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Everything posted by Ohio12

  1. ok that is very interesting. i am really glad to know this before I go in. i am so nervous that i finally got the nerve up to go deal with this and they are going to blow me off. i just really want to get better!
  2. ok, maybe this will happen for me too. what were your major symptoms? mine are terrible cramps (that last two weeks) and unreasonable rage that escalates all month until I am a crazy person.
  3. Thank you for chiming in. You describe exactly what I need, but I was hoping the doctor could just do those tests. Will they not usually do that?
  4. did your blood work SHOW that you were low on progesterone or does the doctor just suspect that you are?
  5. I didn't read that book yet, but I have kept track of my symptoms, which have gotten worse over that last couple years. Did he give you something to try, or do you have to wait for all the test results?
  6. if so, can you give me some advice for what I should say to my gynecologist tomorrow. I know you went through the whole getting tested for bad PMS type stuff. what should i ask him to check? what tests did you have? did you end up on a progesterone compound? because I think that is what I need. I have a feeling he is not going to be very cooperative.
  7. I am still going to try to read it so that I can see what the fuss is all about, but I am so glad someone agreed with me. I was just reading along thinking over and over how very bad it was. I was a high school English teacher and it made me think of some of the really bad creative writing I used to have to evaluate. :tongue_smilie:
  8. Has anyone read this? I got it from the library because everyone was talking about it. Maybe it just isn't my thing but I don't think it is well written at all. I am only three chapters in, so I should give it more of a chance. Any thoughts?
  9. Thanks everyone. That is good encouragement. (also bumping myself for the afternoon crowd)
  10. About every third time we do homeschool dd "does bad on purpose." For instance, she will make a letter backwards or WAY outside the lines and then look at me and see what I am going to do. I usually just calmly tell her to erase it and do it over and that it is backwards. But I was so frustrated today, she kept doing it over and over and it took so long to write just a few words. This is happening in the morning only, the time that we do either 15 minutes of handwriting or math. Her afternoon time, when we do history and reading, it never happens. I really want to get to the heart of this problem. The other thing she does during this time is whining. I remind her not to whine, sometimes we stop and pray about it, but I don't feel like I am eradicating the problem. I especially want to hear from those of you who say "I just don't allow whining." How do you get there?
  11. I am trying to get a little group of kids together to go sing at a nursing home once a month or so. We would maybe also just hang out and talk to the people. Question 1.) what are some songs you might recommend. I want something that will be familiar to the people in the home and easy for the kids to sing. I was thinking, You are my Sunshine and Home on the Range type stuff. Question 2.) what else would be neat for the kids to do that wouldn't require a bunch of prep work for us parents?
  12. I took dd to see The Sound of Music last night. It was so great! What are some other must see, or know the songs from, musicals? I also love The Music Man.
  13. I agree, I am a control freak and I don't think people wash as thoroughly as I do. If someone asks me what they can do and I can give them something to chop or stir that is ok. But I hate it when someone does my dishes.
  14. Thanks everyone. I am going to go get some!
  15. does anyone use one of those over the counter pills for a UTI? I used one a long time ago and I can't remember what it is called. I bought one called Cystex and it isn't working as well as the one I remember getting before. (also the other one turned my pee red and this one does not) sorry for the TMI :blush5:
  16. Thanks so much to both of you for responding. So glad to know she isn't the only one and that it probably isn't harmful!
  17. Dd is 5.5 and we are doing mostly first grade work. We are maybe 7-8 chapters into SOTW and she has taken to just pouring over the Usbourne World History Encyclopedia. On the one hand I think this is great, but there is a lot of war type content in there. She is not very emotional, not one to get scared, but she also isn't a big communicator that would tell me if something bothered her. Long way to ask...is it ok for her to read that encyclopedia SO MUCH?
  18. ha! thanks for checking it out. that was my newscaster hair i had 2 years ago. my sister's blog is pretty good, continue to check it out when you get a chance.
  19. I do know how you feel. Shopping reminds us of all the things we don't like about ourselves or are dissatisfied with. But let me encourage you to keep trying to shop some. When I was a kid my mom always looked SO frumpy and I thought I would never let myself get like that. I am certainly less trendy and sophisticated than I thought I would be, but I am still trying. :001_smile: I have actually found that getting out of the house a little more often and looking at a couple of stores at a time is helpful. Instead of saying that you are going to try to go fix your wardrobe all in one day, just looking around and keeping your eye open for something that fits, looks nice and doesn't break the bank. I actually just went this morning and got one little sweater!
  20. on my sister's blog..check it out. http://reigningitin.blogspot.com/
  21. DH is in Republican politics and I am more conservative than he is. But I think that if you don't mind big government it was a great speech. OF course it was what everyone wanted to hear...end the war, tax the rich and free health care for all. I don't think it lacked substance. I just happen to disagree with the substance. (I also think his family is just darling.)
  22. i wish now that I had gotten hardcover. we have been doing it for 8 weeks and our paperback is getting tattered already!
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