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Everything posted by forwardbyfaith

  1. I have Typing Instructor for Kids and my kids really like it. I would think Typing Instructor Deluxe would be great for older kids. I plan to switch to it once my kids get a bit old and tire of the kids version. My kids have learned a lot with this program.
  2. I have looked at sample pages and this looks really good! I like that it goes chronologically through the Bible over four years. Have your kids liked this program? Do you think your kids grew spritually from what they learned? TIA!
  3. I said a prayer for this lady. There is a lady in our church who was recently admitted to the hospital for severe depression. It is hard to know how to help them. I pray she can get the help she needs.
  4. I, too am so thankful for these boards. I have gleaned so much and found some great curriculum that I didn't even know was out there!
  5. Did your friend give any specifics? I have used the elementary books and thought they were very sound.
  6. Check out the stuff by Positive Action. I bought the third and fourth grade books last year, but didn't end up finishing them. The content was good, but I felt it was more geared towards a church or Sunday school setting. What ages are in your children's church?
  7. Can someone please fill me in here? I am clueless! :confused:
  8. Thanks for your responses, ladies. I am definitley thinking I will be reading it them and then we will discuss it. Anyone else want to chime in? :)
  9. What ages could these be used for? I am going to RS4K Chem and Physics 1 next year and I was thinking of supplementing with The Exploring the World of Physics/Chemistry books. My kids will be 9 and 11 when I use it next year. Would it be over their heads?
  10. Thanks for all your replies. In thinking through this, I can see that for my kids this will probably be enough. Ds has not had too much writing instruction and is very reluctant so I think this will be a great fit for him. I am always second guessing myself. Sometimes I need to just take a deep breath and like you said, look at everything in context.
  11. I am planning on using WT next year and someone said there wasn't enough writing in the program (only one story a week) and they felt they needed to supplement it with something else. For those of you who have used it, do you add extra writing to this? If so, what do you supplement it with? Thanks
  12. Can you tell me exactly how you do this? Do you have him read something in history or science and then write a paragraph or two about what he has read?
  13. Really? I thought this was a stand-alone writing program. Do those of you who have used it supplement it with something else? I have looked at root programs over and over again and I just cannot decide which to choose. Some looked too advanced for my kids ages and some I just didn't like the looks of. Any ideas?
  14. I am using SL and they do schedule a poetry book that we will be using next year. Anything else?
  15. I am thinking through what I want to do next year and I wanted to run this by all of you. Is there anything I am missing? 9 yrd old: Writing Tales 1 Growing with Grammar 4 Sequential Spelling Vocab - Sonlight vocab words from the reading 11 yr old: Writing Tales 2 Growing with Grammar 5 Sequential Spelling and Apples Spelling (needs extra spelling practice!) Vocab - Sonlight vocab words from the reading I guess it seems light to me after last year having a whole ton of workbooks that I am ditching. Does this look like enough? TIA!
  16. I too, have used Just Write 2 this year and we are ditching it next year for Writing Tales. I honestly can't say it has improved my kids writing at all. Ds is a very reluctant writer and having to come up with his own ideas too write was not working for us. I can't wait to start Writing Tales. It looks so much better!
  17. I don't know if this is what you are looking for or now, but this is a very thorough chronological bible curriculum for kids. It is a bit teacher intensive, but well worth it. It is called Building on Firm Foundations. Here is a link: http://www.answersingenesis.org/PublicStore/product/Firm-Foundations-Childrens-Edition-Teachers-Guides,4470,241.aspx
  18. I'm just bumping this again hoping some more of you will chime in. :)
  19. I stumbled across this program and I am really interested. We are using Just Write this year and my kids are not thrilled with it. I love the copywork/writing portion of Writing Tales. I think it would help ds get over the "I don't know what to write" syndrome. My question is this: in looking at the grammar portions, they looked pretty intense and a lot of information was given at once. I think the grammar would be overwhelming. We are using Growing with Grammar this year and it is really working well for us. Have any of you just used the writing portions of WT and done your own thing for grammar? How have your kids liked this program? Also, next year my kids will be 9 and 11. I think book 2 would be too much for my nine year old. Could I get book 1 and use it with the 11 year old as well - especially if I am going to use GWG? My thought is that I would expect more out of my 11 yr. old in her writing if I used book one for her too. I hate to get both books. I would like to combine if possible. What do you think? Would book 1 be way too easy for an 11 yr. old? Thanks!
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