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Posts posted by lmkzbcb

  1. I was cleaning up dd room and found a poem she wrote. I had to share:





    Grammer should be in the slammer

    Math is the path to wrath

    Reading should take a beating

    History is a mystery

    Science is an expensive appliance

    Spelling is an awful dwelling


    Play is a birthday





    Yes, this is going into storage to pull out when she graduates!!

  2. I'll start.

    Many different ways in the last 5 yrs. We are using self-directed / self-education presently. It is okay. Not the best, but working for the time being. I would be more of a relaxed - schooler, prefering real life experiences and character development, and then doing some reading, journaling and math. DH wants all dc to go to college and scholarships are necessary, and that means SAT and ACT tests. So, we do big time box curriculum, SOS, Saxon math w/ cd-rom, and appologia w/ audio cds. Plus it helped while we have been in transition for this last year.


    Moment of naked truth: I am burned out too, and would love to just put them all in institutionalized school. You know it is bad when a relaxed-schooler wants an institution.

  3. Since Ages of Grace is out and I have seen some comments about how it may or may not work for certain people; I am wondering what methods everyone here uses.


    So, please take the time to share the methods that have worked for you or the ones you are currently using.


    Just curious how my EO fellow groupies are educating.

  4. I'll start.

    Many different ways in the last 5 yrs. We are using self-directed / self-education presently. It is okay. Not the best, but working for the time being. I would be more of a relaxed - schooler, prefering real life experiences and character development, and then doing some reading, journaling and math. DH wants all dc to go to college and scholarships are necessary, and that means SAT and ACT tests. So, we do big time box curriculum, SOS, Saxon math w/ cd-rom, and appologia w/ audio cds. Plus it helped while we have been in transition for this last year.


    Moment of naked truth: I am burned out too, and would love to just put them all in institutionalized school. You know it is bad when a relaxed-schooler wants an institution.

  5. Since Ages of Grace is out and I have seen some comments about how it may or may not work for certain people; I am wondering what methods everyone here uses.


    So, please take the time to share the methods that have worked for you or the ones you are currently using.


    Just curious how my EO fellow groupies are educating.

  6. Oh, M - I hope so. I really hope so. Side note : your ds sounds just like dh!! LOL we take our shoes off at the door. :tongue_smilie:


    Fr. Jeff said he instructs his parishoners not to close their mouths on the spoon. Then he told me to tell dh that if anyone gets sick in the congregation it would be him since Fr. has to consume what remains in the cup after everyone in the entire parish has partaken!! LOL

    I am so excited about moving to PA. I was scared out of my wits at first, but now I am ready to move today.

    I may have already said this, but jic, Fr. is waiting to start the inquirer's class til after we move there. I thought that was such a nice gesture. He has something like 5 other families he is putting on hold just for us. How many leaders do you know who would put their plans on hold for people who may or may not end up becomming part of a team?

  7. The parish where we are moving is Carpatho-Russian. I have talked to the priest twice, and he was wonderful. Perhapes give the different places you are considering a call first and see if it goes well with the priest.

    I find that a lot of the attitudes in a group (not always), come from the top - down.

    Maybe talking to the priest will give you a gauge on whether you want to even try that particular one. If it turns out that the priest is great, but his congregants not so great; you might decide it is worth staying anyways...


  8. <<<many hugs to you and yours>>>


    My mom lived with us while going through chemo. She was stage 4B and I was pregnant, so everything was pretty stressful. I only used curriculum that the kids could do on their own, I put my youngest in school, and we hired a housekeeper to come in 1x a week. Do whatever you need to do to keep your stress down and use your energy to get well.

  9. Happiness is overrated; I am content.


    I have moments of great frustration, and occasionally fantasize about life with a live in maid or a return to my physic when I was 20, but I also have moments of tremendous joy and the realization that I am living with my children in a sweet precious moment that will all too soon be gone. I've reached a place in my life where I am at peace with who I am, surrounded by a wonderful family, and blessed to live in a place with freedom and prosperity that much of the world cannot even fathom. I am content to be who I am, where I am, with what I have. In my book that trumps happiness every time.



  10. Another "Yes!" moment with dh and Orthodoxy. As you know this morning was a rough one. I was mentioning to dh about how much safer I feel in the EO. I said, You know what? I don't get that 'women need to know their place' or are a threat vibe." His response, "You know why right? Mary. She is so honored and valued, that thru her "all women" can be honored and valued...instead of under the curse. You are seen as an incredible asset, not a threat."


    Just thought I would share! ;)


    :bigear: to the bolded


    :confused: to the underlined, should I check your blog??


    NM, I checked your posts; <<hugs>> It is unbelievable how naive some people choose to remain and how some churches are with their hiring. <<hugs>>

  11. You want the corn to be at minimum 4ft x 4ft square, but bigger is better. Expect for there to be 2 or 3 ears a stalk and plan accordingly for your family.


    Best book I have is Jerry Baker's http://www.amazon.com/Terrific-Garden-Tonics-Do-Yourself/dp/0922433569/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1305825837&sr=1-1 Lots of good practical advice.


    You will want to plant your garden in accordance with the sun's position. Plant the smaller height plants on the south side of the plot. Taller on the north side. (I am assuming you are in N America). This will optimize their sun exposure.

  12. S2 - that looks like a great book that your dh is reading, put it in my wish list. When atheists or agnostics ask me about why I am a Christian they always ask about those "hard sayings"; sometimes I can answer and sometimes I am :001_huh:. I bet that book would help with that.

    BTW, your packing advice has helped plenty of times. I keep thinking about the plastic hangers story.


    KH - prayed for you and dh today.


    BriG - Sorry you are sick. Hope you get over it quick. <<hugs>>


    I am missing the group and the privacy too, but also feeling liberated by the "unlimited" word count.


    I broke down and bought some books. I didnt want to make the investment unless O was in our future. After talking to Fr. Jeff, my sentiments.... "though none go with me, still I will follow". Plus, I was using the library at the parish, but since we are moving soon thought it better to stop borrowing lest I pack something up inadvertantly.

    I bought the OSB, "Becomming Orthodox", and "Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells". Looking forward to delving into them.:)

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