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Posts posted by lmkzbcb

  1. MrsBasil - I was wondering how you were feeling.


    Glad Simochka opened this thread. (that name is even fun to write).


    PJ - read your blog post today and thought it was good. Kinda went along with the other blog I read that you had posted a link to. Good stuff. Thought the dinner analogy was "right on".


    Too many posts to respond to all tonight. Brain is getting foggy, up too late again.

  2. When I see stuff like this, I always get upset like it has happened to my best friend or something. When a man does this to a woman, it feels as if he has done it to all womankind. I don't know quite how to explain it, as I am just beginning to analyze my reactions. I have had the unfortunate "opportunity" to experience this frequently enough now to notice a pattern (so many just in the last couple of years).


    Does anyone else go through this?


    Why dont we ever see women hanging their heads in front of the camera, and men being "hurt" and distancing themselves asking for privacy.

  3. I didn't read everyone's reply so excuse me if I repeat what some others suggested.


    I have 2 children that didnt crawl until they were 11 months, and then only crawled for a very short time before they were walking. They are both fine without any developmental delays in other areas. In fact, they both went on to play some sports. One of my children would not try to walk until we moved to a house with carpet. She had tried to walk on our hard wood floors, but didnt like it when she fell. As soon as we were on carpet, she took off. It could be that gb is sensory sensitive. It could be that he has other things on his mind and crawling does not interest him yet.


    She could try leg and arm massages. Also, taking his legs while on his back and making the motions with his legs as if he is bicycling or running. Taking his legs by the ankles and pushing his legs up with knees bent into a fetal position. Kinda what they do with people who are bed ridden to keep circulation going and keep muscle atrophy at bay. In her case, it would be to get baby's muscles accustomed to the motions and familiarity for baby's brain.


    One more idea: if dd will remain during the PT session and watch everything, she could probably duplicate it at home. I am sure the PT will work with her on the visits and try to keep them down to the minimum. Only making an appt. when something new needs to be done/learned. If she feels the need to have PT.

  4. The toy storage never worked for us either. All of it just ended up on the floor within a 30 min. span. Then I was left organizing it b/c the bins weren't big enough for certain things if they were mixed with other certain things. It was a pain. Big plastic tub worked best for us when they were little.

    Now that they are older, we use Gorilla Shelves http://www.gorillarack.com/raptor/ We bought ours at Sam's Wholesale for about 60-80$ They hold a ton of stuff, clothes and toys. For small clothes like undies and socks, we use the largest dish pan and put it on one of the shelves. The shelves go almost to the ceiling and take up about as much space as a dresser on the floor, but we get a lot more usable space for the area. The height makes a huge difference. Plus they break down easy for moving and are sturdy.



  5. Simochka - (haha I'm the 2nd to use it.) :D


    Thanks for the advice about moving. Keeping in mind what we can easily replace will be a big help in paring down.



    @ EO friends - I just got off the phone with Fr. Jeff (the parish priest where we will be moving). My draw drops every time I talk to him. I can't wait to get there and start learning. I am so hungry and ready for this. If it were up to me, we would leave everything and go tomorrow. :tongue_smilie:

    And it is so weird, I told him something I haven't ever admitted to anyone except dh. SO WEIRD!! It just came up naturally and right on out of my mouth. My brain was going, "Hey, wait a minute, you dont know this guy from Jack what are you doing?" LOL

    BUT it was comforting after all was said and done. SO WEIRD!! I am not usually that open with people I know I am going to have to meet face to face and see on a regular basis.

    Are all O priests this easy to talk to?

  6. PJ - that is the most amazing link you gave!!


    Several things he said resonated with me. I have to quote. I want to share it with others. :w00t:


    "Take your time. Please. Think of the journey in terms of years, not months. Be patient. When you think you’re ready, you’re probably not. Your priest will not be in a hurry. Follow his lead. Assume that God’s providence is operative and will work everything out with impeccable timing and grace. After you think you’re ready, if you can be convinced that you’re not ready, and you’re resolved to wait another couple of years, then you’re probably ready."




