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Posts posted by lmkzbcb

  1. My kids love chewable vit C. They liken it to sweet tarts. I know you wanted herbs, but thought I would mention the vit C since you were looking for kid friendly and "stay-well" options.


    One more idea, I dont know your kids ages, but when mine were little I told them raw spinach leaves were dinosaur leaves. They ate them like they were going out of style, as snacks or part of a meal. Spinach has all the stuff you want to stay well. It's a super food.



  2. Since we are talking about communion. I am curious how it is served in other parishes. At mine, it is by a gold (I think) spoon, and the priest puts the spoon into everyone's mouth. Sorry, but that grosses me out sooooooooo BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD! :ack2:

    Honestly, the only reason I haven't had to leave for the bathroom while it is being served is because I talk to myslef through the whole thing. I keep telling myself what it truly is, and how wonderful that is, and so forth. When I think about what I have seen, I get queasy. Moment of truth, that reason alone has made me want to run away from Orthodoxy. (I know silly reason, unless you are the one trying to remain in your seat). I dont want anything inside of my mouth that has been inside of everyone else's mouth. And some people actually close their mouths around the spoon. :ack2:

    Why aren't people more considerate about this?? Or maybe am I being overly sensitive? Did anyone else deal with this, and how did you get over it?

  3. The Antiochian parish I visit has the children come with their parents, partake together, and then whoever else lines up. But this was not on a Sun Divine Liturgy, and I have never been then. For what it is worth, there's that tid-bit of info.


    Now that I am thinking about it, maybe everyone just sorta lined up and it happened to appear that the children were first, because there weren't that many there that night?? hmmm.


    Guess I didnt help at all........:D LOL

  4. ROTFL myfatherslily - OCD?? maybe I am too.


    KH - Tonight, I looked over my bedside table to see which little booklet I was going to give dh for him to read. Reading helps him fall asleep and he gets introduced to the OC. Then it hit me, your dh may like these too. They are by Conciliar Press, short sweet, and to the point, but a wealth of knowledge. I dont know which book you wanted him to read first, but maybe this would do?

    As if you asked for suggestions. :D


  5. I did it once, but never again. The guy nit picked every single thing, even to the point of wanting us to buy a $10 hinge thing for the screen door.

    If he had a realtor, they would have told him he was being ridiculous, but we as the sellers couldn't say that to him. It was unpleasant to say the least.

    It was also years ago when the market was hopping. I wouldn't do it based on the "buyers" market right now either.

  6. Been there this past year! We are using SOS, Saxon with cd-rom, and Appologia w/ their mp3 read aloud cd. LOVE IT!!


    I was to the point of putting them in institutionalized school, and this saved our homeschool for a while anyway.

    Sometimes, things don't work out like you want or need them to and an 80% solution is the best you can do. We all have education gaps, and all have fared okay. If your kids end up with some education gaps; they will be okay.

    Burned out mom + more stress = institutionalized mom or a heavily sedated one. :tongue_smilie:

    I say go for the 80% solution.


    Don't have any advice for which curriculum of the ones you mentioned. Just wanted to encourage you, and let you know what has worked for us.

  7. I dont know what all the passages are you are referencing. As far as Mary goes, you can look at the fact that both RC and OC give her a lot of respect and admiration and it is only in the last few hundred that Protestants stopped. That fact alone should let you know what the Appostles taught about her.

    This is a good example of when tradition helps to clear up scripture that is blurry.


    Blurry b/c of the different texts out there.

  8. I don't think introverts like mowing the lawn or paying the bills, either. ;)


    If I had to choose between mowing the grass and paying bills vs. going out to a social event, I would choose grass and bills any day. (okay maybe not when it is 110 outside).;)

    But if you ask an extrovert that, they will tell you party any day of the week. Problem is it isn't practical to either be social all the time nor is it to be in my house or yard all the time.


    Kids: sure. When they've got stuff, I take them, & I don't count that. (Although I do factor in how much I can take & send dh to take them as often as I can. lol)


    This may explain the difference. You are currently moving out of your comfort zone b/c you are taking your kids to stuff. Therefore, you are doing enough all ready. I am not.


    Friends: My experience is different. When I've had people in my life, I have generally not asked for help. The rare exceptions always happen when they're busy. A good friend is totally worth it, but...you stack too many of those up, & getting together even once a month, if it's 5-10 people, equals more than once a week. :svengo: Most people? I enjoy while I see them & then I'm much gladder to be home. I've met a very small handful of exceptions. I married one of them. :lol:


    Yep, 1 good friend is worth it!! In season and out, in joy and sadness, ...etc.

    If I am going to find that friend, I have to be that friend, and more importantly.......... I have to leave my house. :lol:

  9. Sincerely asking--why would this be a good idea? I don't ever see threads w/ extroverts asking if they force themselves into convents or vows of silence for a week at a time.


    I say don't let society pressure you into something painful & unnecessary. That would be like some of the ladies on the boards w/ chronic health issues figuring out ways to force themselves to push through the pain that SHOULD be a warning to them to STOP.


    :lol: Very funny about the extroverts, but I do have extroverts in my family who do force themselves to stay home and take care of "business". They would much rather be out with friends or doing stuff in a social atmosphere, but they also realize that it wouldn't be balanced and their household (bills, yard, etc.) would be a mess.


    So, in answer to your ?..... although I am intro., the majority of my kids are extro. I need to step out of my comfort zone for their sake, to keep some balance in my life (exhaustion is okay occassionally), and so that when I do need a friend (as stuff does happen sometimes - good and bad) there is actually atleast 1 person that I can call and who can call me.


    There are some lines from a song that is running through my head right now. It's by Cowboy Junkies called "The Good & The Bad".


    The lines:


    Living is good when you have someone to live with

    Laughter is bad when there is no one there to share it with

    Talking is sad if you've got no one to talk to



  10. BTW, does anyone ever wonder how many really read all that we write? I mean, I read everything everyone writes on this social group; even when I dont have anything to respond. But I always wonder when I am writing how many others actually read it. It takes time to read, and there's not a lot of that running around these days. Just curious........

  11. I had it in my purse, and took it to her body. At first, I was afraid to touch her and one of the clumsy men tried to apply it. Not long after he tried, I jumped in. It was so strange, the transformation in my heart that took place in that moment. What had been a tramatic event in my young life, turned into healing instantly by caring for her body. When I think of those few moments, I get chill bumps and cry, as I am now. I miss her even to this day, but what a gift God gave me by the usual "fixer" being out.

    Since that time, I have realized the importance of giving those remaining the opportunity to have closure, the healing that comes when the body is prepared.


  12. Okay, since everyone is sharing; I will too. My grandmother passed away when I was 15. We walked into the "viewing room". She didn't look like herself at all. They had put that awful thick cake makeup all over her face. No color at all. I started crying terribly and ran out of the room. After a bit, my dad came out and told me that the person who normally would have "fixed" her was out sick, and that they did the best they could. They didn't have any colored makeup to put on her. It just so happened that after she passed away; I had asked my grandfather for her makeup. It just seemed to make me feel close to her. Something she used personally, and it smelled so good. It smelled like her. more........

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