school profile for my son's DE enrollment application. As part of the homeschool philosophy section, I wanted to point out that, while striving for academic excellence, we have a holistic approach to learning. Highlighting participation in the CA made it easier to summarize what I was trying to say.
  18. Now I really feel like I belong to the the BaW thread. I am reading Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer for my Flufferton bingo square. I had never even heard of Georgette Heyer before, lol. I also started reading The Little Prince aloud to my 10th grader. I have a high success rate for choosing books he likes, and I think he is going to love it. Just like I did when my beloved 11th grade English teacher suggested it to me. I made my son promise not to look up anything about the book or the author until we were done.
  19. Tress, my amazon page is showing a regular Kindle price of $8.99 with the $1.99 valid through the end of February.
  20. I have never been able to multiquote. Can someone tell me the steps? Then I will know if my multiquote function does not work or if I just do not know how to do it! TIA
  21. Thanks for the awesome guest post about Fairy Tales, and I plan to read From the Beast to the Blonde on the schedule you proposed. A special thanks for the link to the Once Upon a Time suggested reading list. I currently have Once Upon a Time out from the library, but alas it has been sitting here unread and may have to go back soon.
  22. My son's fitness hours come from a sport (Goal 1) and fitness walking/hiking (Goal 2). Goal 1 was swimming when we lived overseas, but he has shifted to fencing. ETA: I am always trying to figure out the best bucket for everything. Credit? Or Extracurricular? Congressional Award: Yay or nay? For example, he is working on a SCUBA certification. We decided to use the hours towards his PE credit. It probably will not be continuous enough for an award goal, kwim? If he does more diving after certification hours, that will be extracurricular.
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