    "Do not expect to show up to services on Sunday and transfer your membership the following week. You must test this way of life and this way of prayer. It must test you. If you have not yet been offended by something or someone in your journey to Orthodoxy, give it another year so that there will be an opportunity for such to happen. You are not simply received into the Orthodox Church and then leave if you don’t like it. You are encountering the life-giving Way and a way of life. If you encounter it truly it is meant to reorient your life.

    That said, if you are a Christian from among the evangelical churches, you will find here solid dogma with some of which you may agree. If you are a Christian from among the mainline churches, you will likely find here dogma and practice with which you will have more agreement than you find among your own churches. But coming into Orthodoxy, while it is certainly about correct belief, isn’t simply a rearranging of one’s mental doctrinal furniture. It may be that in part. Orthodoxy is about first and foremost the reorienting of our distorted and frequently disoriented hearts and lives by means of prayer and worship, and turning those hearts and lives toward union with God.

    That is going to take some getting used to. So take your time.

    And ignore the Orthodox blogs. Like this one."



    There was a lot more in there and I would have loved to put more in my post, but then it would be almost the whole blog post. :tongue_smilie:


    Anywho, great link, thanks PJ. (I liked his sense of humor too).

  7. Simochka


    I like it! New nickname!!


    M - sounds like a great time was had by all.


    LN - I'm doing the same about school next year, but I am teetering on institutionalized school, on line school, or trying to figure out something that will work with our quirks better.


    Sparkle - there's a child's book called "It could always be worse". One of my very favorite books of all time. Check it out at your library if you can.

    Very good for all parties involved that you were home for dd.


    PJ - going to read your blog tonight and thanks for the link, looking forward to reading that too.


    MD - saved the Maximovitch book to my wish list. Looks good.


    Our move is coming up sooner than I want it to. I spent 5 hrs in the playroom today, and still have another 5 hrs to go probably. It just takes so much time to find all the parts, figure out if I am going to put it in storage, take it with us, sell it, give it away, or throw it away. I should have taken a pic of it to share with everyone before I started; then MFL wouldn't feel so bad about her playroom.

    How am I going to get a whole house plus a basement pared down? :confused:

  8. I'm oblivious to whatever happened yesterday.


    Honestly, I dont think people with thousands of posts have anything to worry about here. It's us little ones that get looked at so scrupulously.


    Until the day when I get enough posts......... I valiantly stay on my course to boldly "prattle on" about life's nuances hoping some day to reach the mountain top of validation of my existence. (did you hear the music in the background and see the flag flying behind me?) :D


    I am Christine.

  9. Alright, forget it. I can't stand it anymore.


    Tell us about the visit Milovany', Krista, and Carli.


    MD - very cute about little Meg. Please get the names of those books you mentioned that your dh read about the Theotokos. I would like to see if I can get them here before we move. I read a little pamplet by concilliar press, and it was okay, but too vague.

    And is this the new book you picked up? http://www.light-n-life.com/shopping/order_product.asp?productNum=ORTH023


    PJ - any updates coming on your blog. I checked it last nt.


    AM - how was DL on Sunday? Did you make it?


    MFL, LN, MB, SM, and everyone - :seeya:

  10. What curriculum has been used by students who score very well on their ACTs and SATs?

    My ds is starting high school this year, and I am teetering between a) on-line classes at TPC, Landry, or VP, b) institutional school and c) whether ds and I are up for the challenge. Whatever I do will have to be mostly hands off and self-driven education.


    Before we make any decisions, I would like to see what other families who have students going to college have used to prepare them. Any info you can give would be appreciated. Even if your child hasn't taken the ACT or SAT, but has scored very well on some other standardized test while in highschool.


    (BTW, we have 5 children and would like for them all to go to college, but scholarships and grants are a must for this to happen. I know 2 people who received scholarships strictly based on their ACT score and GPA. One was 50% and the other was full tuition, books, and housing. That is our goal.)

