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Posts posted by readinmom

  1. Just a heads up for tomorrow's deals. I just came back from Staples. I asked what the teacher limit would be because we always get extra. He said there was a new policy this year. The teacher limit is 25 per item, but...after the initial limit of 2 or 5 per customer, you have to pay the overage (regular price). That money will go on your rewards card.


    I laughed and told him they were in for some angry teachers tomorrow. Then dh says, "It's just easier if each of us stands in line and buys the limit, put them in the car, come back for more." Manager agreed! :confused:

  2. I teach and that theory is warped beyond belief! I was shy all the way through most of high school, eventually finding my niche with music. I developed a great set of friends who liked me for me. Not once in a classroom did I ever learn that set of "values" that your sister says your dd will learn and benefit from. I overcame my shyness when it was the right time.


    I don't know your dd, but I respect her for who and what she is right now. Sitting in a public school classroom is not going to be the end all of her experiences in life.


    Some kids thrive in public school, some don't. Some kids thrive in private school, some don't. Some kids thrive in homeschooling, some don't. I choose what is best for each of my dc individually. Yes, I am a homeschooling public teacher!


    You are the one that knows what is best for your dd. Be confident in the fact that you have made the right choices for her.

  3. Beef cubes, chicken breast, or pork; add a bottle of bbq sauce; crockpot low for 6 hours. Serve on buns with chips, veggies, or fruit


    Baked Potatoes w/toppings; salad


    Macasagna (named by ds) 2 boxes of mac and cheese; boil mac noodles until just softened; follow directions on package for cheese sauce; add one bottle spaghetti sauce; bake in a pan for 30 minutes at 350; top with parmesan or other cheese last ten minutes. My kids love this!


    Baked chicken breast topped w/ 1/3 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup worc. sauce, 3 tbs. margarine. Serve with rice.


    A good side dish or dessert: strawberries, sliced bananas, etc. served with yogurt dip (1 container strawberry yogurt mixed with 1 container cool whip)

  4. I went on a lot of tours with orchestra, etc. throughout my years. In high school, upper classmen got the beds, freshmen slept on the floor.


    If four boys were sharing with two quad beds, no one to my knowledge ever shared. The other always put two chairs together or slept on the floor. This continued through college, as well.


    I guess it's a guy thing...


    It didn't bother the girls one bit.

  5. I would say it depends on what virtual school you will be enrolling through...


    Ds just finished his 9th grade year with k12 program. It had its high and lows. He really liked the physical science class (great labs), more than we're used to in public school. His English class was disappointing. Not much outside reading, no feedback on written assignments. If you're not a mathy person (which ds is not) the explanations were brief, and the textbook only had one or two examples for the entire section.


    Ds was also on the computer for long periods of time, which resulted in burnout over time. He was enrolled in two electives which were dropped/cancelled by the virtual school, which left him short two classes for 9th grade year. We were told to find something else to make up these classes on our own as long as it was accredited. :confused:


    I know that some people love k12 and have had positive experiences with their virtual academies. It was our virtual school's first year. There was a great deal of confusion and misinformation. We plan on using something other than k12 next year.


    I want to emphasize that this was just our one experience. I'm sure that there are others on this board that can give feedback.

  6. Looking forward to library days, math, reading, and ART, if I can find something good. We were going to try science but will have to settle for some fun type of experiments. Her school did not have art or science this year. (not on the state test:)


    I was hoping to get dd a head start on science because it's heavily tested on 4th grade test.

  7. No, but I'm learning to live with it after 15 years. :glare:


    Our house was obviously designed by a bachelor. The kitchen sink faces the tv area, and the kitchen itself is quite small. Definitely not enough counter space, and no room for more than two people at a time when cooking.


    Moving is not an option. Foreclosures in our area are selling for 1/2 price of existing homes.


    I'm trying to subscribe to the principle that less clutter + constant cleaning = enjoyable living space. Hopefully I can make it happen this summer.

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