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Posts posted by readinmom

  1. Ds 1 played travel ball from age 10 to 18. The only time he roomed with other players was on two occasions, only because it was required by tournament rules. We always traveled to the games, so it was never an issue. I would not be comfortable letting my son share a room with other players until he was at least 14. Too much of a difference in values. No matter how much someone says that the kids will be chaperoned, even the best parent knows it's impossible to watch them 24/7.


    Try it out for a few tournaments. You can get a feel for the coaching style, the parenting group, etc.

  2. My best planning time was with a friend. We would swim in the morning, get Starbucks, and sit down at the tables at Barnes and Noble. This was during the summer, though.


    If you are looking for some stress free ways of planning, do it in chunks. Pick a subject...where are you starting, what is your goal by the end of the school year...


    Be careful of overplanning! Even the best-laid plans can get sidetracked due to illness, other such things. Make sure your goals are realistic and won't overwhelm you or dc. The beauty of homeschooling is in the flexibility. :D

  3. I had gd with dd #3. I was hospitalized for 3 days to control blood sugar, then sent home after consulting with a dietician. I was on injections until dd's birth.


    It was a basic low carb diet. Breakfast was similar to yours, and snacks were around the 15g range, as well. I remember eating triscuits with cheese as one of my go to snacks...


    You can google some low carb diet plans to get an idea for your snacks, etc.


    Keep up with the walking! I gained a lot of weight with this pregnancy because of the gd. When my water broke, you could literally see my stomach shrink down!

  4. Ds 15 decided to try public school again. He had the choice of the local high school or going with me to my site. Surprisingly, he chose to go with me. I was definitely not excited about this, but he and dh both convinced me to let him try. He is a social butterfly, loves to be around people. He has a decent schedule, and has joined the water polo team. I am sad, but happy. :confused:


    For those thinking of making the transition, I'll keep posting. It is only the second week, so the newness has yet to wear off. It is going to be an interesting year...

  5. My family has been purging and cleaning over the summer and we have been donating everything to Goodwill. I will drop off items at the closest center to where we are at the time. Yesterday I purged my classroom and filled five laundry baskets full of books, games, etc. When I pulled around to the back of the donation center, the man was talking to another worker, killing time. When I asked for a cart (which they always give me) he said no, to pile my stuff up next to the ramp. I unloaded some stacking baskets, put it right where he said, then returned to my car. When I turned around, he made a big production of lifting the baskets, slamming them down in another place. He barked at me, saying not to stack stuff there. I asked him where he wanted me to put the stuff, and he pointed to another spot. When I started stacking, he started yelling. "What's wrong with you? This is such a simple task. Don't you understand directions?"


    At this point, there were two other people who had donations to drop off. He got a cart (:confused:) and proceeded to help them unload. I asked if there was a manager, and he said of course there's a manager. He turned his back on me and left me standing there. I drove to the front of the store, talked to the manager who apologized for his behavior, and she helped me unload the stuff onto a cart.


    At that point, I just wanted to get out of there. When I got home, I realized that this guy just really creeped me out. I didn't like the way he looked at me, his attitude, etc. Even though the manager said she would talk to him, I doubt it will go far. Maybe he has woman issues? I think that I should call Goodwill and report him. I wouldn't feel right if something happened to someone else?


    Any advice?

  6. The ones that I have had in class have been amazing. They are respectful, smart, reflective, etc. They are very open about their faith, also. Earlier in the year we were analyzing some text, and a young man stayed after to talk. He said he felt the scripture classes he had taken had helped him with his analysis skills.


    I don't know what it is, but I wish I could have more students like this! My favorite student just finished his first year at BYU and will start his mission in the fall. All of his brothers were top 5 students, accomplished athletes, and just all around great kids.

  7. What happened? In August, I had a horrible toe injury that had me on crutches for 8 weeks, then a walking boot for two more months. Several rounds of infection and antibiotics, surgery, etc. I couldn't swim or walk, my two forms of exercise.


    I went vegan in October and started gaining weight. Turns out it wasn't a good fit for me. I started the Abs Diet, and started C25K program two weeks ago. I also plan to start swimming again later this week.


    I'm not thinking in terms of pounds, but sizes. I would like to wear a size 6 again!

  8. This is similar to things that are happening around here. School districts are losing ada money (average daily attendance). Our school districts are offering their own brand of cyber schooling now. Not k12, but a program that offers online instruction in the convenience of own home. This way the school gets the ada money, and parents still get the flexibility of "homeschooling".

  9. Put a layer of mod podge on the wood, add the paper while the mod podge is wet, then add another layer of mod podge on top of the paper. It will go on white, but dry clear.





    Decide whether you want the matte finish or gloss. Matte has worked better for us. You will need to smooth the bubbles/wrinkles out carefully (rolling pin or fingers).

  10. What makes a school district great? Is it the test scores, the culture, the parents?


    We live in one of the top districts in the state. Both ds and dd have attended the local elementary school. Ds 15 had some nasty teachers. I mean downright nasty. Name calling, labeling, etc. On the other hand, dd has had excellent, caring teachers.


    Middle school was a wash for ds 15. Dd will not be attending there, no matter how much the staff has changed.


    No one can give your child what you have. You obviously want something better for your child that you know that only you can provide. Make a compromise with dh. Try it out for one year. Evaluate the pros and cons, and decide whether it is something you want to consider continuing on with. The school will always be there.

  11. I don't know what the law is regarding health care costs for school employees in California (I only commented earlier because we were discussing Michigan, and I know Michigan budgets intimately,) but I googled out of curiosity and found this chart with the average expenditures for a California school district. The average California school district spends 19% of its budget on all employee benefits combined.


    Anyway, Michigan has passed a rash of school budget laws in the past few years, so it's a whole interesting set of circumstances. I don't really know much about other states.


    No concerns! I didn't take it personally. I just wish that people would sit down and read with their kids. How to make this happen is another story. I can't imagine growing up without books and the love of reading.

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