  11. I look around at the kind of MPG that bigger cars are getting and it doesn't make sense to me.

    How does a huge semi truck loaded down with literally tons and tons of weight get 6 MPG (diesel of course), but my Excursion big by car comparison but not tons and tons of weight get 12 or 14 (whatever I originally posted when dh told me what it was).

    The math doesn't work out.

    There is no reason why car manufacturer's haven't figured out how to make big vehicles get good (I mean really good) MPG.

    Anyone have a guess on this?

  12. {sigh} I don't have a good answer. :glare:

    We drive an '07 Suburban (9 passenger). It gets horrible gas mileage--13 mpg.

    The problem is that the smaller "9 passenger" vehicles might fit 9 smaller people, but no way can they fit our big guys + any extra stuff like groceries, suitcases for trips, etc. Ours is 4 wheel drive, 3/4 ton, because we also occasionally use it to tow a trailer, and live in a rural area.


    What smaller 9 passenger is there?

  13. We slept all in one room for over a month recently, and none of them really like to sleep in a room alone. I however, was going batty being in the same room with them, as I couldn't set my early morning alarm to have some alone time before they awoke.


    Based on the bolded, you need to have your space, even if it is a futon couch or pull out or air bed. (We used one for a while, just raised the bed up during the day so it was kinda like a Murphy bed in the living room.)


    Bro can sleep on an air bed on the floor when he comes over.


    I would put the girls in one room and boy in other. Me in living room. Once the kids start getting up before you do (if ever), I would put the boy in living room and me in smaller room.


    Girls are typically social anyways and they can be encourgaed to view eachother as best friends for life, their special bond, keep reminding them of the uniqueness and oportunity they have with having a sister, etc. That's what I do with my girls anyways.

  14. Based off a poll on the board right now; I got to thinking about what vehicle options are out there for a large family that get good MPG.


    I don't know of any.


    So, if you are a large enough family that they don't make cars that seat all of you, (7+); how do you get from point a to b? Several smaller more economical cars? One big jalopy and very little going? A diesel? A community transport?


    What have you found to be economically viable for your family?


    Also, please list what you drive and the kind of gas mileage you get. Or atleast a guess on how many miles you drive between fill ups and how often you have to fill up.


    We use a diesel (Excursion) that gets about 12 in city and 17 on hwy. Still terrible, but a lot better than what we would get with a gasoline motor on that sized vehicle. However, I am wondering what other options are available..........

  15. Visceral - good way to describe it. Funny I dont have a problem with sharing in the cup (Episcopal), but when it comes to the shared spoon inside my mouth.......heeby jeebies.

    This will be a very big hurdle for dh, he's a germ-o-phobe. I mean he wont take the cup, washes his hands after shaking other people's hands, has the kids all use germ-x or wipies once we get back in the car after being "in public", ....etc. you get the idea. I don't know that anything but a miracle will change him on this one. I guess I better start praying for one for both of us. :D

  16. GL- your compassion for your friend made me cry. I think PJ's idea was beautiful and appropriate. She will respond to the sincere gesture of love that was experienced by you, because she is starving for it. Anyone leaving a place like that is starving for true love.


    Only bit of advice I can give is not to overwhelm her all at once. Let her lead in what she is seeking first, and try to respond to those needs first. Then as the Holy Spirit moves in her heart other opportunites will arise for you to give her more information.

    If you try to give her both of those concepts (which are HUGE) all at the beginning, it may be too much for her, and turn her away. Be gentle not only in your approach, but in the amount.

    My $.02

  17. Umm, okay, imagine a deer looking into headlights...........yeah, that's me.

    I will have to read this atleast 4 or 5 times more. Maybe give me the name of the books too??

    I know others are probably reading this and getting it just fine, but it is so contrary to what I was taught even down to who the woman is in Revelation; my head is spinning.

    I really appreciate the time your dh took to write all that out. I know it wasn't easy. It has definitely whetted my appetite for understanding Mary's role.

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