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Everything posted by terrylee

  1. This is going to sound not very bright. I'm new this year (2007/2008) to homeschooling. What do you mean when you say a spine? AND do you have any recommendations? Thanks, Terrylee
  2. My kids write out the problems. I pick which ones they need to do (odd/even) and they write them out. It really helps to use graph paper, dd 8 knows she needs to line up the numbers to do the problem correctly so she makes sure her numbers are in the little squares! I also use the blacklines, quizzes and speed drills. Which are in a workbook format. Hope this helps! terrylee
  3. I am looking into this myself at the moment. I really like the idea of having what I need on hand. Terrylee
  4. I am considering using Truthquest next year. I would love to hear opinions and advice from those who are enjoying presently or in the past. Thanks! Terrylee
  5. I love the smell of brewing coffee, fresh cut grass and hyacinths! Terrylee
  6. I would have to say Abraham Lincoln. I recently read a book about him and was amazed at his intelligence. But more importantly, (IMHO), is that he was a very Godly man. Terrylee
  7. Yes, I believe so! We finished R & S early and just started Lial's Introductory Algebra and she is really enjoying it. We did skip over the geometry and Personal Finance sections in R & S, to be covered after Algebra. I really like Lials! terrylee
  8. OH yes we do game nights! There are six of us, my husband and I and four of our kids (oldest is married). Anyway the ages range from 17 to 5 years old. But let me tell you, our five year old holds his own, LOL. We play games about three-four nights a week. Usually anywhere between 1-2 hours depending on what time we get started. All of our kids look forward to it and sometimes we have two games going at the same time. Two of our favorite games are Sorry! and Trouble. Unfortunately, only four people can play. So the two others will play checkers or a card game or battleship, something for two people. We always make sure that myself or DH are playing in the game for two. This way both parents are part of each game. It makes it easier if "disagreements" arise. Surprisingly, one of the all time favorites is "Old Maid" we have laughed so hard playing that game. We all look forward to playing games and once it's warmer we will play outside games like badminton, and croquet. Terrylee
  9. HI, I purchased all of it. I consider R & S to be fairly inexpensive considering some other curriculums so I like to have all of it. We are doing third grade English this year and I must say, I have used the worksheets along with the tests and the teachers manual. I truly love it! Hope this helps. Terrylee
  10. Thanks everyone....this algebra curriculum search is very hard!
  11. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Key To Algebra? Terrylee
  12. Oh good! I can't wait for mine to come. Oh, and I did order Managers of Their Chores too! I can't wait to read it all and get moving!
  13. I'm confused. Is there a Workbook, and a Students solution manual and a video?
  14. Could you tell me where I could find Lial's? Thanks
  15. I was wondering if anyone uses Managers of Their Homes (MOTH) I ordered it last Friday and can harldy wait for it to come in. Anyone else have this? Do you like it? Does it work for you? Terry
  16. Okay, from a previous post in a forum, I understand I need my daughter to take algebra. She is doing R & S grade 8 this year and there is no 9th grade math at R & S. I am considering Teaching Textbooks, but they are very expensive and I'm not sure if we can afford it for next year. Anyway, does anyone have any experience in what they did after R & S grade 8? If so, how did it work for you? Thanks, Terry
  17. I was just looking at their website and I think this may be what I have been looking for to use next year. In your opinion will this work for these ages 13 year old dd, 8 (9 in Sept.) dd, and a 5 year old ds? There is such a big age difference and I really want to do something together. We tried MOH this year, but ds was too young and got bored. opinions please!
  18. I love it too! I'm not good at math but I am learning!
  19. She really has no clue what she wants to do. I tell her she has plenty of time. We will probably go ahead and do Algebra I. I will probably have to go with the Teaching Textbooks as I have no idea how to do algebra. Teaching Textbooks has very good reviews, I just wish they weren't so expensive. Thanks for all the advice!
  20. Have you looked at "Developing Godly Character in Children"? It's at Christian Book. I recently purchased it and plan on implenting it in May throughout the summer. Terry
  21. What is your opinion on math when approaching algebra? My dd is using R & S grade 8 this year. We pulled her out of PS October 2007. I would not call math her strongest or favorite subject. She can do it just fine but doesn't enjoy it. R & S doesn't have a math curriculum after grade 8. I was leading toward Teaching Textbooks Algebra I, but then I started thinking if Algebra is necessary? I never learned Algebra in school, I took business math in high school. I think she may enjoy something similar. I loved Accounting and personal finance courses. I have noticed personal finance courses listed as "electives". What is your opinion? I appreciate any advice. Terrylee
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