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Everything posted by Milseain

  1. We've been with MUS since 1st grade. My 6th grader is doing Zeta. If it was up to him he would be further. Math is his strong point but it is not mine. So to make sure he gets it, we take a little longer then he likes. But it's my way to make sure he is better in math then me. :o
  2. Hi I am Candy and I live in Georgia. Married to my better half for 12 years, been a couple for 14 years. We have 3 children. We've always homeschooled our kids. I read The WTM when my oldest was in 1st grade and have been reading these boards ever since! The boards have helped me a lot!!:D
  3. We will be doing SOTW 1 & SOTW 2 in one year. We do history 30 min. daily. Will that be enough time to finish both this year or do we need to do 1 hour daily.
  4. For 1st - 4th, I do the program exactly as they say to do it. For 5th and up, I say the word & if they need it I put it in a sentence. They write the word & tell me they got it. I spell it out loud for them. If they got it right we go to the next word. If they get it wrong they correct it. If they need me to respell it I do.
  5. We only go to the Drive-In Theater. We pay $7 per person, kids 3 - 9 years old are $1. Your ticket buys you two movies for the price of one and you can eat & drink what you want. You can buy food & drinks there but you don't have to.
  6. I'm using it with my 1st grader and he's doing great. I only give him half the list at a time. Next year I will give him all the words on the list. My older ds has used it from 1st grade too. I love this program!
  7. We are using Epsilon right now, and you do need the overlays. Ds is on lesson 28. He is not having any problems with it. We have use MUS from the beginning. Math is his favorite subject and he is math smart. You do have to master the lesson before you can go on and it only focused on fractions. If You do the systematic reviews and the test (as reviews) it will review everything you learn in the other books. We don't do the reviews all the time but what we do is enough. Hope this helps. :)
  8. This is our 8th year. We intend to continue through high school.
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